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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Thanks for that. Up to date once again. Sounds useful.
  2. I realise I’m getting on a bit and have only just come to understand “Blingâ€
  3. Just as bad up north I’m afraid. I’ve used two main dealers so far and had problems with both. Don’t try Nissan customer services either cus youll end up topping yourself. Their an even bigger shambles.
  4. I haven’t seen Chesterfield’s installation method before and would say its got the makings of being the best. I’ve had a bit of experience with electrical noise, however I’m by no means and expert. The general theory is to earth all metal surfaces within the area of the main noise source. I believe that metal surfaces help to radiate the noise especially where sharp edges are formed. When computers are built into electrical noisy environments the best practice is to have a central earth. That’s to say one point to where all metal surfaces and all 0v (battery –ve) wires are ran to and connected to ground. It’s obviously not practical to earth all metal surfaced but I see the sense in doing the larger ones.
  5. The Kuro one looks a bit to good to be true. Who buys a £30K and car and leaves it in the garage. Millionaires I suppose. I’m always suspicious of such low mileage cars (looks good though)I’ve had several black cars before and wouldn’t have another cus their such a bug--r to keep clean and show the polish swirls. The Chilli car looks more genuine but don’t like red myself. Of course the best colour, as we all know, is GUN METAL PS by the way you’ve made the right decision to get a ZZZZ. I luv mine and would have its babies if it were possible. Ahead of the rest Dicky
  6. Dicky

    Tonneau Cover

    Jim you made the right decision! I bought one today. It cost £87. When I opened the box and saw what you get for that I nearly took it back. If they can’t make this for £10 I’ll show my nether regions in the local show room window. It doesn’t even fit very well either. If I’d made one myself I’d probably have been paranoid at getting a nice snug fit. This one has a sizable gap right around it. Got the brackets fitted then put it in position and noticed it has a small dent in it. I’m half tempted to trace its outline and make my own. Dicky
  7. As The Minel says, the only difference I can see to mine is that you have 6 wires. The info I worked off has 5. The additional wire you have looks as if it may go from the back RHS intake connection to the front passenger side of the engine bay. It looks like it connects to the body near the head light? I don’t believe this would make much difference though, in fact you’d think it would improve matters. If you cant notice a difference then either your engine doesnt generate noise, one or more wires isnt conducting, or may be insulted from the connection some how poss by paint or lacquer Funny fing electrickery
  8. I dont have photos to hand but heres a descriptive if it helps. * All positional information is when standing at the front of the engine bay * All you need is a 10mm combination spanner although a 10mm socket is handy in one or two positions. First remove the black plastic engine cover (4x bolts) Unclip the battery cover The bolt positions are as follows 1 At the back of the aluminium air intake manifold are two tapped 6mm holes. One on the RHS the other on the LHS 2 At the LHS front of the air intake manifold is a dark coloured bolt, which secures a harness bracket. It’s mounted just under the black plastic engine cover when fitted. 3 There is another 6mm tapped hole more or less at the front centre of the engine, just below the air intake manifold and below a grey wiring harness tube 4 Another bolt mounted on the left side of the engine and under the bonnet switch (rubber boot) mounting bracket. Attaches the factory fitted ground wire to the body. The switch bracket has to be taken off to gain access by removing its two securing bolts. 5 The last bolt position is on the negative terminal of the battery. You don’t need to remove the terminal clamp only its securing nut. Installation 6 Connect the 32â€
  9. Ive got to go out just now so wont be able to help until tomorrow. Ill post more info then. I got my info from the old site but in the mean time try a search on this site, it might be here somewhere Cheers Dicky
  10. OOOOOP's the Microsoft paint sketches didnt work ?? Dicky
  11. Why not make your own? The cable I used is 25mmTri rated. It has 0.89 ohms/1000 meters and approx 200 strands. You can get other cable with more strands but I believe that only makes it more flexible. The main thing you need is low resistance. I believe Spills cable has around 1000 strands but has the same resistance. Anyway mine works fine. You need 5 pieces 1 off = 16â€
  12. Dicky

