I have decided to bite the bullet & buy some new alloys!! I need some new tyres in approx 500 to 1000 miles & so might as well go the whole hog. Though I am not straying too far from my tight ass roots by going down the not too expensive alloys route! Hoping to get all in with tyres for approx £1k for 18"'s. As I only came up with this master plan today, two questions first (offset questions will have to be looked into closer to the time):
1)Which budget make firstly make alloys for the 350z & which design? I have come up with a few (not 100% certain yet if they fit zeds)
Inovit Apis Gloss Black:
Lenso RS5
Fuel 6
If you chaps know if these will fit or not, or any others please let me know
2) 18"s or 19" ?(I tend to prefer 18"s) Will be going for approx 8 or 8.5 inch alloy width on front & 9.5 inch on back, with widest rubber to fit?
I am going to wrap these with Nankangs NS2 tyres, which are a very good sports budget tyre that I recently put on the other motor. When funds allow & these tyres wear out, I will put on some Toyos.
Please help