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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Anyon tell me if this box still performs all of its functions if you no longer subscribe to sky HD. I mean the pause, record and playback functions not the HD quality pictures. Cheers dicky
  2. Hello, Does the gear knob have any wear/damage ? I lost the ferrules when I changed mine and want to put it back on. Yours could act as a spare for when mine wears out.
  3. There's always one ! And on this occasion Im it. What does using a clay bar ( which sounds horrific by the way) do for you that wax polishing won't. Is the differance in the appearance of the paintwork noticeable? Would it be noticeable on gunmetal ?
  4. Better informed individuals than little old me suggest you always change the flywheel when changing the clutch cos it must be showing some wear . Even Alex, if Im not mistaken recommends changing the flywheel and I don't get the impression he's the type to give such advice just to make a sale. He's knowledgeable regarding the Z and I for one would follow his best advice. It makes sense anyway, how would you feel having changed only the clutch to find a few months later you still have problems and have to strip it down again. I also agree with Whacky Will regarding resale. Bite the bullet and change both you never know you may not sell it in 6 myths. Best of luck anyway
  5. Dicky


    25mm all round for me and Alex I think
  6. Oops what happened there? Must be still shaken after checking my registration
  7. Barsteward............i swallowed that one Hook line and Sinker. Ok so I am a little bit gullible. Doesn't make me a bad person !
  8. Barsteward............i swallowed that one Hook line and Sinker. Ok so I am a little bit gullible.
  9. Most will probably already know this but thought it worth posting for the less we'll informed like myself. Apparently it's a misconception that the police apply a calculation to determine if you get a fixed penalty notice or not, the calculation being ...speed limit + 10% + 2 mph. Therefore in a 30 mph zone this would be 35mph. My mates wife just got gatso'ed at 35mph, so they thought they'd be safe and maybe let off or asked to attend the driving awareness course. But no she got fined and you can be fined doing 31mph. The calculation above is mearly guidance provided by the ACPO but is not law. I've passed police cars on a motorway stretch near me on several occasions where the speed limit is 50mph and always thought Im ok doing around 55mph but no your not. Anyway lesson learnt by me.
  10. HERE'S A GEORDIE LETTER FOR YOU ....NO CHARGE Hey f--k nose get ya arse doon here noow nd luc at the state ya mates av got me car in. cos if ya divint get it fixed soon ahll be rooned your hoose the morra nd sort ya oot. Divint think am kidden like cos ahm not. The prats iv got clarts all ower me clean car nd knackerred me wesher anal! Ya nah wot they've nackered me bumber anal cos they've scratched it while buggering on wiv it. Noo ah divint like any upset wi me neighbours, nah a divint, but am ganna kick their arses anal for gettn a bloody meter in the first place! Yeh mightened iv guessed but ah got a Geordie mate iv mine ti write this cos ahm that mad. So get cracking no nd sort it but quick like. Yours sincerely ................
  11. Dicky


    I believe HID' s would need the appropriate additional circuitry to drive them ie ballest which increases the voltage to the HID. If it were a straight swap I'd go for it myself cos my headlights are crap
  12. Yes tuning via datalogs will never be as good as tuning the car on our dyno but we do know these cars pretty well so the map wont be far away from perfect. Well Mark, Ive got to confess to gravitating towards the dyno option because Id be very interested to know the before figures and to know that the best possible tune has been achieved to optimise my car. I'd hate to be always wondering "what if" How are the option costings going by the way? Is a site visit to a local a local dyno provider still an option?
  13. We can tune your car a few ways , 1. come to Abbey for a remap on our in house Dynapack day. 2. We can supply a Uprev cable to allow you to upload maps tuned by Abbey 3. You can visit one of our Sub dealers we are setting up in the UK. Enlighten me please Mark cos I don't fully understand things what go up & down nd what go round nd round! I assume item 2) above would be less accurate than option 1)
  14. Ha,ha ha ha .....sorry to laugh young man! .....Sounds like even Steven on the agrivation factor. It could be worse though, the nail may not have been right through and they've suckered you in to buying a new one ( nearly happened to me. Good job I got three estimates cos the first two were from the big named dealers who wanted to fit new and the last from a back street garage who found the nail wasn't right through)
  15. Dicky


    Ooops ......sorry Mr Horsham and spot on Whatshot.......:-)
  16. Dicky


    No it doesn't have to be remapped if you don't want it. But if you do then there are only three companies in the country who can do it as far as Im aware. Abby Motorsport RS Tuning Hold croft.
  17. The car looks fine from the pics, but no substitute to crawling all over it. By the way an unfavourable reputation has to be earned in much the same way as a good reputation.
  18. That's good advice. Your obviously a deep thinker !
  19. Vacuum cleaner a good idea , if you can reduce the hose size to less than the 1/2" or so hole! Oh by the way, and smaller diameter than the lamp itself otherwise you' ll just create yet another little conundrum for yourself ha ha
  20. Cheers chaps for advice :-)
  21. Anyone been successful tidying up their seats? My drivers seat is beginning to show scuff marks on the entry side bolster and the seat part shows bits of the orange colour coming through on the raised bits. Is this a professional job or are there any tried and tested leather repairs bits n pieces available?
  22. Th way things have gone for me today I'd have had the spray nozzle pointing at me!
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