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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Dicky

    No sky for me

    Yeah I was aware of that but if they want Z insurance punters there going to have to do better and sign up suitable Ins Co's! ( or maybe they don't want Zedies , or maybe it's cos I'm a wrinkly or maybe it's cos I'm a Geordie or maybe they think I'm too good looking, or maybe.......)
  2. Dicky

    No sky for me

    I can't understand the wide variations with this company? Some guys on here seem to have got a decent deal and recommend them I've been quoted £355 from More Than but will check out ensure straight away
  3. That's encouraging DannyBoy ....307bhp. Living in Surry I suppose you used Abbey I'm closer to Leeds so would have to use RS. I wonder how much the final results of the tune depend upon the operator who does it or do you know if the tuning procedure is pretty fool proof and any operator will achieve similar results?
  4. I understand the more miles the engine does the more horses leave the stable so is an uprev still worth it? I've had the car 8 yrs now and still waiting for the original exhaust to die before committing to a new st st one then the tune ( yes i am a bit mean ) Have I left it to late to achieve the optimum results.
  5. Dicky

    No sky for me

    Not to impressed with sky insurance. Rang for a quote only to be told they couldn't quote and to try again next year ! I'm an old fart of 65 as is my only named driver,the wife. Neither of us have any points and she had one fault claim in 2011 when she reversed off the drive and into a neighbours car ( first claim in around 20yrs). I've got 12 yrs no claims and the most exotic mod on the car are wheel spacers. Can't understand what more they want to enable them to quote I'm afraid I won't be calling them ever again PS I should have said the wife was driving her own car at the time and not the Z
  6. A bit late I know, but I fitted Iridium plugs cos my research seemed to suggest they were best
  7. My drivers side has a wind deflection gizmo on it, do these come with that on? Can't tell from picture
  8. Those under tray bolts and clips are a bloody pain in the bum. I cant understand their thinking (that's assuming they were) using steel bolts and clips mounted on plastic parts in an area exposed to the elements and needing to be removed regularly for maintenance! Most of mine were damaged during garage servicing and they used ty wraps to hold bits together on completion. I've since renewed them all, some needing to be drilled out, and plastered them with grease.
  9. I've seen these on offer before and didn't know what they were for, pguess what "I do now" I'll look a little closer at you project Wasso and if poss will have a go
  10. Now you've got me worried!! I've read a one or two posts during my search of guys who have reported the same thing, while others said there's was clean. What's going on, could this be a fuel choice issue? Or just dirty filters?
  11. How do u look at the reverse side. Do u gently move it with a finger or do u remove the whole unit to take a look?
  12. Searched the subject and read a few posts but left with a couple of easy questions for you experts. 1 Is it only necessary to clean the one face of the butterfly or do both faces get dirty and have to be cleaned? 2 is it only necessary to do the throttle body reset and not the ecu reset as well?
  13. Safari doing the same thing while logging in and times out stating SAFARI CAN'T OPEN THE PAGE " "
  14. Thanks lads for taking the time to help. Technology seems to have a way of knowing if your a computer clot or not and makes you pay big style if like me you fall into the former category.
  15. Scrub the FF working every time. It's now gone intermittent again. Seems like it sometimes needs more time to achieve its command. Thinking it might be my computer of Virgins broad band or security software. But then I can log into my emails and eBay etc without problem?
  16. Reset IE and tried that again but same problem. Downloaded FF and it craps out when logging in but gives THE CONNECTION WAS RESET and TRY AGAIN. Clicking try again works and logs me in. Had another go but then it timed out trying to log out. Next time it logged me in and out without problems? IE still timing out. FF seems to be working every time now ? WHAT THE HELL's going on. I hate technology!
  17. Well, downloaded Firefox and typed in www.350z-uk.com it went there just as it would with IE but when I log in it times out stating THE CONNECTION TO THE SERVER WAS RESET WHILE THE PAGE WAS LOADING. Tried it a couple of times and same message? BUGGER
  18. Your probably right but how does a body sort it out. What options are available on the pc or will it need to go to a pc eng to sort? I'm busy trying to download FF so will give it a go when I've done
  19. I'll try Firefox then and possibly Safarie again. Dont wait up though I'm no computer wiz
  20. Shows how much I'm into technology these days I only discovered what Safari was after I bought my iPad last week. Now all of a sudden there's another one. I'll certainly try it but would like to bottom out this IE prob first. By the way I've just tied Safari on my PC and it did the same thing. TROUBLES COME IN THREE's right
  21. Done that young man but the little tinker persists
  22. Nope can't log in there either. It may be coincidence but it seems to have been like this since last week sometime when the site went down. Could this be a factor. I've been using it for years now with no probs and this is the only site I'm having prob,s with. Can't understand it.
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