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Everything posted by rickya

  1. I n celebration of my achievent of 350 (semi-quality!)posts & my free sticker (cough,cough: Site Admin ), I would like to share with you all some important 350z facts below. ps that sticker thats means I have now been taken over by the dark side & cannot become a Jedi Master over the other side My personal fave, Perv! IMG removed - family accessible forum guys...
  2. Thats a good price Phil seeing as I just last month paid £40 fro just the fronts from PIAA!
  3. They were these: Ruff Racing 236 19/8.5 front & 19/9.5 rear (20mm offset all round, perfect offset IMO) What do you reckon?? These TSW Rockets were also availiable for under £500 in 19"s I really like these, but almost double the price..Ruff racing 279 [/img]
  4. I do like those Schnitzer rims & have considered puting them on my E46 330d, but I think they would look better on the newer shapes e.g. new 3/5/6/7 series like yours.
  5. £2,500Original (so it says) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BMW-20-Inch-AC-Schnitzer-Type-IV-RACING-Alloy-Wheels_W0QQitemZ230065690415QQihZ013QQcategoryZ28648QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem £850 Replica (also availiable in correct silver alloy) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/20-CHROME-ACS-Type-4-BMW-5-SERIES-7-SERIES_W0QQitemZ250021837721QQihZ015QQcategoryZ28648QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem
  6. Oh yeah thats the torque from the Nissan 3.5-liter VQ V6 engine!....
  7. Agree, religeon & politics, the source of most conflict!
  8. Ac Schnitzer do a nice version also: ps DMS are probably the best company in the UK for remapping BMW's at the moment, though most of their maps IIRC are just of the shelf & not mapped for your car on the rollers. Though thismay not be such a bad thing anyway as most rolling roads data means bugger all.
  9. Well I have spent all bloody week in confusion over a set of 19"s -wheels only, no tyres (decided against 18"s after all that!!) that I was going to get for approx < £500. But I have now decided I dont like them, as they are 10 spoke & I want a five or 6 spoke design. These wheels were very very cheap & they were deep dish & staggered. I was also going to get Nankang rubber for £500. So all in it would have cost me under £1k for a set of 19"s with rubber! But cheap as they were I might as well wait for something else to come around that I really like even if it costs a little more money. Back to the drawing board eh
  10. My persoanl faves Dodge Challenger & Plymouth Roadrunner Dodge Charger Mustang Boss 1968 Mustang Not forgetting the Japanese muscle cars
  11. yah live rear axle! They were about when carts were invented!
  12. Thats proper fuc&in bo, I tell thee sl114! ps tim you could even put ur rims on them, as they would fit, I tell thee.
  13. Phil what offsets can you get those Rota Drifts in? Cheers
  14. Phil those Rota wheels are very nice, they look a bit like Rays, are they expensive?
  15. Tim what are the widths of your alloys?
  16. Lookin great Tim Did you paint those yourself? What sizes & offsets are they??
  17. Cheers for the info Phil I also have discovered I think that the Inovits only go to a max of 8.5 inch width. Do you know of any others?
  18. I am starting to like the black alloy with polished lip look! Makes it more menacing & racer look, rather than a chrome show & shine look?
  19. Probably not & so may be heavy for the traffic light grand prixs But I will be keeping old wheels for any track days etc.
  20. I have decided to bite the bullet & buy some new alloys!! I need some new tyres in approx 500 to 1000 miles & so might as well go the whole hog. Though I am not straying too far from my tight ass roots by going down the not too expensive alloys route! Hoping to get all in with tyres for approx £1k for 18"'s. As I only came up with this master plan today, two questions first (offset questions will have to be looked into closer to the time): 1)Which budget make firstly make alloys for the 350z & which design? I have come up with a few (not 100% certain yet if they fit zeds) Inovit Apis Gloss Black: Lenso RS5 Fuel 6 If you chaps know if these will fit or not, or any others please let me know 2) 18"s or 19" ?(I tend to prefer 18"s) Will be going for approx 8 or 8.5 inch alloy width on front & 9.5 inch on back, with widest rubber to fit? I am going to wrap these with Nankangs NS2 tyres, which are a very good sports budget tyre that I recently put on the other motor. When funds allow & these tyres wear out, I will put on some Toyos. Please help
  21. ps I think I just got this post deleted over on the other side!!
  22. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3-litres-Sunset-orange-gold-brand-new-paint-maybe-350Z_W0QQitemZ220056880044QQihZ012QQcategoryZ30923QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
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