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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Cleaned the mass flow a couple of months ago so doubt it's that but thanks anyway
  2. Don't you have to carry out calibration/ECU procedures following this cleaning?
  3. Following a short run in the car I'm increasing finding that having turned the engine off for a short while then when Trying to start it again it fires up initially but fails to keep running and cuts out. The only way to be sure it continues to run is to give it a little bit of throttle. Any ideas what might be happening?
  4. Just bought this one as it came out 2nd in an Auto Express group test http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0001K9S52/ref=pe_385721_37038051_TE_3p_dp_1
  5. FFFFFFF--- £500! Hope I didn't damage it because I did move it around a bit to see what it did. I packed some general purpose grease in the ball joints while I was on fitting my new modified drop links from Clark Motorsport. If that provides a signal to level the head lights does that mean the headlights are motorised to adjust position?
  6. Excellent service once again. Bought modified drop links and Hawk pads. Pity I couldn't fit them as fast as there delivered. Only one complaint though, Ewan wouldn't give me 50% discount for being a pensioner no matter how much I begged ha ha
  7. Oh that's a good one, I'd never have thought of that. As it happens I could see this assembly connect to this rubber bung thingy which was mounted and a metal bracket. I could also just about see a cable dropping down behind this metal bracket but couldn't see where it went. So you could be onto something. I'll take another look at my manual. Thanks
  8. Busy replacing the rear drop links (stabiliser connecting rods) and noticed a difference between each side. On the nearside where the drop link attaches to the Stabiliser bar is a small bracket with a couple of small linkages which attach to a rubber bung type thingy. My manual doesn't show this arrangement and was wondering if any others who have struggled with this rotten little job may know what it's all about?
  9. I'm no expert but if it sounds as though it's originating from the back end it's probably the two drop links chirping. It's a common problem on the Z and the fix seems to be to replace them. You can get modified drop links from Clark Motorsport which apparently last a lot longer. Hope it helps
  10. Nice job Chris. I'm feeling like Band of Brothers reading your post, we've been through hell together ha ha. I've ordered some of those redesigned drop links from Clark Motorsport and will fit them instead. Just got to get the other side off in the morning so I'm borrowing next doors dog so I can kick F--- out of it when I'm finished ha ha
  11. Now don't laugh but thought I'd take off the rear drop links for a look see as I've got a bit of the old squeaks nd creeks. Nice day nd it'll only take an hour cos there's only a couple of bolts on each, easy peasy. Well 4 hrs later and I've just managed to get the near side one off. What a PIG. The nuts were rock solid. Managed to get the bottom ones off eventually but the top inner one decided it would be the one to spoil my day and rounded off the corners. The only way to do it was to remove the two bolts holding the bracket to which it was attached, another mammoth task as these were rock solid as well and limited access to get leverage. When I did get it off and into the vice it still wouldn't budge no matter what I tried, WD40, heat, hammers, WD40, screwdrivers, swearing at it, telling the wife etc etc. Eventually had to cut off piece by piece until it surrendered. The only enjoyable bit of the job was laying what was left of this little buggar on the garage floor and wacking it repeatedly with my mell hammer. Pity I've cracked the garage floor concrete though. Looking forward to doing the offside the morra. Ain't DIY great!
  12. I'll give FedEx a call. Any others anyone?
  13. Yeah, just read Alex's post so might give them a miss, but thanks for your suggestion
  14. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced courier service. Seen some bits for sale on the forum and need to make arrangements quick Thanks
  15. Dicky

    Rev Limiter

    Well let's hope it doesn't happen again. I've had no probs since and all seems just as it was. Let's hope it stays that way. Thanks all!
  16. Dicky

    Rev Limiter

    Hit the rev limiter the other day just as I was changing gear. Following this I was unable to select any gear and had to coast to a stop before being able to use the gearbox again. Is this normal ?
  17. Put mine in for some warranty work. When I collected it there was a chunk out of the wing mirror. Even though I had them check the car over for scratches etc before leaving it they still swore it wasn't down to them. Now like most here I knew every scratch on my car but they insisted the guy who did the work had completed an inspection report and had ticked it as already having damage. I told them anyone can place a tick in a box to cover their mistake but they wouldn't budge I eventually had to agree to a contribution to cost. Never been back there again and never will.
  18. How much did that set you back? Lots nd lots of £ £ £, but when you get to my age who cares, keep some for a rainy day nd spend the rest cos their could be something nasty around the corner. Lots of my mates and family gone, and others in trouble has taught me something. Everyone off on hol have a really great time.
  19. Us young ones are going Vegas in 19 days , going with 5 of my mates so us young ones are going to have a lot of fun í ½í± we're going for 10 days í ½í±Œí ¼í½ºí ½í²¶ Have a great hol, it will blow your mind. Oh and take asbestos swim wear cos it's hot, hot, hot 40c when we were there. Also saw the best sunset of my life from the Vanician looking over the strip.
  20. Try Clearwater beach it's beautiful and a bit further down "Johns Pass" near Maderia beach also moocha good nd cheap jet skiing . Enjoy your hol! Keep going south on the west coast, St Pete Beach, Pass-A-Grille, Fort Myers, Venice (great for finding sharks teeth) Bonita Springs, Captiva & Sanibel Islands are all fabulous and some completely unspoilt and almost deserted. Thanks for that, we're driving down the west coast starting this Sat and staying a few days in Naples before heading for Key Weast and spending a few days there. Will take your advice and check out and may spend a day or two trying to find a sharks tooth, how cool would that be!
  21. I was staying in Caesars palace, couldn't believe the size of it.
  22. Did that last year, leaving out the helicopter and bindings bit of corse. I might have had a go on a sledge but they didn't seem to hire any out in La Tania. Also my man bits retired so far up into my scrotum because of the cold I got a headache. Ha ha
  23. And you would swop it all for being young again .... Need a help up those stairs You got me thereYoung man!!!
  24. Got to keep in touch with the Z team!
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