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Everything posted by get12

  1. get12

    Car Cover

    Note to self - dont press 'refresh' in Explorer as post will be listed more than once
  2. get12

    Car Cover

    sorry - dont know what i did there!
  3. get12

    Car Cover

    I have a cover and I think that if you are careful about it there is nowt wrong with using one - and this is from a person who spent £220 on a detailer to come out and remove swell marks from a new 06 car! For example, I washed it the weekend before last and stuck the cover on it (I have a four layer 'Stormforce' all weather cover from Cover-Zone - cost me £120), I did not use the car again 'till this Sunday. Once the car is used from clean dont put the cover on again until you have given it a good clean again, and be careful when you put on and remove the cover - roll on, roll off - you'll know what I mean if you get one! G
  4. Yes mate - down there today
  5. .....3 for 2 on most car cleaning/care products I dont normally use Halfrauds but offer is useful for microweave towels etc - fill ya boots! g
  6. get12

    MY 350

    ...you not got a Zed anymore Louis - it only seemed like yesterday you were drooling over other peoples Zeds' - until you finally got one yourself!!?? What happened???
  7. get12


    ....a good clean and some swirl marks chucked in free???? (Sorry- the pessimist in me- I would not let the grease monkeys near mine ) Good price though
  8. get12

    MY 350

    You may have even reached the 350 even quicker than i did with even less useful posts PM TheMinel for ya sticker I dont think you beat me though ....I reckon you've been a bit quiet recently - your normally all over this site like a bad rash........!
  9. get12


    ...does the engine have a shelf-life i.e. if you rag it continuously how many miles will you get out of it -10k-20k? G
  10. I have a new MY06, bought it in May '07 and I stuck in 2 litres on 2000 miles as the dip stick was on the low level mark - I am sure it needs more as I am now on 2800 miles but I have not had the chance to check as whereI park the car is not level - I can tell you this - if it needs more I will be dropping the car off to the dealer for them to sort out and I wont be taking sh*t from them like the last time (paintwork).
  11. My previous MY03 hardly drank any oil - never topped it up once in the 6 months I owned it.
  12. I had to put two litres in the car in the first 1500 - I am watching it v. v. v. closely and if im not happy then watch out Marshall Nissan!
  13. ....it's fine - got the exact one from the same seller myself!
  14. ...went ot dealers - they did not admit liability naturally - got a £50 off next service as a show of good faith - did not expect anything else really, so got on to a pro detailer and here it is! Note the 63 micron reading! http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=34557 enjoy! looks cracking only a shame you had to pay for it .....Yep, lesson learnt - i'll be voting with me feet when it comes to trading-in for a GT-R!
  15. Cheers , never one to let a photo opportunity go to waste ...nothing wrong in getting a sly one in - you in Marketing?
  16. ...yeah right ....they gave me £50 off next service - that did not even cover petrol money getting up to the dealer! To be honest I thought I knew the answer before I asked the question... Bloody dealers ......nice picture of your car as well Lomoto - the black wheels really compliment the car
  17. ...yeah but lets face it - they would be setting a precedent if they admitted liability. I've learnt my lesson - the next new car I buy (if im lucky enough) will have to be spotless! The dealer is Marshall Cambridge and really I was resigned to not getting it sorted - they would not have spent 8 hours doing what this guy did on it Its true that you have ended with a superior result but at a cost - a cost which I'm sorry, but you should never have had to incur yourself IMO. People should be big enough to step up and if on the balance of probabilities have caused a situation, rectify it ...totally agree with you - lesson has been learnt!
  18. ...yeah but lets face it - they would be setting a precedent if they admitted liability. I've learnt my lesson - the next new car I buy (if im lucky enough) will have to be spotless! The dealer is Marshall Cambridge and really I was resigned to not getting it sorted - they would not have spent 8 hours doing what this guy did on it
  19. ...yeah right ....they gave me £50 off next service - that did not even cover petrol money getting up to the dealer!
  20. ...went ot dealers - they did not admit liability naturally - got a £50 off next service as a show of good faith - did not expect anything else really, so got on to a pro detailer and here it is! Note the 63 micron reading! http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=34557 enjoy!
  21. ....£300 for Paintshield front bumper
  22. ...what you saying - only people who work for Google have manic days?!?! (or were you just name dropping - in that case my best friend's mum's brother's son works for Microsoft!!! )
  23. ..or some poor soul isolating the problem by going through the cables one by one........ ! G
  24. ...does anybody else get this? The interference is so bad it blocks out the radio signal completely - obviously an electrical issue that needs to be looked at under warranty - not important so will get it looked at on P1. Incidentally, I drive an 07 MY06. G
  25. ...car is going to the dealers' this Saturday for an inspection by the manager - i'll let you know what happens!
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