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Everything posted by rickya

  1. & a Merry xmas to you & all members on the forum whether your sunset;gm;azure;blade;etc etc or even custard, & a happy new year!! ps leave the computer alone on Xmas day Sarnie, Xmas is day of rejoycing & celebrating & not spamming!!!!
  2. Great lookin car mate ps agree with Digsy, its not the wheels width but the offset thats the problem. Need approx 20mm to 30mm for the back.
  3. ps thats not my car, unfortunately!!
  4. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-2681526551372114370&q=350z
  5. Nice one Vicki!! ps Sarnie soak it up cos it wont last long!
  6. A little funny one I found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K4i8hlKSSA
  7. I cant believe he actually hit 205mph so quickly & easily!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U5Z6GO05a4 TTGT40 205mph...........
  9. Bought these for the keyring but also has very good quallity tyre valve caps. All made in the USA & not Taiwan would you believe! Only down side is caps are quite big & chunky & I'l give it 3 weeks before theyr all nicked!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=009&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=190062593826&rd=1&rd=1
  10. Probably, may have to first remove the Nissan emblem from your std caps & then stick these on top of the flat surface.
  11. May be slightly big, have to check. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISMO-Wheel-Centre-Badges-S13-S14-R32-R34-350Z-PULSAR_W0QQitemZ290063927498QQihZ019QQcategoryZ10402QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. I am now reducing these to £380 before it goes on ebay at the weekend with the same reserve
  13. Will contact them in Jan 2007 as they are closing for a couple of weesk over xmas.
  14. I am selling my set of four GT alloys 18" with Bridgestone tyres. It has 1.8mm tread on the back tyres & 5mm to 6mm on the front tyres. One wheel has slight surface kerbing on it in 2 small places. These rest are perfect. (Can be refurbed from my Chipsaway friend for approx £40 if needed) Prefer collection or you can arrange your own courier, though have to be in new year as I will be away. Will post more pics soon & be on EBay & 200sx forum by weekend. £400 NOW REDUCED TO £380 ricky@hindeshotel.com Tel: 07961309206[/img]
  15. rickya

    couple of pics

    Rays rear 8.5 inches, Rota GTR IIRC 9.5 inches with more aggresive offset. Which means you could fit 275 to maybe 285 wide rubber at the back. I think that definetley gives a more squat wider stance/appearence.
  16. rickya

    couple of pics

    Theyr a lot wider at the back IIRC
  17. rickya

    power socket

    May not be socket, some phone chargers work in mine, others dont. Tom Tom does, but car battery restorer doesnt!
  18. "It came to nothing, a little politeness and obsequiousness goes a long way, but the car simply attracts the wrong type of attention". If you dont want to attract attention dont buy a sports car, buy a Fiat Panda. "It is a latter day Capri and in a couple of years will no doubt be found in large numbers on used car dealers’ forecourts across Essex." Oh yes with only approx 5000 to 6000 in the entire UK they definetley end up in large numbers forecourts in essex! "The Nissan is like a puppy, bouncy and eager but far too likely to end up messy." If you dont have the ability to drive a sports car dont blame the machine (nb: see evo magazine annual shootouts etc) "The TT is a whole lot cooler". He must be a hairdresser!..
  19. rickya

    couple of pics

    Great lookin zed, neat & clean good photos
  20. May have to Tim, then we can mix up the cars at the next meet!
  21. Cheers Val ps oh yeah Il have to photoshop a skimpy bikini on her!!
  22. Yeah theyr the ones Sarnie Cheers. As I thought they do look very nice & classy, almost the type you would see on an Aston /TVR or Alfa but I want a more aggresive look that IMO a 5 or 6 spoke design would give.
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