    Got the Time

    Like Mr Rodents solution, "Not a lot of people know that" Yes your right Dorian cus we cant be bothered to read the manual (like the yellow truck by the way) Only problem is though Ill have to stretch a--l--l that way to press the button. Wish Nissan had thought of this prob in the first place. Dicky
  13. Well I’ve got to admit to being a bit, no a lot, gob smacked. Just fitted my home made grounding kit and got back from a test drive. What can I say, it’s bloody amazing (apologies if that s to strong for the forum) but it really is. All because of a few bits of wire. Not only is the tick over smooth but the acceleration is beautifully smooth. Can you believe it; I’ve thought about doing the mod for 2 yrs now. I wasnt fully convinced. What a waste of time. I might be mistaken but its got to have added at least 150mph to the top end and knocked 5.9sec off the 0 to 60. Its after 6pm now but Im sure the suns just coming up over the hill and the birds are starting to sing. Sorry getting carried away. Anyone who hasn’t done it yet don’t muck about, get it done, it’s well worth it.
  14. VERY NICE Andy. Please tell me if you ever decide to come up to Newcastle in it, cus Ill have to keep mine in the garage that day. Dicky
  15. Dicky

    Got the Time

    Hmmmm now there’s an idea. I’ve got an Origin b2 fitted so Ill check that out. The only problem might be that I’ve got it fitted in the front sat nav cubby and would have to leave it open all the time and I'd probably get fed up with that. Thanks anyway young man.
  16. Dicky

    Tonneau Cover

    I’ve been thinking of getting a tonneau cover. So today I picked up the phone to order one and it suddenly dawned on me that I didn’t realy know why I wanted it. If Im honest it’s just because most car sale adverts seem to include this accessory, so I thought Id better get one. I sat in the car and look at where it will fit and for the life of me I can’t see any advantage to it. So, can anyone who has one fitted explain the advantages please. Cheers Dicky
  17. Anyone got a nice solution to the Z’s missing clock problem. Yes I know there’s a clock, several button pushes away, but I tend to like the digital speed display. Anyone got something that installs somewhere, sticks somewhere or casts a shadow somewhere. All practical solutions welcome. Cheers Dicky PS it dont look cool sitting in the mean machine and looking at my watch
  18. Dicky


