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Everything posted by get12

  1. ...try www.moneysupermarket.com - they search for the lowest quote for you. G
  2. I see - I bow to your better knowledge on the subject - cheers
  3. ...well, at least you have agreed that you need more than one car to decide whether a process is within control limits but yeah I agree with you that not all cars are 80 micron standard. Not wanting to cause an argument here but if we are not talking about SPC what are we talking about?! G
  4. Hi there, You know about statistical process control - so do I! I will try and keep this simple for you. You need a 'yard stick' by which you measure everything else, you dont just take a measurement from one sample from a production line, you take a number of samples and run SPC. So, there could very well be 4 measure points on a single car showing 80 microns, but where i think you were trying to go with the argument, but not quite getting there is that you need a number of samples to generate a mean (or yard stick) in which to measure all cars by. So, if we extrapolate from what we have just said - if you took 5 cars, measured four points on all of them, and if four came back with a mean reading of say 140 microns, and the last (mine) came back with a mean reading of 80 microns, then yes my friend, your argument would be valid.
  5. ...I sh*t you not pal...a guy who I have lined up to correct my car was recommended by a friend and is a member of the DetailingWorld forum http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/. He mentioned that he had done work on a Z roadster with paint as thin as 80 microns. Lets put this into perspective shall we peeps - you would expect to see thin paint on a quality sports car - for example the newer Ferrari models with carbon fibre body panels you can actually see the weave of the carbon fibre the paint is that thin! Check the link to the Web site above, on the home page you can see a picture diary of detailing work being carried out on a Veyron - they tested the paint at a reading of 180 microns! I am sure that Nissan are not saving on paint to squeeze an extra couple of mph out of them, I think it is just poor quality paint work and cutting corners.
  6. brillo pad it seems! Are you serious they said that? I have not heard anything so stupid in my life! Well apart from "im pregnant" Yep- the person who I spoke to even put me on hold to confirm the 'grease' excuse with a colleague as she had heard about this last week on another call! This is priceless. I'd call Nissan GB for a quote on the grease story. What I cant believe is that some one has actually admitted fault on this. Obviously I dont believe it and I think Nissan use this excuse just to get the car back into a dealer so it can be rectified i.e. they dont want to admit liability that their cars are shipped new to customers with swirl marks on them. All the dealer will do is at the very least use a wax filler on the paint then buff up - so masking rather than rectifying the fault - mind - if the dealer was to do that I d rather they did it that way than try and polish the swirls out - 350z paintwork is notoriously thin - 80 microns and less - that does not give an untrainrd Detailer a lot to work with!!!
  7. get12


    During the snow last year, i was driving my ex's 206 with the little one in the back and a little @*!# threw a snowball at the front windscreen with a stone in it, crached the windscreen and could have been a lot worse if i was at speed, especially with my girl in the back! Luckally there were 2 policemen walking down the road who caught the little @*!# and arrested him, i filed a case but nothing happened as he was only 12!!! ...but you still claimed damages from his/her parents though...!?
  8. brillo pad it seems! Are you serious they said that? I have not heard anything so stupid in my life! Well apart from "im pregnant" Yep- the person who I spoke to even put me on hold to confirm the 'grease' excuse with a colleague as she had heard about this last week on another call!
  9. Hi all, You wanna here something funny?! I have just spoken to Nissan Customer Care to find out what their official view is on swirl marks and new cars - apparently the swirl marks are caused by grease being applied to the paint work on the production line to protect the paint, and that if I take the car back to the dealer they should be able to remove this 'grease' with solvent and make the car all nice and shiny and defect free!!!! Do they think we are muppets??!! I am so loooking forawrd to the phone call from the dealer next week to see how this is going to be resolved - i know for sure the car is going nowhere near them - they are going to have to stump up the cash for a proper detailer to sort it out now!
  10. get12

    AT LAST!!

