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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. No. The existing studs go through the holes as seen in the spacers. The nuts shown on the spacer then screw onto the existing studs to secure them to the wheel hub, then your wheel fits onto the spacers studs and secured by your existing wheel nuts. Easy!
  2. Anyone got experience of these. Do they work, do they stay on. If anyone can recommend a manufacturers name that would be helpful.
  3. Make your car look even more mean and planted. I found they certainly improve the look, on the road stability and cornering confidence. Fit the 350 as well as the 370 as far as I know. They’re in good condition as picture shows. Selling for £175, buyer pays postage. 
  4. Hi, Apologies for the delay in responding. I’ve no idea but will try to find out tomorrow for you. Regards Dicky
  5. Bought it for my daughters 370z as a “just in case” accessory and because I didn’t want to rely on the supplied glue kit which apparently destroys your tyre. Never used and now not needed as the cars been sold. It fits the 370 and I believe the 350 but you may require spacers on the 370. Her car already had spacers and it fitted without problem. Tyre info: Bridgestone T155/80 R17 100M, Max load 800 KG £100 ONO buyer pays postage
  6. Make your car look even more mean and planted. I found they certainly improve the look, on the road stability and cornering confidence. They’re in good condition as picture shows. Selling for £175, buyer pays postage.
  7. Apologies it’s a long read Well it’s all settled now! Heres the way it goes with Admiral and I guess their associated companies, when your faced with a write off. 1...someone calls and begins by offering Trade in values derived from Glasses guide. ADVICE...Counter this with lots of laughing and tell them you’ve been around the block a few times and fully undertand they’re working to their training script but lets get real here. Quote their Policy document statement on “Market Value”. In my case this lifted their offer from £10600 to £11500 during the call, Oh by the way, the increase was because he liked me but would normally have offered this to someone who had bought their car from a main dealer and not privately as in my case. They then terminate the call with...”this is our best offer and if not satisfied refer you to the Motoring Ombudsman”. I sent an email to the claims department deriding their disingenuous offer and the biased Motoring industry funded Ombudsman who by the way rated a Trust Pilot customer review rate of 2% who found them to be good and 98% who found them to be crap! 2...next day a different person called and after repeating my disgust offered £12040, the highest Glasses guide valuation they could offer and if not satisfied referred me to their colleague the Ombudsman. I again refused their offer and use of the Ombudsman. 3...I called the dealership who serviced my 350 and daughters 370 to ask for help on the Glasses guide. They informed me that they would buy the 370 in for between £10000 & £11000 and would put it on the forcourt for £13750. 4... I called the claims dep again and spoke to yet another person, explaining my dealerships statement and the results of my own online valuations all of which indicted a higher price should be offered and I would settle for £13750, which was less then I would have to pay to replace the car (I would have settled for £13k as it happens). This call turned out to be beneficial because after relaying the previous conversations she said they could carry out a 3 valuation report, something not mentioned by her other colleagues. This involved getting valuations from HPI, Glasses Guide and Parker’s, bear in mind that my own research and free valuations indicated that glasses and Parker’s were always the lowest and Parker’s quote theirs for a car with 90K miles so you have to pro-rata the milage, I used £60/1k miles. 5...They called back about two days later, this time it was the girl who offered her max price of £12040 (the max she could possible offer remember) She said I would be pleased to know that HPI came in with the highest valuation at £13200 and this was their 3rd final offer, or was it their 4th? 6 Having accepted this offer I sat back gave a big sigh but then recalled that my HPI valuation was £13450 no £13200. 7 next day called them again, got a different person again, relayed the progress to date and my disgust at being fiddled out of £250 and demanded to know why. He was unable to explain and said he would have his manager call me back in the next 24hrs. I backed this conversation up with an email (as I did for all telephone conversations). 8 Next day I called HPI myself. They couldn’t understand why the difference so ran another valuation which came in at £13595 and suggested this is what I should have been offered. 9 Admirals claims dept manager didn’t call so I called him, explained the history and wanted an answer. After lots of computer clicking and Oh I’m so sorry the computers slow today etc etc I finally got an unexpected answer. Apparently they pay out the valuation received on the day of the accident, when I ran my valuation sometime later it had increased by £250 and when HPI ran theirs again a while later it had increased again. Didnt know valuations went up/down over such short time scales! Anyway I accepted his explanation and settled. 10 THE MORAL OF THE STORY.....Dig you heels in, do your own research, assume their objective is to pay out as little as they can get away with, and for me pay a bit more for the Premium and go with a better company like NFU or Saga.
  8. Very good info, thanks. It boils my blood that they quote offer figures from data the public aren’t privy to, so you can only used current sal/forcourt prices. Admirals Policy docs state they will replace like for like (in so many words) they also quote “Market Value” will be offered. That’s defined as the price a buyer is prepared to pay and a seller is prepared to accept. If a car is offere for sale at £15000 I believe it’s reasonable to agree that a final agreed sale price might be £14000-£14500, so why they quote unrealistic prices from Glasses guide angers me!
  9. Dicky

