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Everything posted by Sarnie

  1. This is me giving it some meguiars action: Cheeky focker :P
  2. of course you can make it, or else everyone will think these pics are a put up job PUT UP JOB Right wait there.................................
  3. Just found out that I have a footy tournament in London on 22/07/06 Maybe I could come up on the sunday on the way home
  4. I keep telling my girlfriend that I need on once a day
  5. Looks good mate! A lot of people don't like the fact that you can see the film but I have about 4 or 5 stone chips on this: I'm gonna get them sorted ASAP and then get the paintshield done. IMO opinion you have a choice: Stone Chips Or Film I know which one I'd rather see on my Zed!!! PS: How much was it?
  6. Don't you have to go to a massage parlour for one of those
  7. He obviously has no taste in music or car colours
  8. Should have checked out eBay, I got some for £6
  9. I suppose then it wouldn't be limited would it?
  10. It was an unregistered car as the initial buyer had to pull out so it sat on their forcourt till march this year
  11. Yeah I remember that. Someone said it was an aerial of some sort which sounded like a load of rubbish, so I just left it as is just incase. I'm sure someone will come along and inform us of how wrong I am
  12. Got it this afternoon and gave it 3 hrs NXT action!!!! Well happy What d'ya think?
  13. Ok Im confused How did you know about his grounding kit?
  14. I reset my mpg thingy when I bought my prvious zed and when I sold it, it was on 22 mpg which was mainly about town mile
  15. Sarnie

    UY GT4

    Bloody hell mate,,,, your sure up early When's the kit going on??? The kits already on matey!
  16. I should be able add myself to this list today
  17. I use the Gold Class Meguiars shampoo Id love to see the three step stuff in action
  18. Our cars are gonna look like @*!# in 10 years time cos of all those horrid stone chips
  19. Sarnie

    UY GT4

    I'm up already Just got to wait for the Mrs to get up I might start walking..........
  20. You now need to remove that german rubbish from your avatar
  21. My courtesey car the other day was a Note and the key was EXACTLY the same but I bet its cheaper to get a copy of one of those
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