    Nice one - enjoy! I bought my first Z from them - nice dealers
  11. Cheers guys - i'll keep you posted. Lovely editing moderator - thanks
  12. The thing is, it is not really their fault as they transferred the car from another dealer in Banbury! So, should be interesting to see how all of this is going to be resolved! g
  13. .....I think that is the only option I would be happy with....I'm sure the dealer will sort it out to my satisfaction
  14. ...only had the car a week and only just washed it on Sunday! But I have a witness - 2 hours after picking up the car it was having paint protection applied, and people noticed then the swirl marks. G
  15. Yeah I know what you are saying. I have highlighted my issue with the dealership and i'll see where it goes. Luckily I know how to wash my car properly - 2 bucket system and all that - pity the dealers dont take as much care over it! I think what you said is highlighted by the fact that the response from the dealer over my comments about swirl marks was- 'well, will have to see when our valeters can have a look at it' ! I think that the only outcome I would be happy with would be me sending them the bill for the cost of a detailer putting things right. G
  16. It all depends on how the previous owner has treated the car. IMO no dealer will entertain your request especially after you have purchased the car. PM Steve040 on here as he is a professional detailer and has a paint correction procedure to make it good as new ..I bought from new.....18 miles on the clock! Right. Sounds like some monkey at the dealership or the factory has washed it with a vile sponge or summat. I still think you'll struggle to get the dealer to do anything after purchase. Maybe the swirls are just more noticeable on the Azure? I specifically asked the salesguy whether it had swirl marks on it and he said 'no, im looking at it right now and its ok'. Should have paid more attention when I picked it up.
  17. It all depends on how the previous owner has treated the car. IMO no dealer will entertain your request especially after you have purchased the car. PM Steve040 on here as he is a professional detailer and has a paint correction procedure to make it good as new ..I bought from new.....18 miles on the clock!
  18. Hi all, Looking for some advice. Got a new Azure last week and it has swirl marks over it - not deep but noticeable. There are some deep scratches though just where you pop the boot lid. I noticed them on the day I picked up the car - but after picking up from garage. There is a small blemish also on the drivers side. So, my question is, is it worth it trying to get the dealer to sort it out or should I just accept the fact that new cars do have some swirl marks?? The strange thing is that I had an 04 GM with less swirl marks on it when I sold it last October! also, I live 150 miles from the garage that sold it to me. Advice really welcome. G
  19. ...yeah....thankfully did not have to pay for it this time though.....I look forward to that in 12 months time!
  20. Hi all, after selling my old '04 Z back in October 2006 there has been something missing in my life - something that my M reg Honda Civic could not fill! So, after much deliberation, and weighing up the pros and cons of either going for (and waiting for) the MY07 model to appear, or get a fantastic deal on a MY06, I chose the latter. A big thank you goes out to Marshall Nissan in Cambridge, especially Paul Dray and Dave (aka 'Davros'), they had to put up with my inability to make a decision and even after a decision had been made the flapping afterwards. Well, as a testament to the good service I had received previously, I was still willing to buy a car from them even though I had since moved to Dorchester - made the fun and excitement of picking up the Z and taking it home all the more sweeter - that was last weekend - I clocked up 700 miles in all! Mind you, that included a VERY careful drive up to Grantham to visit the friendly owner of Paintshield - Tom - whose staff applied protection to the front bumper - lovely job Tom and thanks for the lift to the pub and back! So, without further ado, let me introduce you to my new Nissan 350z with GT pack in azure blue: G
  21. Admiral Multicar Policy 35 years old 0 points/0 convictions Honda Civic 0 year ncb 3rd party £250 excess 350z 1 year ncb fully comp. £350 excess 900 squid
  22. Im feeling the lovin' guys - cheers. My apologies go out to anyone I offended - now where's that group hug?
  23. Hello my old buddy old pal and how are you this fine evening Im fine mate - dropped a chill pill so im doin' fine now!
  24. Hi all, Can anyone tell me if their MY06 Z came with a radio key? Regards Graham
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