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Everything posted by rickya

  1. Your right Liam, its just that the stealer I bought it from wasn't Nissan, but independent importers.
  2. Mine being a JDM meant key & code came from Japan.
  3. Jim I think that cost of £63 was only for coding, the dealer you bought from must have paid for the cost of key which in my case was £305! ps funny but i am also waiting for a cheque from my dealer for the £180, half the cost.
  4. Iv just today given my zed in to Nissan Crawley Down to get a spare JDM key cut, & wait for it, for a total sum of: £360!!!!! Thats £305 for they key & £55 to code it. They keep it for a couple of days, I drive 60 miles there and back twice over & they give me a courtesy car, wait for it a flipp*n Skoda Fabia Estate 1.4 diesel!!!! Can life get any worse. Anyway some consolation is that the dealer I bought the car from has agreed to pay half the cost as he did say before purchase many times that he had a spare key. A UK spare key is also apprx £250 all in! Hardly any Nissan dealers were interested in the task of a JDM key only the private Nissan franchises would do it. This is mainly because they have to order the key from Japan, open up your ignition, email details over to Japan, they ask for more details & eventually they email back the NATS code from Japan, which is then coded onto the key.
  5. I centralised it, with the Z underneath the 350.
  6. B definetley, I have one too. But I have seen on 350 tech website a smaller black one, not as small as the micro bee sting type one but inbetween & I think that would be the perfect length. So basically a bit smaller than B.
  7. Anyone have this problem of heated seats getting pressed accidentaly by your elbow & heating your ass unneccasrily till it roasts like a chicken at Nandos! Obviously there should be a plastic cover or slide over the buttons, or relocated but it isn't. If I could find a matching bit of plastic I would try & invent something definetley. But have not found any scrap matching plastic bits. Anyone done any mods on this. I am having to change gear & rest my left elbow like a contortionist. Talking about my left elbow, heres my second complaint: My right elbow which I normally in other cars either rest on a door arm rest (midway on the door) or if cruising , rest on the open windowed door frame,- has nowhere to go in the zed. The blemin arm rest is way too low & you cant properly turn the wheel a lot & if you try resting it out of the window its too high & your arm starts aching after a while. You cant lower the seat & ps Im not a hobbit either!
  8. I might be one of the only people on here to actually really like the Bose!! Its got 6cd front loader which never skips & nice sub to masssage my back! The only slight complaint is yes the radio reception is not perfect, but iv heard worse.
  9. Diversion back onto track!! MY06 does look a bit lighter shade of black. a bit grey where as 2004 JDM seems matt black??
  10. Got that item on my watch list already, but didnt realise it was MY06. Would that be a different fitment/size to my car which is a JDM MY04?
  11. square plate , thick wallet square plate, thick wallet, more bhp!
  12. I also need some new ones & wil probably get these ones but am waiting for this extreme hot weather too cool down a bit. Sticking expesie new blades on in this weather would reduce their life unneccaraily plus its not raining at all these days.
  13. Its good but not GT, no leathers, bose etc
  14. Nice car mate! Lovely Stratos, I thought the red reflection was a Porsche 928!
  15. Iv got nice teeth!! cough cough Lommoto fixed it
  16. rickya

    Car cover

    Thanks chaps, but I definetley need an outdoor, breathable cover. Mike those two for sale are ideal but more than I want to spend. Ah well I 'l have to keep scouring the internet! What do you guys think of this? (the back of the cover will not fit properly over my Impul rear wing, so may not fit all the way at rear) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-Outdoor-Fitted-Car-Cover_W0QQitemZ110015531410QQihZ001QQcategoryZ72202QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. rickya

    Car cover

    Need a outdoor breathable car cover, with soft lining inside. Doesnt necceasirly have to be made for 350z, as long as it is big enough to fit. pm me or email to ricky@hindeshotel.com
  18. Thanks Blacky but Iv just fitted the carbon fibre air dam finisher & I want something that wont overlap & hide it. Therefore a splitter to go underneath would be ideal. The wings west goes over the centre air dam I think looking at the photos?
  19. Anyone know if such a thing is avaliable for the zed. I am looking for spoiler/splitter to go underneath the existing standard bumper. Ideally carbon fibre but anything will do. I dont want the add on Nismo style spoiler (overlaps existing bumper) but just something to go underneath. The pic below is on a 200sx I think form the US. The company APR does a splitter in the next link-pic but is not as nice as the 200sx's splitter as it is completely flat. (Also it is $305 non shipped or dutied!) Any opinions/ thoughts. There are companies in the US that do these but trying to track them down & importing may not be easy. I have seen a few pics from the 350z-tech site such as: Mines;Central 20 & Hasemi that do it but nothing in the UK. http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/Part:Front_Lips_and_Diffusers Click link for 350z splitter. http://www.aprperformance.com/prodsubcatdesc.php?catID=3&subcatID=16[/url]
  20. Mother fuc&ing toss%rs. Thats just 1% of what I think of people who do that I mean why mess with a mans car, theyr either cowards or jealous losers or both. Sorry mate hope you get it sorted soon.
  21. rickya

    My New 6

    Lovely motor mate!! Thats not Piano black interior dash is it?
  22. For a proffessional job get a pro to do it. But that would cost a bit, not really worth it IMO for a scuff. Better to do it yourself if the damage is not in too much of a visible place such as yours. 1)Sand/Smooth exact area 2)Fill using filler & smooth 3)Then primer/paint & laquer. It will look almost perfect unless you look really close up. Obviuosly as it is low down out of sight it wont be in anyones line of vision, no one will know but you. Iv done a similar jod last month on my BMW Alpina fibre glass front spoiler which got a chunk taken out of it by debris on the motorway. You cant tell the difference.
  23. Congrats mate, Though I must say:
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