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Everything posted by rickya

  1. rickya

    Toyo Tyres

    Was just about to send u pm as I have recently bought T1S's in 19"s & wouldnt mind spares, but unfortunately sizes are wrong for me!! Im running fronts 245/40/19 rears 275/35/19
  2. Quite true mate, sensible words.....cant beleive all that & Sarnie in one sentence
  3. Did that as soon as I got home! In fact a reminder to all members in this up & comming week of roadside police checks & stops etc: EVERYONE CHECK YOUR: MOT/ROAD TAX/INSURANCE/TREAD DEPTH/ALL LIGHTS/& WIPE UR STEERING WHEEL WITH ALCOHOL WIPES!
  4. Bedford is a big track & has big run off areas for other cars behind & infront of you & track is 12 meters wide in places with no armcos, barriers, just grass Also kitty litter at most tracks will ruin my lovely paintwork, but not at Bedford. I did Donnington last month in a Ferrari 360 Modena & 911 Turbo for about 12 laps, lovely flowing track, but I could imagine it getting crowded in sections if busy. Whereas Id imagine Bedford being a longer, wider track would be less prone to. Silverstone is also a big track but for a beginner like myself ot could be a bit daunting. I did a Ferrari 355 experience last year & in the long straight you could see some very high speeds.
  5. 2009 new shape zed meant to be comming out & that will have at least 5 yrs lifespan or more frpm then on I would imagine
  6. I Know that was rather stupid of me, but I didnt get one of those Roas tax reminders this year??
  7. Boll8ks!!!! Just round the corner from my house (police roadside checks hotspot ) & they 'v got all the vans with vehicle reg plate recognition/ Audio visual recording van/ coned off layby etc etc & more coppers than at an England Turkey game! They let me through only for copper to do qtr mile sprint in his Vectra to tell me to come back!! Anyway they reckoned car was written off - I said dont waste my time, I live round the corner & got my wife & baby girl in the back, its a clerical error, that was my old M3 but that private plate is now on this BMW 330d. Checked it out & said I was correct after checking engine VIN no etc. But then they realised to my (put it mildly) discomfort that my MOT had run out in July & then 5 mins later they realised (put it even more mildly) irritation that my Road Tax has run out 3 weeks ago........ Ah well that caused a further 15mins of checking engine Vin no's & wiping my hand & steering wheel with a litmus type paper to see If Iv come into contact with any drugs. Now would have been an ideal time for a reefer, is what I felt like saying! So shopping trip where Id didnt spend bugger all, turned into a lovely £60 x 2 = £120 worth of fines & a producer. ps Im a tw&t....call myself a car enthusiast & forgot those bits Happy NEw year & Xmas to me
  8. Sorry as not entirely relevant but as I am a zed track virgin I would do Bedford only if anyones up for that early next year? Nearer the time I will start another thread on subject
  9. Just joined Easytrack & might be up for Beford in Febuary depending on weather. May book nearer to time. But Imnot sure whether I should just book a hald day to begin with as Im a track virgin in the zed. (Done track experiences in other cars). Im thinking a full day might be too much for a beginner?? Any other members up for this too??
  10. rickya

    Brake question

    From my BMW forum I remember that CA Automotive supply & fit StopTech brakes Useful Info http://forum.bmwcarmagazine.com/viewtopic.php?t=59450&highlight=stoptech http://www.ca-at.co.uk/home.html
  11. rickya

    Service book

    Get one from Nissan & get then to service & stamp it asap to start ur service schedule as early as possible.
  12. I bought JDM &: Advantages -saved approx £2500 to £3,000 as compared to UK model -had a lot lower mileage than same age UK model average -not a single scratch or stone chip on entire car. (other members have seen how good the paint is especially on bonnet, at JAE this year!) -car also came with Impul rear wing/ Fujitsubo titanium exhaust/ colour screen -may be more powerful than UK spec as mapped from Japan to 100Ron fuel & I always fill Tesco 99Ron fuel -servicing as normal UK model at any Nissan garage, though they are crap Disadvantages -maybe 10% to 25% higher insurance? -make sure it comes with spare key as mine didnt & had to get one made -if possible try to get Japanese service book You mat get less when you sell the car but you paid less for it in the first place. I saved £3k on purchase proce & Im not gona sell mine £3k less than a UK model come selling time
  13. Received them Tim! Thanx mate helmets are ace & fit me perfect!! They look very well made & are a lot lighter than I excpected Iv seen a lot of helemts such as Nitro & Takachi (like choptop) are these similarish as in similar price range? Thanks Lomoto ps I will post some pics of me wearing the helmet, most probably while driving down to Tescos, well I got to wear it somewhere!
  14. The thing with him is, he does it more as a hobby/retirement type busines from home IMO & does not have a flashy showroom etc & does not bother with proper photos of cars etc. But he knows the business & has been doing it for years & most of his zeds are always good examples from what Iv seen. The advantage to this is that he works on lower profit margins than other importers & does not bother charging extra premium for mods already on the car e.g. Fujitsubo etc exhausts/ Bodykits / Alloys etc.
  15. Cos we knew u would sooner or later & cos her dad might be called Big Boppa whose big & might bop us one in the head!!!!
  16. I used to love Knight Rider when I was a kid, I think I had recorded almost all the episodes!! ps Davis Hasslehoff may not be very useful now as he will get done for drink driving!
  17. If your going to Gloucester you should go to the importer I got my immaculate zed from 2 years ago. He is very honest chap & I got a bargain off him at the cheapest price in the whole of autotrader etc. Imports usually have done less mileage & IMO are generally in better condition than UK models. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3409&highlight=american
  18. Welcome Holly, nice Zed, especially nice wheels! ps dads car is awesome
  19. Dont tempt me, Il probably end up a few £ thousand lighter, but with a bike & full leathers!! ps though Iv never actually ridden one! ps as long as I dont come back with that JAWA NIPPY 50cc on your website Il be alright
  20. Im sure if it does'nt fit proper Tim would swop it for correct size
  21. Well Im convinced, for me Lomoto's are fine But its good to hear everyones point of view. Tim can I have one in blue for myself & one in black for my bro in law. My head size is 56.5cm & his is 56cm, so I think we both could do with mediums. Pm me how you'd like payment: c/card /paypal or cheque etc & does that price inc postage or is that on top? Thanks mate
  22. rickya

    Top Gear

    Horrible shirt!! I quite liked that I thought you already had that one Tim!!
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