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Everything posted by kennyc

  1. Ok we all know they are a summer tyre, it also rains in the summer. All I'm saying is they're not very good in the wet (crackin tyre website by the way Dash )
  2. Of course I understand that Dash, but the general consensus is that Bridgestones are not great performers in the wet.
  3. Well said lomoto Let's get things into perspective here, the day in question was "summer" and the road was wet. Yes there was probably more slippy, oily stuff on the road but also this was not the first rain shower wetting the road, it had been pissing it down the day before to. I was not booting it in any way, overtaking from about 30mph in 3rd when the car lost it a bit. I think the car steps out too easily, it's not the first time it's happened but certainly the worst. I wanted to gauge opinion from you guys as to whether you thought it was due to the Bridgestones. I've had a lot of previous experience with F1's (GSD2 & 3) which I've found to be pretty good in the wet.
  4. Hmmmmmm maybe they won't last until 9000 miles then!!
  5. Fair enough, I thought the tyres were the main cause, the trouble is they've done 8K miles and there's still LOADS of tread on them
  6. I think I just had my first experience of how bad the Bridgestones really are (unless someone tells me it's just the way the zed handles). I was on the A50 dual carriage way, the road was wet, I exited a roundabout and just about to overtake, started to accelerate when the car started to fishtail unexpectedly, traction control was on but didn't kick in. Now I've had the back end out before but this was just a bit of a surprise Is this a Bridgestone thing?? I wasn't going mental with a heavy right foot before anyone asks
  7. Uh-oh this doesn't bode well
  8. Yes you should get a discount by supplying your own oil although Dan Perkins in Slough have only offered £15 Amsoil 5W40 and Silkolene Pro S have both been recommended to me. PM an admin for discount codes.
  9. This time next week I should be able to comment on Dan Perkins Slough as I'll have had a P2 service done and they'll have fixed my non functioning Bose CD player....won't they?!
  10. Dry roasted obviously being the gentleman's choice
  11. When I filled up the other day they had all the V-Power advertising blurb (with new fat arsed Alfa Brera), but the pump still showed Optimax so I don't know whether it was the old 98 RON stuff or the new all power busting 99 RON....
  12. kennyc

    Wac a wave

    It's a lottery! I wave, no flash. If you flash and they're no enthusiast you always get a dirty look. If you wave then they have to be looking at you to wave back and are more likely to be "in the club"
  13. Cheers Kev. I just never thought to post up asking who'd like recommended I've now recommended two
  14. Or you could also PM me I'm a V-Power Club Member that could do with the extra points to
  15. If it's a UK car the dealer will be able to check the warranty database based on reg or VIN. If it's less than 3 years old it will be under warranty.
  16. Hmmmm actually the wee boy has all off that except the scalextrix!
  17. Coupe just by the Plough and Harrow this afternoon, reg starts with OU, I didn't wave as I was on foot, going to fly a kite.....my son's that is, not mine
  18. Ok this time round I've gone for the Silkolene Pro S, but next time I'll be trying out the Amsoil 5w-30. I'm pretty sure I won't notice the difference!
  19. About 11am this morning, can't remember the plate
  20. Well yours better be clean, I've just washed and polished mine No doubt I'll see you soon then!
  21. Well **** me sideways with a bandstand, that would have been me!
  22. Well it's Slough or Aldershot. Aldershot's a hassle for me to get to.
  23. Or should I go for the fully synthetic Amsoil 0W-30?
  24. Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 I think they said they used, even £15 off wouldn't cover a 5l can of the stuff surely?! I'll be going for Amsoil 5W-30 I think, 5l at £39.95. Not that I'm paranoid or anything but they better actually put the stuff I provide in the car!!
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