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Everything posted by Sarnie

  1. Yeah but don't forget its rarer than usual cos its got the Nismo kit You know it makes sense!
  2. Apparently there was a few people left in the UK that did'nt Sarnie, its a competion for photographic quality, you'll have to get rid of the old instamatic camera to stand a chance Its a disposeable actually
  3. That's another fine mess you've got me into Sarnie D'oh
  4. Apparently there was a few people left in the UK that did'nt
  5. This has to be the winning entry as its the rarest zed out there!!!: I'll PM you my address to send my prize to
  6. WTF? I think we all know whose surname ends in elli Fabrizio Ravenelli? Gino Ginelli?
  7. Nail & Head come to mind. The more we share the more we learn! Yup! I post in both places but refuse to pay the 'membership' fee. If that was the only place to get the info then I would pay it. Unfortunately for you guys that means that you know have me to harrass you
  8. I think your sig is a great place to start!!!
  9. Chill Val Hope4sun probably doesn't know (or care) about the history of the two sites and posted the link innocently
  10. Thats a beauty, reminds me of my previous one! Lovin the rims What are they? One suggestion though, buy one of these!!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HONDA-S2000-CAR-A ... dZViewItem
  11. Great minds think alike No No NOOOOOOOOOO Not such a bad thing really
  12. Great minds think alike
  13. Erm... could live without it. Gets very confusing when more than 2 people are posting and answering each others questions etc etc
  14. Sarnie


    I'm flogging me cradle and a JDM owner asked me if it would work in his zed. Having never been in an import I thought I would put the question to you highly knowledgeable guys......
  15. That was some intense chat
  16. Sarnie


    No , not unless fitted as an extra Why? are you swopping again?, mind you youve had it a couple of weeks I suppose! Bored of it now. Won't be happy till I have owned every colour Wash your mouth out lad Starting to come round to the Azure......
  17. Very civil of you Dorian, but no you cant get rid of me that easily...I feel quite at home here now
  18. Why's that? Because I was in birmingham at that time. No sh*t!!! I also said Gm not Canary I thought it stood for Great Motor!
  19. Why's that? Because I was in birmingham at that time.
  20. Not if I do it from a different IP address are you sure? Yup
  21. Not if I do it from a different IP address
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