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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Cus I’m an awkward Bas---d that’s why! Seriously though, when I buy a new car I expect the tyres to be fit for purpose, be made by the same manufacturer, have the same tread pattern, and tread depth etc ie all matching (accepting that these cars have different sizes fitted front and rear). If in the fullness of time I find the tyres aren’t fit for purpose, then that’s not my fault. I still want the above criteria to be met. I think it reasonable to expect Nissan, having acknowledged their mistake, to fit new tyres all round. Otherwise I could end up with one or more of the above criteria not being met. At the very least I’m now going to be disadvantaged by having nice shiny new tyres on the front and weathered old ones on the back, not to mention the different tread depths and having to replace them at different times.. Cheers Dicky
  2. Just got word from local dealer that Nissan are going to replace my front tyres and set up the tracking (I think he said). This should cure the road noise I’ve been experiencing for a while at speeds below 30mph. Still not happy with just changing the front. Does anyone know how you stand on this subject? The Minel advised a while ago they would only replace the front, but this seems unfair to me. By agreeing to change the front are they admitting the tyres are incorrect for the car or that the steering set up is incorrect? Are there any concerns regarding tread pattern, difference in tread depth and possibly tyre composition. Any advice welcome! Cheers Dicky
  3. Hi G Sorry you’re having such a tough time. It’s the way things are these days. Most (not all) skilled guys and those posing as skilled seem to just want to lash off the work and get their money. Was it a main dealer repair or a smaller concern? Who ever it was, my advice would be to keep your cool, point out the substandard workmanship and be persistent in demanding a professional finish. If you’ve already paid and they refuse to make good their shoddy workmanship; then name and shame and get an independent assessment carried out by say the AA and take them to the small claims court. Hope it goes well
  4. Carrying on from my last psot. Took the car to the dealers on Monday to have the problem looked at again (got fobbed of the first time). Also took a copy of the States TSB supplied by The Minel and other info supplied by Dorian et al (thanks once again guys) I took one of their technicians out to demo it and he did say they have a “Noteâ€
  5. Hi John. My problem occurs when changing from 1st to 2nd. I can feel something catching through the gear leaver as I’m engaging 2nd. Reported it to my local stealer not long after getting the car (2004) and they said “there all like thatâ€
  6. Good luck with this one Neil, dealing with customer services is a nightmare. You never get the same person twice, your lucky to get through to someone in under 12 mins (I’ve timed it on many an occasion, 18 mins being the longest) then you get some snotty bint who wont listen, wont pass you on to her boss and acts like god almighty. I’ve been on over a year now with one of my warranty claims. By the way I agree with you on the paintwork, its crap, I raised it with one of the Nissan customer services engineers and his words were “it’s the nature of the beastâ€
  7. SNAP--- mines just the same. Took everything out the boot area, mats, spare wheel, Nissan jack and tools and tywraped anything that made a noise when I pinged it. Also tywrapped and taped the plastic around the bracing strut. Guess what-----it’s just the same. We obviously think the same, because my next move was to bung the wife in there. Well I hope yours didn’t say some of the naughty things mine did. Can’t understand women![/url]
  8. Good luck to you. Ive been on over a YEAR trying to sort a problem. When telephoning Ive never been connected in under 12 mins. Ive blasted them on several occasions but they just soak it up and provide little constructive help. Im totally disgusted with them. If you ask to speak to their boss they say they are the customer services manager and the buck stops with them. Each time you call you get one of many who has to familiarise themselves from the computer screen so you have to re tell your story over and over. CRAP,CRAP,CRAP,CRAP (but Im not bitter and twisted)
  9. Ill let my dealer know,he can call them if he needs to. Once again thanks for your help
