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Everything posted by bigphil
Hi guys, just been informed by my mum that my dad has just had a heart attck, he's in the cardio ward of sunderland hospital and is being kept under observation until they can decide wether or not to perform an anagram (mum said this not sure what it is??) which will tell them wether or not he needs to have a bypass, there main concern is putting him under the knife with what he has already been through, and also he has a nasty chest infection and a blood clot on the lung. It doesn't rain it pours springs to mind. Thought i should keep you all updated, hopefully i'll have some good news to post soon. Thanks, Andrew
Hi guys and gals, i haven't been on here for ages, it's been a bit of a tough time, the doctors had to take my dad back down to have a brain scan and found another mass on the brain which is leading them to think the absyss is coming back, they can't really operate as he has had more than enough brain removed (almost the entire left side) They are hopeful that a strong course of antibiotics will help. He is soo confused and can't think straight, nothing he says makes sense and he is very upset, crying because he doesn't know what is going on. Ontop of all that i broke up with my girlfriend (been together for about a year) and so it just got ontop of me, a few days of wallowing in self pitty made me realise there are other more important things to worry about. I'm sorry if you've been trying to contact me and haven't been able to, i have provided my personal email address on the esr clearance thread, i'd appreciate it if you contacted me with any of your problems, but please bear in mind i can't access invoices, receipts, comapny funds or new stock so i won't be able to sort anything like that out. Everytime i post something it comes out of my own personal pocket, alot of the stock is in storage and takes time for me to get, i have no access to couriers anymore, so big stuff can't be posted, if your waiting for anything big, i'm going to ask you please arrange your own courier, or come up and collect from my home address, i can't issue refunds, as that will come out of my own personal money, i don't want to sound harsh or anything like that but this isn't my business, and as a matter of law i don't have any resposibility to fulfill orders placed before or after esr's closure, but you have my word i will try to the best of my limited capabilities. Thanks, Andrew
Hi Guys, been away for a few days, got back yesterday, feel sooo much better. My dad's still in hospital, and looks like he'll be there for a good while yet. The doctors diagnosed him as eppleptic(SP?) the other day, which means he won't be able to drive unless he doesn't have another fit for 1 year. He will be being moved to a rehab centre soon so they can start to connect thoughts and memories, and also try to help him regain some sort of physical abilty. He is like a different person and TBH i have been a bit distant with him the last few weeks, he has a different voice, and has become child like in his responses, the doctors have said that we won't see much difference in his state, but i just don't feel he is my dad, he is well though, breathing by himself and eating normal food, talking, just the mental side really which is a bit of a struggle. Thanks for all the support and kind messages, it means alot to me and my family. Thanks, Andrew
Any update on mine same situation with yours mate, posted Royal mail today for delivery tomorrow thanks, Andrew
You'll be pleaased to know i made sure it went Royal mail, and it should arrive with you tomorrow Thanks, Andrew
going away for a couple of days tomorrow, need some space so i'm taking my girlfriend to a nice hotel for a couple of nights. I should be back answering PM's on saturday, posting on monday. Thanks, Andrew
Oh also as a note if anyone has not received stuff they ordered before december 22nd could you please send me a Pm with what you ordered, your address and your paypal email address and i'll get it sorted ASAP. Thanks, Andrew
Goodridge braided brake lines (stainless steel) Brembo 2 available RRP £120 reduced to £50 Non Brembo 4 available RRP £120 reduced to £40 Hell brake lines (brembo only) 1 Blue 1 Black £40 Shine auto Nismo style rear spats 2 available £50 Cold air induction kit (pipe and filter) 2 available £60 each!!! ESR Carbon fliter induction kit (pipe and carbon filter) 1 available £90 ESR carbon induction filter (no pipe work) £30 Carbon duel intake ducts 1 set available £35 2 x polished induction pipes with blue silicon hose fittings £50 4 x power steering bottles anodised red £65 4 x Expansion tanks anodised red £65 Buy the lot as it stands for only £600!!!!! if a fellow trader would like to take advantage of buying in bulk (at well, well below trade prices) then please contact me and we can work out a deal, would help if i could get it all out of the way TBH, we have all our display grids and glass cabinets available to, you could buy your own mini ESR P&P not included £12 per order Thanks, Andrew
Already spoke to you about this, can't control couriers, have another set sitting here waiting to go out to you if they don't arrive tomorrow, but guess that ain't good enough for some. thanks, Andrew
updated list on page 5
All problems replied to, and hopefully sorted soon. Anyone with any other problems please don't hesitate to PM me, i can still sort them out when we are closed, but would be easier idf i could know about them before that. Also could people please mark there payments via paypal with what they have bought, i have had about 10 people soo far who i have either had to have excellent memory, or look through 4-5 pages of PM's Thanks guys, Ohh and BTW, anything oredered today will probably not arrive before Christmas according to our courier, so please be aware of that. Thanks, Andrew
Hi Guys, if i don't get to the phone it's probably because we are either packaging or we are moving stuff. If you need to contact me PM is best as i answer those about 3 times a day. The phones are turned off sometimes if we are in the hospital, or if we leave them in the car they just ring out. Thanks, Andrew