    While where on the subject of tyres. Does any one know if the coloured dots on the rim of new tyres should be aligned with the valve to aid good balancing? My stealer fitted two new tyres recently due to feathering and told me it doesn’t matter these day. Well if that’s the case why do manufacturers put them on?
  19. Had a little blurt with a S2K myself the other day. I’d just left a small country garage and was heading down the lane to join the motorway. I passed an old Fiesta about half way down and checked my mirror as I pulled back in; it was the only car in sight. At the bottom of the lane there was a sharp RH bend onto the slip road. I started to speed up and had just joined the motorway in the centre lane when I noticed this black sports car in my mirror. He must have seen me on the lane and charged down as fast as he could to catch up. He was tearing up the slip road and appeared to be hell bent on passing me.He pulled straight out into the fast lane and began to overtake. Well I’m getting on a bit now and don’t take the bait to easily these days, but it was just the idea that he thought he could demolish tmy little mean machine so easily . So I decided to go for it. The road was clear so I let rip down the centre lane and to my amazement, left him for dead. I thought these cars were fast. He obviously knew I had the beating of him and pulled back in behind me. By this time I must have been doing at least 69mph, so slowed down . He then made another charge, so again I gave it stick and again he couldn’t do it . We were coming up to traffic so I decided I’d had my fun and pulled into the inside lane. He followed for a while then came past at respectful speed and waved. I felt like such a prat after and vowed never to react like that again . Sad old Bastâ€â€d.
  20. Some bar steward put a great scratch down the full length of my bonnet 2 weeks after I got it. Got quotes of up to £300 to sort it. Luckily there are still some honest people around. I took it for another quote to Premier Vehicle Care in Heaton Newcastle upon Tyne. He said it would probably cost around £250 but to wait in the reception while he looked at it. After 20 mins he’d polished the scratch out (perfect) and charged £10. What service. Wouldn’t use anyone else after that. Hope you find someone as honest as these guys who can help you. Unfortunately the worlds full of mindless morons. No educating them. You’ll just have to give the places they frequent a wide birth like the rest of us. My condolences.
  21. Benfield Motors and North East Motors in Newcastle on Tyne quoted £245. Got it done at Vic Youngs in South Shields for £166 all in .
  22. Just had my front tyres change due to feathering. You probably already know that it’s identifiable by a heavy tyre noise at speeds below 30mph (mine worst at around 20mph) The problem can be felt by running your finger around the outside edge of the tyre. If the tyre is affected then you can feel slight steps as you cross the tread gap. I took my car in about 6 months ago with the noise complaint and was told it was due to running on Bridgestone’s. Following good advice from Dorian and others in the forum I took it in again with a copy of the TSB issued in the states and they sprung into action straight away. I’m convinced the dealer was aware of the true cause of the problem on the first occasion but was under instructions to fob complainants off unless the TSB was mentioned. Dicky
  23. No more Nissans for me I’m afraid. Not even a free one! The cars are ok its just the crap dealership service they have up hear, not to mention there lousy customer services. By the way there were two main dealers involved in the problems I posted earlier, Benfield Motors and Vic Young ( the brake fluid saga). The dealer who damage my wing mirror are now claiming their tech had noticed this damage before work commenced i.e. that I must have done it. Even though their Service Manager inspected the car before taking it away. I suggested that the person who had caused the damage would be highly likely to say something along those lines to cover their tracks. But they claim there a professional organisation and wouldn’t do such a thing---OH YEAH By the way just noticed that apart from the damaged wing mirror plus other things I mentioned I’ve just realised that one wheel has about ½ ton of weights on it because they’ve not positioned the tyre on the rim correctly according to the sidewall dots when fitting it and have also managed to get tyre brace marks on both alloys. Some professional service! I have a meeting with the Service Manager tomorrow so will keep you posted.
  24. Got the replacement tyres fitted today, Bridgestone Potenza RE040's. They also realigned the steering. Would like to have signed off now as a happy customer--- BUT--They’ve rebalanced the wheels and left the old rusty balancing weight holders on, having repositioned the new weights! They also managed to whack my wing mirror taking a nasty big gouge out of it. Just as well I insisted they check the car over for damage before taking it away. I do this every time it goes in now; you just can’t trust any of them. Other issues I’ve had with main dealers include an offer to respray my front bumper when small paint cracks appeared. On the day I arrived to hand over the car they informed me that Nissan would only spray half the bumper!!! I had to pay for the other half. They also insisted that a small gap I'd opened up in the joint between the bumper and the wing bu hitting my step ladders while pulling out the garage, required a complete new bumper to sort it. I did it myself in 3/4 of an hour, perfect! Another spilt brake fluid on the bonnet during its P2 service, they also gave the car back with virtually no brakes as they hadn’t bled them correctly (luckily I was going slowly when I realised I could hardly stop coming into a roundabout). They also forgot to refit the BIG reservoir cover. On taking it back to have the brakes sorted they again spilt fluid on the car, this time it luckily fell on the headlamp. They resprayed the bonnet but I've now got to take it back to get the lacquer runs sorted out. How can these people justify charges of between £50 to£60 an hour? They plaster their walls with Technician certificates and diplomas, give you coffee in a cup, newspapers to read and employ smart youg girls to take your money, but cant get the job right first time. Dicky ( Latest member of the Grumpy old men club)
  25. Your right of course. I’m only being awkward cos of the hassle Nissan customer services and the local dealer have given me over a couple of other claims I’ve made. Thanks for all the advice and support offered over this claim. It’s helped Cheers Dicky
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