Thought I would share a very interesting bit of info I have received via email communication with Newera Imports Japan. They are famous for providing the cars in Fast & furious etc & is owned by the guru of Skyline tunning, the name escapes me! They have an agent in the UK who can do this work. The email correspondence is directly form Newera Japan.
I was enquiring regarding an ECU remap for JDM cars or a Nismo ECU which I had heard unconfirmed info about. Their email response is for a Nismo replacement (off the shelf type) & figures based on my car having high flow cats;Exhaust; & air filter/feed.
Their email:
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your inquiry. Nismo list an exchange Sports Reset ECU base kit in their 2006 catalogue, which raises the ignition curve to give more advance, plus improves fueling and response – when combined with high flow catalysts, uprated exhaust system and induction modifications, this will give approx. 325 bhp as opposed to the factory 280 bhp.
The Sports Reset ECU and Spark plug set, comprising this “Nismo Sports Resettingâ€