    Coil pack

    Anyone know where to buy used Coil packs?
  10. Well I’ve already done those things. They’re aware it’s a low milage Black Edition and I’ve quoted the sale price of those on Auto Trader. Your right in your assumption that they are offering trade/part ex prices and not market value as their Insurance document states they would do. Im not threatening court action as yet simply that I want to esculate matters to an independent arbitrator. They suggested the Motoring Ombudsman but their customers reviews are appalling in fact Trust Pilot reviewers rate them 2% good, 98 % useless, so I won’t be using them! A Nissan dealership I have my 350 serviced at, using a Glasses guide, suggested they would put it on their forcourt at £13750 while trade in prices would be £10.2k-£11k
  11. The only low milage Black editions I can see are on offer for £15k & £16k? Just read Admirals definition of terms and Market Value is defined as “The cost of replacing your car , with one of similar make, model, year, milage and condition based on market prices at the time of the loss” Google defines market value as “The highest estimated price that a buyer would pay and a seller would accept”. I would interperate this as...if someone asks £16000 for his car and I turn up and offer an acceptable price of £15500 then that’s the market value?? What do you think?
  12. Does anyone have any good rule of thumb as to what difference 1000 miles would make to a cars value. Also has anyone taken an insurance company to court over such a matter.
  13. Just had Admiral call regarding their offer. By the way I was miles off on the milage I quoted earlier, the car had 60600mls on the clock. They said they could only offer Glasse’s guide valuations and started at £10600 based upon the fact that the car had been bought privately rather than from a dealer. After some negotiating he finally increased his offer to £11500 saying he had increased the valuation as if it had been bought from a dealer. What are your thoughts, do you think there’s more scope for improvement or is it a fair offer.?
  14. Thanks everyone for your valuable input, I really appreciate it. Admiral rang today to take details, condition, mileage, extras etc. I will be contacted later with their offer price. Ive also looked at current replacement costs and advised them I’m expecting an offer around £15k, so we will see what happens. I wouldn’t care but the car was in excellent condition. About 6 moths ago I paid over £800 to get Falcon Performance to upgrade the oil gallery gasket to prevent engine damage if the original failed, and just before Xmas I paid over £800 to have a failed steering lock replaced. Sods law she decides to write it off after all that. Buggar !!
  15. Thanks all. Any further Insurance company negotiating advice would be welcome
  16. Buggar!! Thought it might be. does anyone know if the pop up bonnet cylinders can be reset (ie pushed back in) or do you have to replace them ?
  17. My daughter had a a slow speed accident in traffic in her 2010 Black Edition (46K ish miles) a couple of days ago with all of the damage being at the front ( see attached pic). The Nissan repairers have just quoted a repair cost of £13,300, they said their labour costs were only £800 but the Nissan parts cost were high. As far as I remember it needs a new bonnet and hinges (although the hinges are fine) new front bumper, headlight (possibly 2 although I think ones ok), 2 headlight washer jets and a near side wing Do you think they might write the car it off ? The car has been well maintained and the engine, chassis and all the rest is undamaged. This repair cost seem extremely high to me. What do you think. If it is written off how does that work.Do they offer the market value and if so where do they get that value from. Can you buy the car back in some way because used parts are quite reasonably priced an I think the car is repairable for a lot less than this. Any advice welcome
  18. Dicky

    All Season Tyres

    Many thanks young man, will do,
  19. Dicky

    All Season Tyres

    Thanks for the reply. I live in the North a East and to be fair, up here, winters ain’t what they used to be but the car belongs to my dentist daughter and getting to work is essential. The best winter tyre option appears to be buying another set of alloys to fit them to, then there’s the storage requirements. I tend to agree with your reasoning but if those who have fitted all season tyres find them adequate then their an easier option. Lets see if anyone can provided a user review.
  20. Dicky

    All Season Tyres

    Anyone used these for driving in snow? Do they perform well or are winter tyres a better option
  21. Unfortunately I know what a brick wall looks like. You just can’t get through to them, there a huge lump of talking marshmallow that soaks up your complaints and when your finished repeats it’s pre recorded message time & time again. If you ask for a line manager name to escultae your complaint they refer you to the Motoring Ombudsman then revert to marshmallow mode again. Im thinking of raiseing it as an interest article in the Which magazine and will write to the ombudsman.
  22. Well Nissan customer Services ran true to form and washed their hands of my problem on the basis I had not demonstrate brand loyalty in that I bought the car second hand from a private individual rather than a Nissan garage and secondly because my lock failure wasn’t the same as the original lock failures. Now I bought my 350 from a Nissan dealer and had it serviced for 12 yrs, my daughter 370 has been serviced by Nissan for 8 yrs. The original locks replaced on recall around 2013 were done because of to much grease applied to the mechanical parts of the lock while my fault appears to be an electro mechanical fault where by the lock isn’t feeding back positional information to BCM. Thin ice stuff to me! I have escalated the issue within Nissan CS on the basis that the lock appears no fo for purpose. I base this on the obviouse facts that lots of UK, European and USA cars have many many lock failures. There have been several locks with different part numbers issued by Nissan, the ones I’m aware of are, 48700-JF00B and C apparently these locks were replaced by lock 47800-JF00D these were back in 2013. Lock D was super ended by another iteration 48700-1NC2A sometime after 2013 and the new lock quoted for my car is 48700-1NC1B. Heaven only knows how many others I’ve missed out. In my opinion a steering lock should last the life of the car not 3 to 5 yrs (I read of another owner who having his lock replaced under recall had the new one fail 3 yrs later) for which Nissan took nonresponsibility. If anyone knows of other lock numbers please feed them back as it would strengthen not only my case but that of others yet to fail.
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