More items from ESR Nismo mats (LHD) 2 sets available £20 Goodridge braided hoses Brembo 5 available RRP £120 reduced to £90 Non Brembo 4 available RRP £120 reduced to £90 Hell lines (brembo only) 1 Blue 1 Black £60 Stainless panel filter for pre 2007 (single air box) 2 available £40 Shine auto Nismo style rear spats 3 available £50 Exedy clutch Kit 2 available RRP £395 reduced to £295 Cold air induction kit (pipe and filter) 2 available £120 clear reflectors pre 06 1 available £20 ESR Carbon fliter induction kit (pipe and carbon filter) 2 available £110 Piper cross induction kit (pipe, filter, heat shield) £110 Scorpion exhausts 2 available £285 Summit strut brace 3 available £90 Carbon eyelids 4 avaialable (sets) £20 B&M short throw shifter £95 Carbon duel intake ducts 3 sets available £35 5 x polished induction pipes with blue silicon hose fittings £80 4 x power steering bottles anodised red £110 4 x Expansion tanks anodised red £110 P&P not included £12 per order Thanks, Andrew
Induction kits are all listed with revised prices. Thanks, Andrew
Exedy clutches now only £295!!! All induction kits reduced
Some reductions scorpion exhausts reduced to £295 delivered!!! Thanks, Andrew
Hi Guys, sorry if your PM's are taking a while to be answered, it's manic here at the minute. Please if asking advice don't add if so i'll take it, we need garunteed answers, already had someone say they will take strut braces, carbon lips, and then not actually paid for it. It'sd really hard at the minute and we are struggling keeping up, stuff is selling soo quick please bear with us. Thanks, Andrew
lots more to come tomorrow, check back at 10:30 A:M Thanks, Andrew
ESR is due to sease trading as of the 31st of December. We are now selling off all our excess stock, fortunatley we have been winding down for Christmas so we don't have as much stock as we would usually We have: ***UPDATED LIST BELOW*** Pm me if you want any of these items, paypal prefered, shipping next day usuall ESR service garunteed. Once they are gone, they are gone!!! More to come, just a quick stock check for now, mor thorough later this week. Thanks, Andrew
Hi Guys, guess you guys know me as the bearer of bad news by now, well unfortunatley i have some more. As of the 31st of december 2008 East Shore Racing Ltd will be closed for good. Over the last 2 days Phils wife has made the hard decision to close ESR. Without phil ESR is nothing, and without his guidance, knowledge and business mind she thinks that it will be impossible to keep it running. I would like to say that for me it has been a great ride, i have enjoyed every single day of it, and i'll remember it for the rest of my life. I have made some good friends and met some fantastic people along the way, my father will probably say the same. I can't apologise enough to Fletch and Mark, it's hard doing this any time, but 2 weeks before christmas is even harder, i'd like to thank them for there services and friendship over the past years, and wish them all the best in whatever they go on to do. I'd like to thank our loyal customers for all their support, and also i'd like to thank all of you who have made this such a wonderful business to work for. I wish i could give you better news. If anyone has a job offer give me a ring We will be fulfilling or refunding all orders, and we will still be carrying out any work we have booked in, all our stock will be listed over the next few days, anyone wishing to order items please do not, we are no longer taking orders, the items we have will be listed over the next few days. Thanks, Andrew
Thanks Martin, it means alot to all of us, you are truly a valued friend, as are all of you, i can't express enough how amazed i have been by the kindness you have all shown us. Thanks, Andrew
Hi Guys, if anyone would like to send cards, please send to: East Shore Racing Unit 1 Queens court business centre Carrmere Road Leechmere industrial estate Sunderland SR29TW All your comments are much appreciated, we are hoping he'll be moved to Sunderland hospital, it will be easier for us there, rather than the 30-40 minute drive upto newcastle general. Thanks, Andrew
Phil was moved to the high dependency ward today, and as such is no longer critical and is definatley on the mend, he is nodding his head, and at this moment watching the new jeremy clarkson DVD Thanks, Andrew
More excellent news today, phil has been moving his hands, lifting his arms, lifting his legs and has his eyes wide open, he is breathing independently, and will be moved off of Intensive care if the amazing recovery continues, doctors are amazed at how strong he has been and the progress he has made. Phil will be able to speak in a few days/weeks hopefully, and i am looking forward to even just hearing a few words from him. Thanks to all of you for the support. Thanks, Andrew
Hi guys, great news today, and a massive relief for the family, phil was taken off the sedation and when you speak to him he opens his eyes, he can hear, and can move his hands and feet. Not phenomenal progress, but we are just soo thankful he is alive and now able to hear us and we can look into his eyes, i have never cried as much as when i looked into my fathers eyes after thinking i would never again get the chance. the doctors say it will be up and down, and he is far from out of the woods, but that small bit of progress is the best news and most relief i have ever felt in my life. Thanks for all the support, i have never had soo many offers of gifts, help, friendly chats and of course just support in all my life, you guys are like friends to us, and we just can't thank you all enough for your support, phil will be soo touched and soo uplifted by all of the messages. We are trying to give the usuall standard of service that we always have, but at this time i hope you understand if things take slightly longer or we can't give definative answers, and of course any problems please don't hesitate to call me, it's what we are here for. Thanks, Andrew