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Everything posted by sammysamsam

  1. It blew my brain alright, im sure reading all that has pushed out other more useful information from my brain!! So simply i need RON 98 if i can get it? Which is called super unleaded at the pumps?
  2. I give in, i didnt understand a word of that. What does RON and 95 and 98 mean. I guess its all about what petrol to use, sorry but im totally clueless having never had anything more than bangers. This is my dream car but i know nothing about running it, im desparate to learn which is why i joined this site. Any helps appreciated guys.
  3. thanks guys, im blowing my budget buying this car and i dont wanna have to leave it in the garage because i cant afford the petrol. reading all your posts has convinced me even more that its the car for me. i cant wait.....
  4. hey chaps im a prospective buyer and am blowing my budget on a sports roadster. my fav is the 350z but ive been advised to consider others too? any advice would be appreciated regarding all 3. as for the 350z -i presume the depreciation is the least on it? what mpg should i expect from it? what about servicing costs? should i buy a uk car or an import and whats the difference? wheres the best place to find a good used one-private or dealer or broker? sorry for all the quiz but dad died last year so have no-one to advise me now. thanks very much.
  5. what is the genuine mpg of a 350z roadster? this is the only thing stopping me from buying one.
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