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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Anyone know of any testing undertaken to show the effectiveness, or not, of replacing the velocity stack on pre 06 cars.
  2. Why is it though that DIY things on the car always happen in the winter? Is it just me or is life just out to get me ! I got half way through your first post and thought Victor Meldrew had signed up Victor Meldrew ! Ha ha ............an mear novice young man ! Hey guys, he called me young man!!!! I like this chap Come on then lets get our d--ks out, I'm 65 but keep that to yourself most people believe I'm only 39. I'm sure you can't beat that. Policemen have looked like young kids to me for lots and lots of years now. Ha ha
  3. Why is it though that DIY things on the car always happen in the winter? Is it just me or is life just out to get me ! I got half way through your first post and thought Victor Meldrew had signed up Victor Meldrew ! Ha ha ............an mear novice young man !
  4. Yeah, I thought a rolling road was essential so how would that work. Higher a local facility ? Can't spull either I see ha ha. Must of been thinking of lifting the car up onto the dyno
  5. Why is it though that DIY things on the car always happen in the winter? Is it just me or is life just out to get me !
  6. Yeah, I thought a rolling road was essential so how would that work. Higher a local facility ?
  7. Decided to change my side lights as one of the original led versions I fitted a couple of years ago started to flicker. It's an easy job and its sunny outside so I'll have it done in a jiffy. No problem. What a pain in the arse it all is. First, getting the wheel off the ground is a pain cos the supplied jack and winder thingy are next to useless. Getting the liner out was also a pain cos the wheel liner securing clips had been destroyed by hapless mechanics and replaced by ty-wraps, self tapper screws and other stuff. Replacing the lamp was slightly less of a pain but as you know its a 50/50 chance you get the polarity right and naturally I failed on both replacements. Getting the liners back in is a greater pain cos you get most of the clips back in only to find that the last clip won't go in cos the holes not lined up so you have to remove them all again to free up a bit of slack. Then doesn't it start just get dark early and to add the final touch of aggravation to the experience doesn't it just start to rain as well. But you can't stop cos it's getting dark and even with your wind up torch which keeps running down cos the rechargeable batteries are nackered you carry on regardless. I'm now soaking wet, freezing cold, the arthritis has kicked in and I can't turn the remaining fixing screws in by hand. Finally it's done, just need to tidy up and get into a hot bath when the neighbour pulls up in his lovely warm car and wants to tell you at lenghth how hard his day's been. All to save a couple of quid by DIY. Well not any more matey!!!!!! The stealers can have all my dosh just give me peace and comfort from hear on un.
  8. What can I say other than thank you very much young man for your help you've saved me a trip out in a cold garage. Regards Dicky
  9. It's the thought that counts ha ha. Cheers anyway
  10. What no one can be bothered to quickly check for me? Ah we'll I suppose I'll just have to start pulling it to bits then!
  11. Unfortunately the exchange rate between southern pounds and Geordie pounds isn't very favourable. It's probably cheaper for me to do a 1000 ml round trip and stay overnight rather than have a very expensive engineer do the same. Also I don't think you southern softies could handle the women up here. Cos if you happened to go to the "Toon" for a bevy while your here and they found out your a well endowed (financially speaking) southerner with loads of dosh (as we poor people up here know you all have) they'll be after your body faster than you can say .....UPREV . Now lets face it......who would want to endure all that for the sake of tuning my car?
  12. Bit of advice to save me some work please. Can anyone tell me if the windows lock switch on the drivers door arm rest panel is supposed to light up when side lights on. Mines doesn't and I cant remember if theres a lamp behind it or not. Cheers
  13. Thanks Mark, I only wish I lived closer to Abbey. Reading feedback from satisfied customers and the useful feedback from your company always inspires confidence and demonstrates a professional company. Any chance you could move up to Newcastle please ?í ½í¸‰
  14. Cheers young man. I thought I had read somewhere on the forum that only the upgrade cars could have selectable mapping from the controlled by the stability control switch ?
  15. I've got a 2004 de engine and was wondering what you can you ask for in the way of tuning options or is the UPREV a set package. Typically I've read you can have.. Limits removed from 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Max speed limit removed Tune to run lean ( to ensure good mpg) Can you make the map selectable to say keep the original settings then flip a switch for the UPREV settings. Any others you know of
  16. I used to believe there were only two reasons why people spent money on a private plate 1) to hide the age of the car from the neighbours 2) if a name plate like say TOM .... Then they were sad people who should get out more often. BUT now I believe there's a third reason 3) and that is it adds something to certain cars typically sports cars. Still believe item 1) & more so item 2) but if its a sports car then it's ok
  17. To late ordered some from Amazon. The led side lights I have at the moment (bought from ebay a couple of years ago ) have started to flash Hope these are brighter and less blue (also hope the short cut below works) http://www.amazon.co.uk/LED-SIDE-LIGHTS-Perfect-Standard/dp/B0053XXCWM/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1352486670&sr=8-3
  18. Anyone recommend one that bright looks white And where to buy? Would appreciate your advice. Cheers
  19. Know what, they look best in silver ! SORRY but they do
  20. Mine does that sometimes. If it's not tensioners any idea what causes it?
  21. No pre facelift. I know what you mean but I feel the reflectors look better lit up than just as reflectors. I experimented by modifying mine ( see Lazy Mans DRL's ...author Hesketh) don't know how to post the short cut! Here's my attempt...viewtopic.php?f=9&t=63469&hilit=DRL%27s They look quite bright on the pictures but look a little blue in daylight
  22. Found these, there supposed to be used on the audi Osram Advanced Power TopLEDs Type LUW G5GP Color ultra white http://www.mouser.com/osrampowertopled/
  23. So long as he doesn't open his mouth hell be all right and hell still be able to contribute when he gets back ( lucky buggar) cheers
  24. Anyone have any idea what type of led's they use on the likes of merc/mondo/ others for their daytime running lights. I modded my front reflectors to act as DRL's but they don't look anywhere  near as bright as the modern DRL's fitted to new cars
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