  10. I’m based up in god’s country Dorian, Geordie land, Newcastle upon Tyne, and been dealing with Benfield Motors. The warranty guy there is the third in a very short space of time and was originally their workshop foreman. When he listened to the noise he either wasn’t aware, or playing dumb. However I’ve now moved on to Vic Young, based in South Shields who offered a very favourable P2 service price, £166 as compared to £235 at Benfield. I’ve had other issues with Benfield that have really bugged me and I’ve now lost faith in them, So Vic Young it is then! Cheers Dicky
  11. Dorian, would you mind telling me where you got the KZ, XZ code info from. It would be useful to read a bit more on this and hit the dealer with it. Cheers Dicky
  12. Cheers one and all for your input, its been a great help. At the time neither the dealer nor I checked the tyre code number, he simply took a 5 min ride and said it’s due to the Bridgestone’s. I’ve now checked it and it’s E040KZ, so the plot deepens. I’ve since ditched this dealer due to poor service and gone to another and will raise this matter with them next week. Dicky
  13. I’m getting a lot of road noise in the car when travelling at around 25mph..Took it to one of the main dealers who said it was due to the Bridgestone’s and not to worry. Also took it to an independent garage who said the same. However, I’ve been reading lomoto’s post and associated feedback comments in particular at the Nissan TSB (USA) and was wondering if this might be the cause. Has anyone actually challenged the dealers with this one and is there a UK TSB on the subject. Dicky
  14. Just had a P2 service the other day at one of the main dealers near me. It cost £166, not bad; I was quoted £235+ at other main dealers. BUT when I collected the car the brakes were spongy (brake fluid had been changed) they had left off the plastic cover which locates over the cylinder AND they managed to spill brake fluid on the bonnet, which has eaten into the paint. Took it back and complained. They took it straight into the workshop sorted the brakes and got the body shop guys to look at it. There going to try to polish it out but think it may be too deep and may have to be resprayed it. Oh and by the way, they managed to spill fluid on the car again, this time it fell on the headlamp glass and didnt touch the paintwork thank god. Ho Hum
  15. Well I’m The DADDY aren’t I. I’ve just turned 59, yes you read it right, but when I drive the car I’m back in my flairs, kipper tie and Chelsea boots. It’s all relative anyway!
  16. While you’re on the subject of main “stealersâ€
  17. Dicky


    The car was first registered in April 04. I bought it second hand from a local main dealer in the August with 1.4K on the clock and reported the problem within the first couple of months. This dealer said it was OK and to make sure I fully depressed the clutch. Needless to say I gave them a wide berth after that. The dealer I mentioned in my earlier post is the second main dealer to look at it. It’s going in for its P2 service tomorrow at yet another dealership, so Ill have a word with them.
  18. A problem I reported in May of last year is still on going, although in the final stages. It seems that the passenger door may have been caught by the wind at some stage and the leading edge (the edge that goes inboard when the door is opened) has contacted with the internally mounted door hinge. I measured the clearance between each door edge and the hinge and found the driver’s door clearance to be 10mm and the passenger door 4mm. I initially emailed Customer Services on several times and received the same automated reply, but nothing happened. I eventually gave up and rang them. I’ve now done this on many occasions and have never yet been connected in under 10 mins, normally 15mins + I’ve had to deal with three different warranty guy’s at the main dealers, they all left and several different customer services managers three of which also left. A couple of weeks ago I had the car back to the main dealers yet again. The latest warranty guy agree,s there is a difference and confirmed it by checking against a new car. However Nissan refuse to accept any problem exists and will not discuss the matter further. Ive now spent a fortune on phone calls and petrol, waited over a year for someting that could have been sorted in a couple of days and their still happy that a 6mm tollerance is acceptable. SOME "SERVICE"
  19. Dicky


    When changing from first to second I can feel something catching through the gear lever as second engages, it’s as if I’m just catching the edge of something. It doesn’t happen every time but enough to get on your nerves. I’ve had it back to the main dealer who says it’s normal and all Z’s are like this. To be fair he let me drive a new one and it was just as bad. I posted this problem on the old site and received some feedback but now think the description I gave then was a bit unclear and thought Id check again. Anyone else suffer this problem?
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