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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Yesterday the phone worked fine then this morning the same thing happened and couldn’t get it to work. Your right it was the pairing. I have to admit I’m pleased with it. Everything seems to work first time and no “Pardonâ€
  2. Well, what do you know! Dropped the adaptor in to the spring loaded bit of the base unit, pushed it forward and hi presto the front bit dropped down to reveal a nice shiny socket into which it connected. I must have looked a bit sad last night though sitting in the car in the garage getting my daughter to call me . The wonders of science eh. I’ll have a go at programming in my numbers tomorrow and get introduced to Miss Pardon maybe. WHAT WAS ALL THE FUSS ABOUT anyway?? Thanks again one and all. Cheers Dicky
  3. My point exactly. Why does it bother you that people know you don’t have this years model. Most people don’t care. Your right when you say the industry is cashing in because they see this weakness in people and exploit it.
  4. Sarnie young man I would kiss you on the lips if you were better looking (ha ha). You’ve managed to make me feel very very stupid. I’m glad I don’t know any of you guys personally as I wouldn’t be able to hold my head up again. The picture tells the story. I now understand why the plastic lump at the front is angled to assist that part of the assembly to be pushed down when the adaptor is inserted. Im sitting in the office now and cant wait until I can get to the car tonight and have another go. Cheers young man for your efforts and to everyone else also (mind you if it doesn’t work Ill be calling you all a load of -**!1$ to the wife tonight). Once again thanks Dicky
  5. Cheers Sarnie, but if you look at photo 003 you can see why that wont work. At the opposite end to the sprung loaded bit is a plastic cover with a piece of plastic sticking out (shown at top of photo and looks to be colored silver). There isn’t any electrical connection for the adaptor to connect to. My guess is that this plastic bit should come off somehow to reveal a socket but Im a bit scared to lever it too much in case I damage it. Dicky Your getting confused I'll take a pic for ya............................ You might well be right. Thanks for the offer. A picture of a working one will be very useful to help me see where Im going wrong Cheers Dicky
  6. No, but if Im completely honest I was thinking of getting a real cheap one for resale purposes as it seems most sports cars have them. I appreciate where all different and if you like them go fot it, I just dont see it myself. Bling on the other hand, even hidden bling, can put a smile on your face, but number plate’s hummmmm. Cheers Dicky
  7. Cheers Mike, PMed you last night but I wont get in the house until approx 8pm toinght and tomorrow night. Im on nights on sat but available until 6pm. Cheers Dicky
  8. Cheers Sarnie, but if you look at photo 003 you can see why that wont work. At the opposite end to the sprung loaded bit is a plastic cover with a piece of plastic sticking out (shown at top of photo and looks to be colored silver). There isn’t any electrical connection for the adaptor to connect to. My guess is that this plastic bit should come off somehow to reveal a socket but Im a bit scared to lever it too much in case I damage it. Dicky
  9. Is this device the “holder/cradleâ€
  10. Just bought a bluetooth adaptor from Holdcroft but cant get it to fit to the device mounted in the centre console. Ive attached some pictures of this device but cant get anyone (main dealer or auto elec) to identify what it is. There isn’t any plug ,socket or electrical connections anywhere to be seen, other than a couple of wires going to the back of it and I cant see how even the original cradle method would have connected the device to the phone cradle. Checked another 04 Z at the garage and its also got the same device mounted in its centre console.
  11. Be careful mate, they can mean more. My Nan left me just £250 that she'd saved for me when she died. I bought the plate to remember her. And 90% of people at work said the Zed looked better when I'd transferred it from my old car, for what it's worth. Didn’t consider sentimental reasons. Yep, I can see that’s something I might do in similar circumstances. Sorry about your gran young man
  12. I had lots and lots of trouble with my lying and useless main dealer and the totally incompetent customer services over a period of a year. I finally wrote to the managing director Mr Gary Frigo at Nissan Motors GB Ltd, The Rivers Office Park Denham Way, Maple Cross, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 2WD. He offered me a free P2 service for my troubles but it was the lucky happening of ringing customer services yet again and talking to the only employee there who possess a brain. His name is Luke Seisay and he’s a go getter. From taking my call to resolution of the problem took him a couple of weeks. Best of luck
  13. At the risk of being linched heres my take on the topic. When I see private plates I always think one of two things; 1 There to hide the age of the car cos your bothered what the neighbours think 2 There to bolster the owner’s perception that it makes the car and hence the driver look cool, ie your sad person However the real sad thing is, in quite a lot of cases, the letters/numbers only mean something to the owner. To the rest of the world there just a set of letters and numbers. A guy in the street has ----TOM. Well I guess his names TOM then, big deal?? Ok, you could argue its fun, but when these things cost £00 and quite often £000 it all seems such a waste to me. If it enhanced the look or performance then I would agree.
  14. Dicky

    Discount Code

    You just PM one of the moderators asking for the code in question. In this case, I'll PM you the details! Thanks a lot Mr Jacko, young man, . Got your mail, very useful. Cheers Dicky
  15. Thinking of getting some rear LED units from Holdcroft. Can someone advise how I go about getting the 350Z discount code. Cheers,Dicky
  16. Haven’t looked at a circuit diagram but to hazard a guess. I think the ignition switch enables all of the cars auxiliary ccts, ie allows you to turn some ccts on only when the ignition's on. The fan must still have either a short cct to some other auxiliary live connection or some device in the fan cct is still broken keeping the cct permanently live. Not much help I know but check out the wiring around where the car was damaged and look for signs of insulation damage or connections shorting out. A good guy with a cct diagram and a multimeter should be able to sort that one fairly easily as the faults always on. It’s the intermittent ones that are the buggers.
  17. Thanks for that picture, the part looks a lot better than Id imagined. The idea of cut outs fitting around the switches also made me cringe but it all looks very neat.
  18. I didn't know that, but then lifes full of things I dont know! I'll get a quote. Thanks for your quick response. Dont fancy the idea of stick on bits though Cheers Dicky
  19. Suggestions please I’ve scratched the plastic coin tray on the driver’s door arm rest. The one with the window switches mounted on it. A new one cost around £70 from the stealers. I know its not a big deal but it really bugs me, however not enough to spend 70 sqid. Anyone got any ideas for repair/camouflage. I’ve looked into the carbon fibre bits as a possibility, by the way how do you fit these. Are they clip on or stick on?
  20. Benfield motors Portland Rd Newcastle upon Tyne ----Crap aviod at all cost.
  21. Dicky

    Tax Disk Holder

    You do have its magnetic base attached to the screen havent you?
  22. If these sad F--ks haven’t the backbone to confront you face to face, there are other ways to make you think twice about parking like this. I parked a bit selfishly in town once. On my return someone had stuck a ruddy great poster to my screen (about 2ft x 2ft). It took me at least an hour to pick it all off bit by bit. That taught me a far better lessen than this prates effort. If you find him/her save one of your better punches for this Geordie boy. If its a bloke then aim about 10" below the belly button, if a woman 10" below the chin, right side or left, it dont matter to me
  23. My advice is DON’T BL- -DY well believe a word they say. Check everything out. The Service Manager at my main dealer, told me on two occasions that the tyre noise I had was due to the Bridgestone’s fitted. I found out later from one of the techs in the garage that they have to say this unless a copy of the USA Tyre Feathering technical Bulletin is produced. Ask them for a letter to that effect, that you can show to a prospective buyer and see their reaction.
  24. James If this is accompanied by a louder than normal roaring noise from the front tyres then it could be the dreaded tyre feathering problem. When I think back I’m pretty sure I got a vibration sensation through the brake pedal on mine.
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