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Everything posted by Sarnie

  1. Theres no need to even tell him he's a named driver
  2. If theres any chance of damaging my zed, I'm sure to find May give it a go, but my cars only 12 weeks old so might not actually see much benefit
  3. Bought some Megs detailing clay yesterday My only concerning is all the talk about 'marring' the paint I'm no expert and don't want to wreck my car How often should you clay the car?
  4. Best Advice: Put roof down. Sit in drivers seat. Drive off. Don't look back
  5. sorry yeah, front ony. Rears were EBC's
  6. What about the Jaguar 64? Rembember that
  7. Sarnie

    Nismo Kit Q

    Truely, a man of culture and breeding !! Yep:
  8. Fortunately its only about 40 for me Unfortunately I can't make it
  9. Last week I had a few hours to spare so I pulled into the Porsche Dealership on the A45 in Coventry. I'd just waxed the zed so it was looking I had contact with them about test driving a 3.2S Boxster before buying my previous zed. Got out of my car and wondered about. Wondered about for a bit longer. A bit longer. Actually wondered inside, straight past all the sales guys in their office doing **** all I assumed as I was in a decent car and wearing a suit they would be all over me wanting to offer me this and that WAS THEY HELL!!! I hung around for a while gasping at some of the prices and left without anybody even glancing in my direction! Why do Porsche dealership sales people feel that they don't have to do anything to sell their cars Their cars cost more than some houses but they are so arrogant its unreal If you go to a cattlemarket like bristol street motors etc and they fight each other to get you a cup of tea
  10. Thats cheaper than me and Im 26.. by around £130.. what insurance company you with? I'm 27 3 points and 3 yrs ncd and mine is £680 for my gt4 as well!!! 26, >5 yrs NCD, 0 points..... £930 ish with Tesco. I was with Tesco's for 2 yrs and they quoted me £1k for my standard zed Try RAC motor quoter Cheers for that, just had a quote online worked out at over £1000. Its not up for renewal for a while, so will try again then. Its amazing how much quotes can change over even small periods of time. I got a quote from Tescos on line in the morning, and then again in the afternoon.. and it had gone down. However it has also gone the other way and I have ended up paying more within a matter of days. Have you tried adding a ladyfriend to your policy?
  11. Quality another Brummy I live in brum and my insurance is under £700 with the RAC. Whereabouts in brum are ya?
  12. Sounds like the guy/dealer is adding a premium for the wheels and kit. As mentioned before, these count for not a lot when reselling. I sold this for £19k recently: The car you mention is a MY03. For that money you could have the latest version. Depends what your priorities are If you would actual buy the kit and those wheels and stick them on a zed you bought, you may actually save money buying the car mentioned. All depends on your budget and whether you defo want a newish car
  13. Thats cheaper than me and Im 26.. by around £130.. what insurance company you with? I'm 27 3 points and 3 yrs ncd and mine is £680 for my gt4 as well!!! 26, >5 yrs NCD, 0 points..... £930 ish with Tesco. I was with Tesco's for 2 yrs and they quoted me £1k for my standard zed Try RAC motor quoter
  14. To be fair, eBay isn't always the cheapest place to buy products! I bought some of the Megs Clay Bar today from Halford for £11 and most of the eBay retailers are selling it for £14+ inc p+p Conversley, got a Megs Water Magnet Towel for £7.50 off eBay Still not sure when I should be polishing : I hose it Shampoo it Dry it Apply the wax Buff the wax
  15. Why Hope you don't feel proud about that My zed cruises at about 3250 rpm @ about 80 mph and find this the best speed to conserve petrol. On my journey back down from Newcastle to brum I used less than half a tank and did 211 mile!!
  16. Thats cheaper than me and Im 26.. by around £130.. what insurance company you with? I'm 27 3 points and 3 yrs ncd and mine is £680 for my gt4 as well!!!
  17. He'll be lucky to get that sort of dosh for an 02 import
  18. Sarnie

    Nismo Kit Q

    Nismo far 2 common but so pretty.... I agree!! There ain't many zeds out there let alone Nismo ones
  19. Can you make your sig a bit bigger for me please? Its not quite filling my screen yet
  20. So do you use the microfibre towel to dry or to polish or both
  21. Whats the difference between a drying towel and a microfibre towel? What do you use the microfibre towel for?
  22. Aye..... "once in a while" Maybe I should rephrase that: Once in a very long while
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