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Everything posted by Sarnie

  1. How do you do that? Or is that a whole new thread you never look at the DIY guides section of this forum, do you? DIY brings me out in a rash, so no well then you deserve to be abused Give you that one
  2. Obviously didn't bargain on 400+ BHP
  3. If he could get the £450 off the agreed price,to paintshield it then maybe it might be worth it
  4. More importantly whats the crack with the wheels?
  5. guess who put him forward for the job? so is this going to sleep until P15 hears news from this duxford place? Having never organised anything like this I'm sure it takes plenty of time, give him a chance If your eager for us all to get together, name a field, a date and I'm sure we'd get at least 10 zeds. It does'nt even really have to be a typical meet as such. We could find a go karting centre, razz the karts about for an hour or two, and then have a drive out to a pub in the country somewhere that could accomadate our lovely motors Or something like that. The trouble is, you will never satisfy everybody
  6. Still gibberish i'm afraid
  7. I reckon at least one index finger is always on the keyboard
  8. Mine is a Spill grounding kit and I love it. I would advise anybody to drive your car for at least a month or two before adding a grounding kit so then you will feel the benefits of it!
  9. How do you do that? Or is that a whole new thread you never look at the DIY guides section of this forum, do you? DIY brings me out in a rash, so no
  10. But do you really want a resprayed zed knowing that it was previously damaged? The only way I would accept it was if he took at least £1k off the price
  11. Its easy to burn some one off if you catch them off guard, drop down a gear or two and leave them for dead. Its very hard to compare the merits of cars with massive variables such as drivers ability, conditions, traffic and drivers bravado. The only true comparison would be on a track with drivers of equal ability. I left a 911 Turbo for dead the other day but was he really trying?
  12. Walk away from it mate. Plenty more zeds out there. Do you really want a car that you spend half your time lookin at to see if the imperfections are visible to others.
  13. How do you do that? Or is that a whole new thread
  14. Lambo all day long for me But, the ability to chose between the two would also be nice
  15. Thats more like it But what does it mean?
  16. That was 16 words but cheers
  17. Cheers for that mate, appreciate it The only problem is, I'm a lazy ****er and just want to be told in 10 words or less if possible other wise my gold fish concentration span expires after 10 secs
  18. Sarnie

    Our cars

    Does Davros only sell silver or blue zeds?
  19. I found the difference massive Both my previous zeds felt very rough under low revs prior to the grounding kit being installed
  20. Just read 3 pages of this and WTF Excuse my ignorance but what does +30 actually mean/represent? And before somebody says it, I have read the previous posts, but I need someone to explain it in idiots terms
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