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Everything posted by kennyc

  1. I know, as a V-Power card holder I was asking who wanted to be recommended a while back. I guess no-one's used it 3 times in a month yet.
  2. No extra points on my card yet Och well nae worries
  3. Where were the pictures taken, looks familiar but can't quite place them, Lochgilphead or thereabouts ?!
  4. Aye people complain about the sound quality when I'm on the phone to,nothing to do with the accent though It's a shame you can't retrain the voice commands.
  5. .....push speak button on the steering wheel, Me: "Dial name" Her: "Pardon?" Me: "Dial....name" Her: "Pardon?" Me: "Dial............name" Her: "Pardon?" Me: "Dial name" Her: "Pardon?" Me: "Dial....name" Her: "Pardon?" Me: "Just dial the c**k s*****g f****n name"!! Her: "Pardon?" Me: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!" Her: "Pardon?" ....[sound of head banging stearing wheel]
  6. My Zed went over that bridge a few weeks ago
  7. No it was first class post which apparently is acceptable these days
  8. Well gues what landed on the doorstep yesterday morning :angry:
  9. Well if the dreaded NIP lands on my doorstep I'll give the PACE thing a go Cheers bernmc
  10. So the pepipoo PACE argument really does work? Were you getting threatening letters from "them" after you returned the unsigned NIP?
  11. Just watching the news: some geezers are taking police to European Court of Human Rights because saying who was driving denies them the right to remain silent! I hope they b**dy win!! This will be the third time, the last was around midnight on a (almost) deserted M25! I am so sick of these cameras!!
  12. .....I'm currently studying the www.pepipoo.com website and the PACE statement! It was a quiet stretch of dual carriageway, I am so angry!!
  13. I think I might have just been nabbed by a speed camera fund raising van. Coming onto a dual carriageway I floored it, round the bend was a camera van , as soon as I saw it I braked hard but was it enough ? Do they take spot speeds or is it averaged?!?!
  14. kennyc

    P1 Service

    No idea? If the tracking was out, would that affect the way my tyres are wearing in this particular way? Yes mate.... I'd get it checked If your tracking is out it absolutely will affect your tyres in this way. I've had it happen before, not on the zed coz I've not had it long enough yet! Top Tip: Do some track days to wear your tyres down quicker
  15. Rev limiter on pre facelift models is 7000rpm right? Same as 2006 models?[/i]
  16. Phew, glad we got that one sorted then
  17. It was a serous question. I agree they look far better than the burgers and am considering getting some. I just wondered if people thought they still looked and felt £72 worth after receiving them?
  18. South east England mate, we're lucky if we get snow once during the winter and then only a few centimetres, mind you that's enough to bring the whole area to a grinding halt.
  19. So are these plastic Z badges actually worth £72 for a pair ?
  20. Umm....where do you live that you're expecting all this snow
  21. An Alfa for £67K It just doesn't seem right. What happens when it comes to servicing? You think Nissan main dealers are bad!! Gorgeous car though harking back to the curvier Alfas of the old days?
  22. kennyc

    4 weeks in

    I worried a little about the change from 1st to 2nd when I first got the car and just to echo Stew's point, when the car's cold being gentle with the change and keeping the clutch in that little bit longer does help. When the gearbox is nice and warm it's not an issue.
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