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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. For some unknown reason my desktop pc running internet explorer will no longer log in and keeps timing out even if I try to enter one of the forums? I'm using my iPad at the moment and can log in no prob's. only difference is the iPad is going via my wireless router and uses Safarie. All help welcome
  2. Thanks for that input posidrive it all helps. I'm now wondering if we might have the same dad (mine got around a bit) cos your mishaps are just the sort of thing that happens to me when I try to pick up tools I'm going to give it a go when I get the required cleaning fluids but I'll be sure to keep tissues and cloths well clear if I have to start it up By the way it was just as well your son was well clear at the time Wish me luck and keep an eye out for my post when I'm finished and asking how to straighten the throttle plate or some other mishap
  3. See what I mean RISK! Knowing my luck I'll sneeze or something nd that'll be that. Is there a noticeable fall of in performance or are these jobs just routine maintenance. My cars an 04 and done 55k
  4. Been reading about the guys who have cleaned the above two devices & because I'm thinking of having the up rev done I'm looking into any other stuff that might be worth doing before I commit to the tune. My question is: how do you know if these devices need attention? How does poor operation show itself? I get the impression that cleaning them carries some risk so thought I'd ask first
  5. Dicky

    Clutch Burn

    Yeah I understand if your giving it some but driving up a a set of car ramps? I've never experienced clutch stink on any of my previous cars from Austin A40 (your too young to know that one ) to my last 5 series B M. I wonder if it's damaging the clutch at all or wearing it heavily when the smells produced?
  6. Dicky

    Clutch Burn

    What is it with the oem clutch plate. I've read a few reports of racing starts followed by a clutch burning smell. I ran the car onto my ramps yesterday only to get the smell with what seemed like a relatively controlled ascent. It's happened to me a couple of times now at times when had I been driving a standard 4 door there wouldn't have been any smell?
  7. Pm'ed u Jez but no reply so trying this instead. I'm after an ON/OFF switch to fit in the spare location next to the heated seats switches. It's a small request I know but if you have one I'll have it
  8. Dicky

    Air Con

    Bloody TECHNOLOGY always interfering when youndont want it When you switch the aircon off again everything mists up.
  9. Would you split and sell the spoiler alone? If so how much do you want
  10. Dicky

    Dash squeak :(

    Mine came from the dash touching the windscreen. I used a length of 3 core flex (black) stripped out the cores and inserted it between the two. Job done. Now Ive got a noise coming from behind me around the drivers side of the tail gate and just cant locate it
  11. Sorry got my wooden head on today (Just as well with all that hammering )
  12. Thinking of fitting a custom made st st exhaust, Plemum Spacer and having an Uprev tune. Rang my insurance "More Than" who said they would not insure me for any performance improving mods . Can anyone recommend another company please
  13. Dicky

    Plenum Spacer

  14. Dicky

    Air Con

    The controls are set to Auto and for incoming air (not recirc). Odd times when driving I look down and the air con light is on but I didnt select it. Its happenes quite often but Ive never been able to connect its switching on to any event with the car (like hitting a bump in the road/other)?? As I said Ive tried banging around the controls in case theres a loose connection but it doesnt come on.
  15. Dicky

    Air Con

    Anyone noticed their air con intermittantly switching on by itself. Mine seems to have started to do it . Ive tried tapping the switch and surrounding area but cant get it to come. Any ideas welcome Its a pain cos when you switch off again the screen fogs up.
  16. I’m not completely sure but from what I see on the wiring diagrams I have access to the BCM (Body Control Module – it controls the operation of some of the electrical units, wipers, turn signals, washers, lights) operates the turn signal lights directly from its output terminals based upon signals received at its input terminals. These units are normally controlled by internal software and in the case of the flashers will provide an output to drive the lamps at a rate determined by that software (as with the clicking noise you hear when your indicators are on) Since led’s take far less current than a normal flasher bulb there would no danger of overloading the BCM o/p so no resistor required because of this. The LED however will normally require a resister in series with it to limit the current available from a 12v supply ie the o/p of the BCM (they work on something like 2v therefore the resistor has to drop 10v to protect the led itself) Older cars using the old style flasher unit (which the Z doesn’t have) would probably require a resistor to control the flashing rate. I would imagine that replacing the flashers with leds would work fine so long as you are sure to connect the led’s correctly if connecting more than one to each flasher position. Bit of a spiel I know but the best I can do to help. If anyone else is more up to date than I am with the old electronics theory involved they may jump in now to help
  17. I bloody well wish they would . For the none mechanically minded amongst us its a nightmare
  18. Thanks for the info all
  19. Dicky

    Plenum Spacer

    Yep, was hoping to nab a second hand one first
  20. Dicky

    Plenum Spacer

    Would like to buy a 5/16 Motordyne plenum spacer in good condition. Not in a raging hurry, so if you have one or are thinking of selling one in the near future let me know.
  21. Hello Zugara. We chatted once before on this subject you and I Well after a lot of brain churning I’ve decided to go for it and just wanted to make sure before committing. Id like to know my cars performance is as good as it can be so need the uprev, I’ve got 8 yrs out of the original exhaust and am about to have a st st custom job fitted. SO given all this I thought I might as well go for the spacer to.
  22. Why is Motordyne generally considered the best. What about Horsham's, Skunk2 and others? Has anyone come a cropper using the less favoured makes? I’m looking to buy one and really don’t know for sure. I'll probably go for Motordyne but only because everyone else seems to, but are they like me and just follow the heard.
  23. Haven’t noticed this little project before, which looks great by the way. What do you do once the unit is opened? Is there a red internal reflector you have to remove, then replace it with a red led ? and how do you reseal the unit again once finished?? Sorry to be a pain but Id like to have a go at this one.
  24. Castrol 5W30 fully synthetic £17.5/4L at Halfords in my home town
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