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Everything posted by rickya

  1. If aftermarket screen you could plug pretty much anything to it.
  2. Why, is your knob sticky too!! (gear stick i.e stuck on variety, ... thats what I meant...honest!!!
  3. Nice results Sarnie I too have just spent 2 hrs just polishing :Autoglym High Resin Polish/waxing:Carnuba Wax/wheels wax/wheels AF-250 spray (anti corrossion)/Exhaust polish & AF250/Bumper black on all blastic & rubber bits/touch up pen on two tiny stone chips/tyres dressing/.....& am now too knackered to drive it let alone take any pics & faff around uploading to Pc then photobucket then...... ps cars looking gleamin!
  4. UK model should be no probs
  5. Bought this yesterday, quite good for the price, especially as I loathe the slightly worn black plasticy/feeble/thin/micra looking std handbrake!!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280100860805&rd=1&rd=1 No for a few realcarbon fibre bits from Equibis maybe!!
  6. Is yours a JDM or UK? If JDM then may not be as simple as locksmith thinks.
  7. oops! Does sound a bit dodgy, maybe Middlehurst &/or him couldnt get it to work & hence blaming left hand/right hand drive as cause of problem?
  8. If I hadnt blown the dosh on wheels recently, I would have had this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-Nismo-Sports-Resetting-ECU_W0QQitemZ160104512943QQihZ006QQcategoryZ122139QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/REAL-Performance-Chip-NISSAN-SKYLINE-350Z-42-BHP_W0QQitemZ230113083716QQihZ013QQcategoryZ32094QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem ??
  10. I had a Cayman S a few months ago for an afternoon & it was pretty good. It was very rapid in a straight line & corners; excelent brakes. It was very balanced & easy to drive fast & corner fast. Kind of flat & linear while going round bends. Interior was very high quality, just not too sure about rear end aesthetics & price. In that price range youv got Bmw Z4M coupe; & an older porsche 996 maybe
  11. Val it was a 55 plate Boxster S, so I assume it is the new model? ps the A41 is a great road especially from Watford out towards Tring & Aylesbury. Theres a section before Aylesbury I think which is newly laid 3 miles approx absoloute flat & straight. It cuts across what used to be farm land & makes the journey shorter by a bit, with no exits, slip roads, bridges etc, ideal for driving ......below the speed limit!! Only thing is its not on most GPS units as newly laid, so just follow A41 straight & disregard GPS.
  12. Had a bit of fum yesterday on my private big dual carrigeway with a 55 plate Boxster S. Came up behing at approx 50 gallons per hour dropped down to 3rd waitng for car in front of him to move out of way. Once he did & Porsche floored it I was absoloutely stale mate all the way upto over 90 gallons per hour, though I did have to give it some hitting redline at over 6k revs. It was absoloutely even though I did feel that had it carried on past 90 or 100 he may have slightly edged away. The only place where he was better was on braking upto my private roundabout, the Boxster was more tidy & stable under hard braking, though this may have been due to my later braking which meant I was able to pass on the roundabout. To say I was impressed with the zed would be an understatement!! ps this spirited driving did however land me in a bit of trouble as 30 mins later I was pulled by an unmarked plod for overtaking some one doing 20 mph for ages in a 50mph road!! I was unreservedly apologetic beyond belief & was let off with a telling off!! Anyway whether he could have done me in I wasnt going to argue about, though I hadnt commited an offence as such. ps gallons, - you know what I mean
  13. rickya

    My New Wheels

    They look purposeful & mean!!
  14. Badluck mate Always stick it in gear, even with handbrake on.
  15. Ouch, sorry mate, life can be a right bit%h sometimes
  16. That Alcantara stitched dash mod is amazing & I d love to have. (as well as the blondie on the right !)
  17. Looks amazing Tim, best mod so far IMO!!!
  18. Yeah basically if it goes straight your sorted, if it goes all over the place your bugger£d!! I should have been a mechanic
  19. Well you wont know exactly what is causing the problem (only on alignment machine), i.e. toe in/toe out/camber/castor, but you can tell if there is a problem. I firstly check steering wheel is pointing straight perfectly & wheels are straight at slow speeds which usually is good enough. But best is to go on motorway or A road on a straight section, straighten up steering wheel & see where car goes. I.e a straight steering wheel should make car go straight. Then take your hands slightly off the steering wheel (make sure road is straight & flat) & see if car pulls to one side slowly. i.e do you have to keep puting in steering wheel changes in one direction to make car keep straight. Do these a few times over different roads & you get a pretty good idea something is out in the geometry.
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