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Everything posted by kennyc

  1. Um I get a fuel card from work and a car allowance so it's not a problem
  2. I was wondering how many posts it was going to take before the "Bridgestone Question" was asked! Unlucky but at least you're alright.....hopefully it won't be off the road for too long.
  3. P.S. The bill was less than £200
  4. OK picked the car up. They would not leave the unit in before they ordered the replacement (I am getting a replacement). I was told the reason for this is that Nissan will not reimburse Dan Perkins until they have the faulty unit in their grubby hands. All going well I will be going back in next week and have the new one fitted while I wait. No probs with the service other than the car wasn't quite ready when then said it was so they gave me more discount (already getting 10% as a first time customer) because I had to wait. All in all fairly satisfied.
  5. The service guy said it was policy to send them off for repair. I did ask for a replacement in the first place How am I gona get them to change this??
  6. Just had a call from Dan, they've finished the P2 service (that was quick?!) I've been advised that they will have to remove the Bose stereo and send it to Nissan for repair because there is an "internal fault". So the only sound I will hear for the next week is the roar of that glorious V6
  7. From amsoil when talking about Motul, Silkolene and Amsoil:
  8. OK but you've also suggested that you recommend Silkolene Pro S in previous threads, not as much as Amsoil of course That aside I will be trying out Amsoil at the next oil change.
  9. This morning 8'ish. You flashed and waved and I waved
  10. For my part purely recommendation from others on the forum. Dropped the car off at DP in Slough, now got my Micra for the day
  11. Doesn't SP2 switch on the XP firewall by default, could be that. Can you check if it's switched on?
  12. I saw a woman driving a 350z once and no I don't mean my wife!
  13. Hmmmmm maybe I should travel further afield, my brother lives in Southampton
  14. Do people actually read the manual Ummm I'll check when I get home tonight...
  15. aye fair enough, thought so, just thought I would check. Btw, let me know how much your P2 is as I'm just about to start ringing around. I'm in the same boat, got my own oil..... I've been quoted £252 by Dan Perkins in Slough when supplying my own oil....hmmm do they change the air filter at a P2? I have a JWT pop charger which obviously won't get changed, more money off the service?!
  16. I somehow get the feeling that "Bluelady" won't ever be posting now
  17. Oh yes Jacko I know, I was just saying that these were my 2 choices and I decided to try out the Silkolene first.....
  18. I got the Silkolene Pro S 5W40 from Opie Oils, £37.79 including postage. Excellent service. I'll probably be trying the Amsoil Synthetic next service though.
  19. ....so I'll be supllying 5litres of Silkolene, do you think they'll return the 300ml that's left in the can? I work that out to be £2.27 worth, if they don't I'll be wanting that off my bill
  20. I'm not upset I just went to bed I know you're not having a go and I will be taking extra care in the wet. I've only had the car since May and since then we haven't really had much rain dahn sarf. I just won't be replacing with Bridgestones when the time comes that's all.
  21. I think you need to re-read the post. The point I was making was that I was far from what I would consider the limits to be on a performance car that should have handled better and could that be (partly) attributed to the @*!# tyres. Having read many posts on the re040's it seems that they really are not good in the wet and that there are far better options out there. This is not the first performance car I've owned or driven, I'm not wet behind the ears...so to speak! And I'm certainly not relying on TC when I drive, it's mostly switched off
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