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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Let's face it, if your 21 then yes you may well believe that. But as you get older you come to realise that the vast majority of women have little interest in cars and don't even see them. Those who do admire the car look only at the car but not the guy driving it. It's a male fantasy just like in the days before cars, when men believed a particular breed of horse did it for women. Most men drive a nice car as a statement of who they think they are and probably to stick it up other men. I used to feel like that but now I'm fully cooked my only pleasure is in driving a nice looking, well engineered car that brings with that warm feeling in your gut when you drive it Were a sad lot really and it's taken me years to realise it. What a waste of effort!
  2. Take your point about the batt charger but not the couple of weeks. Mind you I would have thought the same thinking the current drain would have been a lot less than it is. As I said above its a 52A/hr batt so if the car's taking 0.7 A then it only lasts 52/0.7 ie 72hrs and then it's flat. The trickle charger sounds like a fix but Not sure how the insurance company would view it if it caught fire and burnt the house down?
  3. Went on hol for 2wks leaving the alarm system on. Came back to a flat battery. As it happens I totally forgot about disconnecting the negative before I left. I know the battery drain when standing with the alarm on is approx 0.7A which means on a new batt (which is a 52A/Hr) it would only last for about 3days. But it's got me wondering how should you prepare the Z when going on hol. Anyone looked into this?
  4. Roads look dry today and battery should be charged by now, hold on, yep it's charged. Neutral back onto the terminal and tightened, that's done. I'll just back her out the garage and off I go. I'll just open the garage door. Hold on though it's bloody raining again, sod it..........................I'm bored (wish I was driving in Lanzaroti, hold on though they drive on the wrong side, sod that) .....................I'm still bored!
  5. Back home now so not bored cos the Z is waiting to be driven on such nice sunny day. But hold up a minute the bloody thing won't start! The battery's flat, sod it!..................................I'm bored
  6. I'm so bored can't even post in the right place. Ho hum, so how many was it now? Oh yes it was 3 balls of fluff I found in my belly button. Onward and downward.
  7. Waiting for my flight home fromTenerife. Can't believe how lucky I've been with the weather, missing the last two weeks of UK misery, hitting two weeks of sunshine here and leaving on the day the weather's turned for the worse with high winds and rain. Never mind all that though cos I can get back to the Z and go for a drive. Sad I know but I still enjoy it even after 10 yrs of ownership. Just over 4 hrs to flight time so back to the forum
  8. Oooops should have read the whole thread. Well done! It's a bugger loosing your job after such a long time (same for me first time) but that's how it goes sometimes. So the Z still has a good home.
  9. I don't know anything about the circuitry involved so the relay could be a 12v or 5v if operated directly by the the control ecu. The voltage and internal connections may be indicated on the relay case. If so, and if a 12v relay remove it and connect a couple of wires to the coil contacts then connect these to a 12v car battery. You should hear the relay clicking each time you touch the connections to the battery. This only verifies the if the coil itself is ok. if a 5v relay coil then you need a multimeter set to resistance range (you can also use the multimeter to check the 12v relay in the same way). Connect it to the relay coil connections and you should get a reading. The resistance reading is dependant on a couple of things but so long as you get a resistance reading of around 100 ohms or above ( but not thousands of ohms) it would indicate the coil is ok. If you want to check the contacts thats easy as well and you will need a multi meter again, but check the coil first as it's the most likely cause of relay failure. But as said above the fault could also be due to the connections in the circuit to/ from the relay.
  10. Didn't really want to know anyway!
  11. I was made redundant several times during my working life each one was a blow to the old self esteem and a pain leaving the people I'd grow to like. On my first occasion I parked the car up and walked everywhere to save money, even cancelled papers and milk, a total over reaction. Jobs were hard to come by then as well. Anyway looking back I always managed to get another job and banked the redundo cash. Chin up, you'll get fixed up and have another Z soon, just keep on pushing. Good luck
  12. Well you live and learn. I really should get around to reading that manual of mine. I've had it 10 yrs and didn't know they were speed sensitive. On the other hand you could keep posting you discoveries and save me the effort ha ha cos I'd much rather read the forum
  13. Cars these days look enough like Christmas trees already. Why would u even contemplate making such a cool looking car look as if it belonged on a fairground ride. I know we don't own 911's but can you imaging how ridiculous that would look on the road, DONT DO IT. Remember less is more when it comes to cool cars!
  14. Now mattbowey that is pleasing to the eye (mine anyway). I'm afraid I'm swimming against the tide here but I think Keser has ruined his car, it looks just awful to me. Looks like a lot of hard work and effort had gone into it and if he likes it that's all that matters but I'll be not for me Sorry
  15. Same happened to me and I couldn't reprogram mine either. Took it to Vic Young in the end and they sorted it. Can't remember much detail of the event but had to pay a few quid for their help.
  16. Hello, what condition is the plastic piece in that surrounds the gear stick. Any damage at all and if available what do you want for it.
  17. I've still got my 350, so is the 370 really that much better a drive. I have to admit I still like the looks of the 350 better but would change if the drive is improved and have to admit the 370 interior is much better
  18. Dicky

    Boot leak

    Come on now Ed's the only interesting bit of the show. His fat mate Mike is a waste of space and seeing as how it's his programme poor old Ed has to play the stooge.
  19. Wasn't aware of that, will check it out when I bet back off hol. Oh by the way it's 23deg here in Tenerife and sunny ever day, but you don't want to hear that I'm sure cos of all tha rain back home. Please accept my apologies and don't get jealous now ha ha ha. Anyway having had it serviced for 10yrs now guess I'll just keep going. Only had one issue with them in that time when they spilt brake fluid on the bonnet. Didn't notice it straight away but when I returned it there was no fuss at all. No blame throwing like a Benfield they just booked in in a respray end the bonnet.
  20. Dicky

    Boot leak

    Saw Ed China (Wheeler Dealers) use some kind of smoke m/c or smoke bomb to detect the same prob. He placed the smoke thingy inside the car and closed the doors.The smoke could be seen escaping where the leak was on the door seal. I was quite impressed (little thing please little minds I hear you say)
  21. Don't go to Benfield on Portland Road. Had a lot of trouble with them when Infirst got the car. There lying ba----ds. They damaged my car during servicing and denied it was them .Like most everyone else I know ever scratch on my car and a big chunk missing out of the wing mirror certainly wasn't there when I took it in. They tried to fob me off when my car developed the tyre feathering problem after I first got it. Thankfully someone on here posted a copy of the tech builtin issued at the time which forced their hand. After other such incidents I had a meeting with the acting service manager and told them I would rubbish their name whenever I got the chance. I go to Vic Young in Shields. A bit out the way from Newcastle but very trustworthy.
  22. I wouldn't think so cos copper isn't very strong. If it were for this purpose I'd expect it to be much stronger material (don't know though). Generally braided copper is used for grounding purposes but why you would ground the exhaust like this seems daft. If it does need grounding for static build up reasons I'd expect the braid to be strapped across each exhaust joint as it's finally grounded at the engine manifold.
  23. No it can't be a Stopper Tire, it's obviously a ........ THINGY,
  24. I found a world of difference after this mod. The car didn't go any faster but it certainly smoothed everything out. I couldn't point to any particular thing other than the smoothness. Well worth it. The kit's easy to make providing you have access to a crimp tool to attach the ends to the cables
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