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  1. Thanks Mike But expense doesn,t come into it, I nearly got caught today and that is expensive. Do most dealers carry these cradles or are they hard to get hold of ? John
  2. Could anyone suggest a dealer or place in UK where I can purchase one of these cradles for my cradle John
  3. Thanks Mike I only just realised that, I have been trying to ram a phone into what I thought was the cradle. Now I will have to do battle with the Nissan dealer in Mallorca. Imagine trying to explain that to them and also trying to get a result. Anyway I am determined to use the original system even if it means searching for a cradle to go in my cradle. Many thanks for your help John
  4. Thanks Jacko I think I will try to get an old phone for my cradle.
  5. I have just purchased a new 350z. The car is fantastic however I am less than impressed with the phone system. I have been informed that I can either find an old phone that fits and works with the cradle or buy a blue tooth system. I am not intereted in buying a blue tooth system when the car is already geared up for a hands free system. Does anybody know where I can buy an up to date cradle from nissan or wherever. I live in Mallorca Spain so it is twice as difficult to get any sense out of my local dealer. Any advise would be much appreciated.
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