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Everything posted by Sarnie

  1. I thought the Roadsters didn't have hands-free? It doesn't
  2. OOOh this is good!!! Sarnie, can you make your sig bigger, it's not completely filling my screen yet Its virtually the same as chesterfield's Do you get broadband up north? I seem to recall someone having ago Neo will back me up!!! You've lost me! here you go, hopefully this will refresh your memory http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... ght=screen Nope still no idea
  3. OOOh this is good!!! Sarnie, can you make your sig bigger, it's not completely filling my screen yet Its virtually the same as chesterfield's Do you get broadband up north? I seem to recall someone having ago Neo will back me up!!! You've lost me!
  4. Its not the key that is important, its the car it goes into
  5. OOOh this is good!!! Sarnie, can you make your sig bigger, it's not completely filling my screen yet Its virtually the same as chesterfield's Do you get broadband up north?
  6. SUPERB!!!! I have at last made a tangible contribution to the site Can't wait for the change to be implemented
  7. Surely it can be fixed as on the otherside unread threads are clearly indicated with square
  8. Title amended I appreciate that it may happen on other sites but over on the OC the little squares tells you if you have read the thread
  9. Mainly cos its soooo addictive but one thing reeeeeeeallllllyyyy pee's me off. When I log on and click view new posts I can see all the wonderful threads I can (crash ) add my valuable experience too The problem comes when I just take a quick peeps at the site and all the new threads to be read. Sometimes I don't have time to read them at the time and decide to read them when I get home or later on. When I come to do this and click the new posts they have all disappeared as if I have read them!!! The only way to find any unread stuff is to trawl through every category and sub category to find each and every one. Even then the all the little zed emblems go light grey so its very difficult to find anything unread. At least on the other side ( ) they have a little square next to the thread title indicating that there are post that are unread within this thread Can we not have something like this? Or a facility to search for any unread posts within the last 3days etc etc
  10. Been neglecting my zed of the last week or so so I thought a bit of meguairs action was needed! I bought some of the megs claybar stuff and a megs water magnet drying towel. This is what the front of my car looked like this afternoon: My very own portable fly swat!!! So I started with a thorough rinse, and then shampoo'd it with megs gold class shampoo, followed by another rinse Next I dried it off with the water magnet and all I can say is WOW! That drying towel is awesome, made it totally effortless!! Can't believe I have been using a shamy all these years!! Moved onto the clay bar and had a bit of a nightmare. I couldn't see where I had sprayed the detailer and kept rubbing the clay over the dry bits Couldn't be bothered to carry on with it so I put it back in the garage never to be seen again Cleaned the alloys with Meg Hot rims and Megs Endurance gloss for the tyres: Before: After: Then applied 2 layers of Megs NXT to get it looking like this: One very happy bunny PS I know you've seen my zed a trillion times before but at least there is a (tenuous) reason for it this time Before
  11. Did you not tell him you were driving a UY GT4? Tried to but couldn't catch him to tell him
  12. Sarnie

    Rear Tyres ?

    You can't move the fronts to the back
  13. Just coming off the M69 in Leicester spotted a Blade JDM. It was bare back ( no OE spoiler) and weirdly he had took the 3 5 and 0 digits off the rear and left the Z there on its own, kind off just floating on its own Flashed and exchanged waves tho :bye: At the next set of light a mean looking skyline pulled up next to me at the lights. He was revving it loads trying to goad me into a bit of a race. I don't know a great deal about Skylines but it just looked bloody fast, so I didn't bother trying to compete! . Had a GTR bagde on it iirc. Needless to say he took off from the lights leaving about 3mm of rubber on the floor
  14. Thats a beauty, reminds me of my previous one! Lovin the rims What are they? One suggestion though, buy one of these!!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HONDA-S2000-CAR-A ... dZViewItem sorry mate not keen on nismo kit, nice car thou, do you take it to the limit, Iwas'nt talkin about the Nismo Kit!!!!! Read to listing properly as it is for a new aerial not a body kit
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