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Everything posted by Sarnie

  1. yeah sarnie your from venus about time... Incorrect....Birmingham same as More like Genoa
  2. Would do, but putting them on my car would be like fitting a Nismo body kit Surely those rims have to go
  3. Nice try but no cigar Not yet, but soon How soon? http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2967 Don't tell him Sssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  4. Here you go: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/19-Nismo-LMGT4-fo ... dZViewItem
  5. Nice try but no cigar Not yet, but soon How soon?
  6. yeah sarnie your from venus about time... Incorrect....Birmingham
  7. Not in my zed though and thats what counts Is that why you sold your kuro Just fancied something different! My zed is a beaut by the way bit of a pissy colour GET SOME NEW RIMS! Then you can join the big boy club no mate your club is the HEAVY WHEELS club Better than the I'm too stingy to pay for RAYS club
  8. just turn up, mate but where are you going to park your car? I dunno? If there is no room on the stand I'll just have to stick it somewhere on its own
  9. Not in my zed though and thats what counts Is that why you sold your kuro Just fancied something different! My zed is a beaut by the way bit of a pissy colour GET SOME NEW RIMS! Then you can join the big boy club
  10. Not in my zed though and thats what counts Is that why you sold your kuro Just fancied something different! My zed is a beaut by the way
  11. not where i come from Mars does not count as the uk And where are you from?............. Uranus No..... earth
  12. Not in my zed though and thats what counts
  13. just don't start drinking stellataxibeater My name isn't Dennis Wise don't worry mine is Blatant liar Liam Dennis Wise
  14. Like what? you wetting the bed Doesn't happen Often
  15. just don't start drinking stellataxibeater My name isn't Dennis Wise don't worry mine is Blatant liar
  16. BUMP PS Everone forgot to say how shiny my zed was
  17. 3.1 miles or 6 minutes If your driving Miss Daisy How can I shorten 3.1 miles Drive quicker. 60 mph would get you there in 3 mins
  18. 3.1 miles or 6 minutes If your driving Miss Daisy
  19. Change of plan now! I'm going to london tomorrow night, footy tournament on saturday and then JAE on saturday afternoon/evening and then pre-season training on sunday
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