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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. What about using a bit of heat to ease it before commiting to the undersize socket idea.
  2. Are you sure they will flash to fast? I thought they were powered from the output of the BCM module with the flash rate being a software setting. I dont think they use the old type flasher unit
  3. Did mine for the same reason a couple of years ago. There on a spline if I recall correctly so you may have to carefully give them a tap with a plastic mallet hammer to brake the crud holding them. Take care when wacking them though. Get the wife to do it then you can blame her if the widscreen cracks
  4. I’ve had the same problem. The brake pedal used to be ok until I changed my pads one year. I can’t understand why but it seemed to have happened when I pushed a brake cylinder back and noticed I'd spilt some fluid out of the reservoir. Anyway afterwards the brake seemed spongy. Took it to Quick fit, nearest place to me, who bled them for me. When I picked it up they were just the same. I complained and to cut a long story short they bled them several times again but with the same result. Contacted the main dealer who said they may have got air in the servo and they should power bleed them (I think that was the expression) anyway some kit that forces the fluid through the lines). The Quick Fit guys took it to another branch that had the kit and bled them again. This time they were much better but still not spot on and since then the pedal feel has never been quite the same as before the fiasco . I fitted new pads in November last year following which the pedal felt rock hard. However the pads have worn down a bit now and the pedal once again feels a bit spongy . Its going in for its P3 on Thursday so I’m going to get the stealer to have a go. Good luck with yours though.
  5. Mines been the same since new, happens sometimes & not others probably as Alex posted
  6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My maxim is --- "Less is more"
  7. Nor the pheasant pluckers mate, cos I’m the pheasant destroyer. Unfortunately one of these beautiful birds flew straight into my windscreen while trying to avoid another car . She left lighting strike cracks all over the passenger side windscreen and several feathers lodged in the wipers and bonnet shut lines. Bugger I hate killing stuff Autoglass just been to fit another screen (£75). So was my little burn up the road the other day worth the money. Shure it was!! (sorry big bird, rip)
  8. So it’s SWITCH OFF for me . By the way if I’m found half way up a tree one day chewing on bark and crows pecking at my arse, then I’ll be telling the wife it was YOU who told me to do it
  9. Only asking cos I seem to remember watching a video clip (You Tube I think) that showed a 350z racing from a standing start against an Impreza first with it on then again with it off. The video, and if not mistaken the commentary, implied that the Z beat the Impreza more convincingly with it turned off. Just found the clip, hope the short cut works 350Z VS Impreza WRX
  10. What difference would you notice if you turn off the traction control (apart from the car wanting to climb trees on wet days of course ). Are you introduced to a little more power, is the accelerator more responsive or is there nothing more than keeping you on the road (which is a good thing by the way ). I’ve tried it but cant really notice any difference.
  11. Agreed, hate the majority of them especially the Audi (too much like a xmas tree). Like the 911 and the couple of the 350z converted side reflectors (incorporated not on poking through). If we have to have better visability why not just brighter side lights (if indeed DRL's have to be brighter than side lights)
  12. Dicky

    Wheel referb.

    The picture itself can sway you. If you can find a place to park in the evening with subtile shadows and street lighting then Id say the black would look best as you walk to get in the car. However if the picture were of the car in daylight, possible on your drive then I may well think the standard silver is best. I wouldnt like to decide on a posed this picture like this.
  13. No, pre-facelift and Nismo V1 only. Does that mean they wont fit a 2004 standard bumper? You have a pre-facelift car YES its a 2004 and as you may have noticed I also have a wooden head. Apologies must have misread it.
  14. No, pre-facelift and Nismo V1 only. Does that mean they wont fit a 2004 standard bumper?
  15. I think this may well be a song by Englebert Humperdinck if memory serves. It begins with the back up singers going whump whump whump whump into their mics while he comes in with “Please release me let me goâ€. Yes Im nearly sure that’s it alright! Sorry for not taking this seriously but I’m sat here, lap top on my knee, watching some daft ballet the wife wants to see on TV. Ho hum----please release me let me go for I don’t love you anymore ----
  16. Isn’t practicing and making the baby a nice little interest to have:lol: I’m to old now for such things as sex and would rather have a good curry these days.
  17. My handbrake's been the same from new, so always left it in gear on a hill. My main dealer doesn’t adjust the handbrake when changing pads. Last summer I did the pads and handbrake myself. I stripped the handbrake assembly instead of just adjusting it and was pleased I did. The reason was I was able to clean and lub where necessary but more importantly I found the handbrake shoes looked to be “glazed†over as did the brake drum. I wire brushed the pads and drum to rough them up and brake the glaze, reassembled, the handbrake's now tick idy boo . By the way if you just keep pulling it on harder each time you'll end up needing new cabels as well
  18. CONGRATULATIONS on the news A family is way way more important and rewarding than a Z
  19. Is that right, changing the flywheel when you change the clutch plate? I can see the logic of doing both together if both are worn but surely a metal flywheel will wear more slowly than a clutch plate which after all has a wearing surface. There must be a thickness measurement that can be taken from the flywheel to give you some guide how long its got before a replacement is needed as with brake disc's. I had thought a flywheel would out last at least a couple of clutch plates (assuming you don’t do racing starts all the time) before needing replacement? This is written more in hope than with practical knowledge as mine cant be far away from needing replacement
  20. I’m in the process of having some corrugated asbestos sheets removed from a old garage roof. My local council said if I bag them and mark them Asbestos they will collect and dispose of them FREE Might be wort checking out as asbestos removal can be very expensive
  21. Anyone know why my laptop wont display picture files with extension .php?
  22. Anyone know why my laptop wont display picture files with extension .php?
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