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Everything posted by rickya

  1. Derin as you know Im a bit of a BMW fan myself having owned a few in the past inc an E30 318i to an E36 M3 Evo Cab. If in the future I was after an interesting BMW that was immaculate, I'm sure I could buy it from you with my eyes closed, literally! In fact I would rather buy a used BMW from you than BMW themselves! ps I would suggest getting emblems made e.g "Derrin" or "D Spec" etc for the cars when they are sold, well a bit like Alpina/ Brabus/Pinafarina! It may catch on, you never know, enthusiasts would know it is a mint/concours BMW & not just any 528i
  2. At last... well worth the wait, wheels look excellent mate! Suits the colour yellow & black. ps looks like Kevs old car!!!
  3. And here was me thinking they had shipped him an Audi badge as a present.
  4. Tim ur too quick!! I had them rings when I bought some 17" Schnekers for my Civic Coupe back in 1995!!! But that was because the wheels wernt Civic specific? Though doesnt make a diff anyway
  5. The rings sit on the hub bit once the old wheel comes off, dont loose it can cause vibrations. Though not sure why you need it if made specifically for zed. The socket seems to be an extension socket for wheel nuts or locking nut.
  6. 12 pages & all we get is cardboard!!! At least when i posted my pics on delivery I too a wheel out to have a butchers!!!!!!!!
  7. JC's a dick who doesnt know squat except how to get publicity; better to watch Tiff Neddle (pro touring car driver etc) on 5th gear who loves it, or EVO magazine for the last few years who always put it up there as one of the best track cars out there.
  8. I paid 40 quid for mine about 6 months ago off ebay!
  9. Nice one Derin, you tell em!! Outstanding effort & perfectionism & attention to detail, no wonder you'r a surgeon!!!
  10. Its like looking for the Holy Grail or sumit!! Come on Sarnie we'l probably be selling our zeds by the time you post ur pics!!!
  11. http://www.bmwclassics.co.uk/e28_528i/index.html
  12. 28 front is gona be too much into the front arches (wont look good), Brembo clearence will depend more on alloy shape etc ; 23 rear is good
  13. Sarnie where are the pics mate???????
  14. Simply beautiful!! One of the best wheels for the zed!!
  15. Item came today from Germany: quality is good but materials at the end of the day are plastic in c/f look & shiny chrome look plastic. Its similar std to the materials Nissan used inside anyway! The c/f looks good & its chunkier/flashier than beforebut somehow the shiny plastic doesnt match with the brushed alluminium used in the zeds interior. Having said all that it looks a lot better than & will stay. ps fit is very good.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewc2ZBQkqDM&mode=related&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21JMo5fG3F0
  17. I seem to remember the JDM Importer telling me it had heated front windscreen & the symbol does look just like it. I will have to post pics. Also have just noticed that the windscreen has a several filament/element lines running around the black edges of the windscreen??? From left going rightwards: Fog light Switch/ VDC Off Button / Windscreen Heater button?
  18. What is the button down on the right hand side of steering column, the button has a windscreen pic with a zig zag line going through. Iv always thought its either heated wing mirrors or heated windscreen? Apologies for ignorance !
  19. Good decesion, cars come & go, watchin your child grow only happens once. Goodluck
  20. The service manager at Slough 8 months ago (dont know if same person, I think it was Steve or sumit) refused to adjust the clutch pedal though it was written down to be included in price of my service. He agreed that it was written down, but said it was not possible to adjust. I then produced printed out pictures from a post with step by step guide & he still argued this was not done by Nissan!!!! Nedless to say I wil not be using Nissan Slough again & will very carefully choose where to have my next serive done with. I would continue arguing over this as it should be covered by your warranty. Write a few letters to Nissan GB & threaten to write to your local newspapers/ & motoring publications etc. If still no joy I would send a letter by registered delivery saying they have 30 days to agree or else you will go to small claims court. This may have the desired affect without actually going through with it. Goodluck
  21. Looks like you people had a great time!! Lucky sods, hope to come next time & join in the fun
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