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Everything posted by Fergo

  1. Thats as strong a case for compulsary sterilisation as I`ve seen for quite a while. Scum . Hope you can get it fixed, Cheers.
  2. It was Patton, although I think his speech was embellished with a few more profanities! Stay safe out there.
  3. I'll see if I can scrape enough wedge together to do it then. For my sins I live in Wilmslow (work at the airport) and got sick of seeing too many BMWs, Mercs, Porsches etc....we need something with a bit more soul around there. Oh and the turbo has gone in my "ahem" L-reg 1.9 TD Xantia so i thought if I was going to get something a bit newer I might aswell go the whole hog . Think the performance might be a bit of a let-down after the mighty Citroen though, I'm sure i'll cope . Cheers.
  4. Ah, affording might be the problem seeing as I will be hard pressed to feed myself once I receive the motor in September . Oh well, enquiry is in, will report on price if nobody else does. Cheers.
  5. Thanks for that. Is it worth getting the bonnet done aswell. I suggested this to my missus (huge car freak) and she reckoned it was not worth it? I`ll try to get an avatar sorted as soon as I can find a IT minded whelk and drag them off the street to do it for me! Cheers for now.
  6. There must be something about Manchester & Azure Zs. Took the plunge Tuesday & have decided to spunk all my hard earned cash to get a 06 Azure GT! Then I find this forum & see there is a herd of blue'uns round my way already . Not bothered in the slightest except I have to wait until September for delivery . On a slight tangent am thinking of getting some Paintshield type stuff on the front bumper to pre-empt any chips that will no doubt appear in time. anybody know where I can get this done apart from Grantham....too lazy to travel that far I'm afraid! Anyway, nice site you have here, Cheers.
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