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Everything posted by Sarnie

  1. Its the dreaded clicking Dealer for you....
  2. Whats the harm? 1) Its against the law 2) Its dangerous 3) If someone ploughed into a car with your wife and kids in it at 160 mph, would you then be so dismissive
  3. Likin the side vent stickers as the metal ones are a pain in the arse
  4. Still not sure about that bumper Lovin the rims and the skirts
  5. loads of pics here: http://jae-peterborough.blogspot.com/
  6. Autotrader is ok but there is lots of competition on there eBay is a fantastic place to get loads of interest, but people on eBay seem to want to buy your car for £4k less than its worth Pistonheads seems to attract more enthusiast, less competition and its free PS The guy who bought my zed was actually of eBay so its not all that bad
  7. Correction, I did drive like a hooligan at the age of 17
  8. We don't need one!!!! Always someone on here to correct your England No spelling mistakes in there well done
  9. You have bluetooth integration. I have bluetooth integration. Anyone with a uk zed has blue tooth integration. What you don't have is the bluetooth cradle to utilize it, which is an optional extra from nissan
  10. What happened to you bollocks??? I took allot of sh*t on my own this weekend But I gave as good as I got No way I could fit it in!!! I was gonna come up after football yesterday but when I was coming up the M1 yesterday at about 2pm it was absolutely pissing down so I gave it a miss!!!
  11. Can I just clarify that not all Liam's drive like hooligans!!!
  12. Been missing the site you whores?????????????
  13. Sounds a bit like my Kuro that I sold recently. It was a 53 plate with 32k miles and it had to go for £19k. I had it in the the autotrader for £19850 and didnt get one phone call. However it was on PistonHeads and had loads of interest from there. I agree with some of the previous comments that you may need to sell at about 14k to attract people to ignore the mileage.
  14. I know if may have been posted elsewhere but what is the address for the JAE so I can stick it in the sat nav thingy?
  15. What disappearing posts? He was saying something about ugly yellow Zs... I don't believe that
  16. lol all 64 posts of ya Why do'nt ya come on here more often?
  17. It was 72 hours to be precise. Go on change it....Think of the bandwidth you ll save with 72 hours of silence from him.... Beeen there, done that!
  18. It was 72 hours to be precise.
  19. Jealousy will get you no where.
  20. Eh? I'm innocent of all charges!
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