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Everything posted by JohanVee

  1. Thanks to you all for your replies. I knew I'd get more help here than from Nissan Looks like you be a life saver Seedy! I'll contact you shortly to see if I can work something out. Can't do it now though as I'm on a tight leash at work! Cheers
  2. This weekend I managed to have a (losing) argument with a six inch high brick wall that my friend had hidden next to a row of pine trees as I pulled into their drive. As a result I've got a long series of scrapes all the way down the passenger-side side skirt, leading to a nice dent right at the back. Thankfully it's only the plastic panel that's been damaged but it's a mess and I need to get a replacement. I'm posting here to see if anyone can suggest a more economical way of getting this fixed than going to my local approved Nissan dealer and parting with nearly £400 + labour just for the one part? I'm not looking for any funky custom kits, just a plain replacement (in silver). Also, if anyone has any suggestions for names that I can call my mate for putting a wall in such a stupid place then they'd be welcome too! I reckon I probably used most of them already on Saturday though! Hope you can help. Any advice gratefully received. Cheers
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