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Mick Lucioni

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  1. GT Pack – September 2004 UK registered car with nice Z related number. 21k miles. Gunmetal with Alezan coloured leather seats / trimmed steering wheel / gearshift, 18â€
  2. So I'll just carry on and advertise elsewhere I guess, so maybe whoever in the forum wants a 350Z like mine will ultimately be the loser if they buy mine from a forecourt!
  3. Eh? I really cannot understand your viewpoint. I have bought things on e-bay, and I agree the rule of thumb regarding positive feedback may help in some cases., however your statement on "checking out" members really doesn't hold water though. But I guess as an administrator you hold the ace card. You can put any spin you like on whether I gain since I get a premium for a (free) private sale, or a buyer gains since they get a good car. In either case, surely you get more hits and interest on your site. But as I said, as a 350Z convert, and future convertible owner - if only you would get off your high horse, and give me the opportunity to offer it to like minded individuals. Then I would more likely advertise your site to others. As you state, it would be a little difficult to defraud a buyer for a car, as I am unlikely to post it to them! I cannot believe the naivity of members is really something you should lose sleep over. But neverthless, all reality all you are achieving is a split opinion in what content and rukles should be applied. I'm sure I will read your reposte wih interest.
  4. PS Nice red leather bag for sale, slight worn. Contact Mr G Brown, 11 Downing street.
  5. ... Although I hasten to add it was not you!
  6. Well after all, I am trying to sell my 350Z (advert blocked), but obviously could use Auto Trader etc, but hey! if you want a target audience of enthusiasts such as me then why not??? PS My car has Mobil 1 after fighting the dealer to fit at the last service - do you think they will appreciate this when I trade, I guess not. PPS I never even knew of the existance of this site until the other day, so everone was new once!! ... give us a break and if administrators want to guarantee reduction in active members please CARRY ON USING CAPITALS TO SHOUT AT MEMBERS!
  7. I guess this will be pulled. But since you seem to want me to get involved in the chat, just let me ask who gains from people advertising stuff when they are visiting this site - even only briefly. Surely everone gains. 350Z potential owners will gain, sellers gain - everyone gains. And so what if a few people come and go - you never know what their circumstances are, their access to a PC with internet connection and the like. I myself am trading from a coupe to convertible, and would much rather sell to an enthusiast than trade. So if the cars good and it goes at the right price to the right person ... who gains? Personally I think you should relax and take what comes ... after all isn't that what the internet was intended for?
  8. Here, I have a 350Z plate, on retention, from an old bike ... but I never got round to changing over from the my new stock plate GT54ZZZ ... but then as I am only new to this forum. I guess I'll have to offer it elsewhere! Moderators please note!
  9. I dunno what the fuss is about, unless you're playing at Indy Car racing Bridgestones are fine (unless your uncle works at the tyre factory)!
  10. Hope nobody has found the same problem, picture this ... driving home along the twisty lane (and bumpy, cos the Council are too busy spending their money on twinning trips), notice this rattling noise. Seems to be coming from around the dash. Try tapping and holding various bits - no difference - not recommended when a tractor is approaching round the bend! Only later found that my sunglasses - in the nice little holder were rattling away like something out of a spaghetti western! ... Solution ... a) Get new glasses. Only drive when it is sunny. But I'm sure there are others that you will undoubtoubly let me know!
  11. GT Pack – September 2004 UK registered car with nice Z related number. 20k miles. Gunmetal with optional Alezan orange leather coloured seats / trimmed steering wheel / gearshift, 18â€
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