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Everything posted by rickya

  1. Agree they are quality but churn money out of your wallet quicker than Milk from a Jersy cow! ps no Im not sure how long milking cows takes, never tried that one, but sounded good!!
  2. Following on from my thread a couple of days ago about the differences between T1-R which replaces T1-S, I have taken the plunge about T1-S's. Definetley the T1-R is a better tyre, around hard corners, especially in dry due to a firmer sidewall. But due to the fact I had already blown a bit on new 19" alloys & didn't want to get thrown out of the house by the Mrs £400 seemed like the right price! Quite a good deal for 2x 245/40/19 & 2x 275/35/19, inc Vat & delivery for £400. It was either these or Nankang NS2's from mytyres at £450 all in. (Nankang being a budget sports tyre). The only issue with the T1-S is that as they are being phased out & if I get an unrepairable bad puncture in a e.g years time, it could be a pulavah getting hold of a T1-S. But you cant have your cake & eat it as they say.....
  3. This months (Feb 07) Japanese Performance mag has a big buyers guide on the Zed with clubs & websites & no mention of this one!! ps lovely sunset one in the article though
  4. As you all may know the Toyo Proxy T1-R replaces the T1-S, but does that mean that the T1-S will not be availiable once stocks run out? Its just that I have got a good price on a set of four 19"s in T1-S & am worried if in the furure I get a bad puncture & cannot get the T1-S. Also is the tread pattern the same of the two tyres (IIRC only the side walls are firmer in the T1-R), if so could I not replace a punctured T1-S with a new T1-R if I had to? Any ideas welcome. (ps If I dont get the T1-S's I will probably end up getting a sports budget tyre, which incidentally is £50 total more & (Nankang Ns2, due to budget constraints!) is not as good as the T1-S. ((ps I am keeping my new alloy wheels purchase under a cloud of secrecy until I have fitted them, with pics & also as I havent recieved them yet! Fingers crossed & all that Al right if you insist some info is that they are 19's/ 8 inch width at the front / 9.5 inch width at the back / & 20mm offset all round (cc: thanks Kev & Lomto for advice), with a huge deep dish!! Tyres will be 245/40 up front & 275/35 at the rear ))
  5. & there I was thinking he's about to say Renault Espace! !
  6. Hey slightly off topic, but can you buy from Nissan just the rubber grip bobbley bits that go in the pedals, cos mine are a little worn??
  7. I can fit 2 sets of golf clubs/bags; 1 trolley; & my mate in the zed
  8. You cant be serious, your noses led you to the house?? Must have been a tip off?
  9. The Sony Cybershot phone (I think its called the K800i) is v.good, bough tit for the Mrs a few months ago. The best camera I have seen in any phone 3.2mp, I even think its got some flashy lens aswell.
  10. Thats in a straight line, but what do you reckon around a track with not too many long straights??
  11. I have same wind noise issue, but not window problem in my case. If you look at the section above the door handle, it is the no glass door end part which pushes up against the black window frame pillar. (This black pillar is the one you can get carbon fibre inserts for, you know the bit I mean!) Ok well below this pillar is a rubber seal which gets pushed in/squashed when you close the door. Well over time these gets repeatedly squashed every time you close the door & now do not unsquash & pop back up. This means there is no seal here & if you blast water from a hose it will get through into the car! I will either get a couple of new bits or might be better to just by some rubber or silicon type black material & glue it over existing ribber seal.
  12. :teeth: oh yeah, a bit too much booze on Saturday!
  13. That'l take a bit of strain off the server ps have a good one!
  14. That was me, that caused that one!! I'm a member of: http://forum.bmwcarmagazine.com/ & I posted a topic on there about what a bad ass Z Baptist's is. The Evotechnik crew are a bunch of hardcore BMW E46 junkies who spend obscene amounts of money making their M3' s etc look pretty amazing. They are also regular members of the BMW magazine forum where Nick (Peppernick) is a member, he's one of the people who started Evotechnik off. Original post: http://forum.bmwcarmagazine.com/viewtopic.php?t=52554
  15. Thanks for reminding me, I completely forgot. Will try & get mine sent off asap. Will update in the next few days. ps anyone know how to remove the struts? Is there a pin holding them in place?
  16. Thought I would share a very interesting bit of info I have received via email communication with Newera Imports Japan. They are famous for providing the cars in Fast & furious etc & is owned by the guru of Skyline tunning, the name escapes me! They have an agent in the UK who can do this work. The email correspondence is directly form Newera Japan. I was enquiring regarding an ECU remap for JDM cars or a Nismo ECU which I had heard unconfirmed info about. Their email response is for a Nismo replacement (off the shelf type) & figures based on my car having high flow cats;Exhaust; & air filter/feed. Their email: Dear Sir, Thanks for your inquiry. Nismo list an exchange Sports Reset ECU base kit in their 2006 catalogue, which raises the ignition curve to give more advance, plus improves fueling and response – when combined with high flow catalysts, uprated exhaust system and induction modifications, this will give approx. 325 bhp as opposed to the factory 280 bhp. The Sports Reset ECU and Spark plug set, comprising this “Nismo Sports Resettingâ€
  17. 3.5 litre twin turbo diesel
  18. Blemin eck that took ages to read all 9 pages! I now cant be bothered to go over there & read the whole pulava!! ps I like my BMW as much as my zed, but Id prefer a Porsche 911 or a Ferrari, I prefer a Quater pounder to a Fillet o Fish, I prefer my eggs turned.........etc..... From what Iv heard the OC mods to need to lighten up & leave the topics alone more (unless offcourse there is swearing;sex;racism;out & out arguments etc) & users/members of the site should also not take things so seriously, its only a blemin forum talkn about cars. Now my egss have over boiled after reading & writing all that
  19. MERRY XMAS EVERYONE & THEIR ZEDS..............
  20. Phew, I almost needed methadone! ps HAPPY XMAS EVERYONE!!
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