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Everything posted by Sarnie

  1. My cars yellow you know He He Why do I deserve it? This is a form of bullying you know not when its deserved
  2. My cars yellow you know He He This is a form of bullying you know
  3. My cars yellow you know But the car in your sig is black
  4. I don't remember getting one thats all
  5. You will have to have big pockets to pull that out of
  6. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I would say that as I recently swapped my black GT with alezan for a (banana) yellow GT4 Here are some pics of the interior which I loved
  7. Have you been dogging again? WTF you on about sarnie?? Are you not aware of what dogging is? Ask Stan Collymore No , enlighten me with your indepth knowledge Does Stan post on here them?? Yep, his username is 350zDogger Nah tried the search ...it just puts me on to Sarnie Would never go dogging in my zed. The missus' A3 maybe + it has a back seat
  8. I was eating, no fair. I must of thought of it first
  9. That was my thought at the time, when the guys at Nissan Birstall were pushing the system. I would however have argued the point if I had bought new and had this system applied only to get chips at a later date. I am pleased people in the know are happy to protect against theiving dealers! Theyre more Stealer than Dealer
  10. Err sorry mate but that a load of rubbish somebody has fed you! If stone chips were fixed under warranty we would all be there every week!!! I think the confusion may be that the Supergard guarantee's that you won't need to wax or polish for 10 yrs, but it does not protect the paint. More importantly we are gonna have another UY GT4 amoungst us
  11. Have you been dogging again? WTF you on about sarnie?? Are you not aware of what dogging is? Ask Stan Collymore No , enlighten me with your indepth knowledge Does Stan post on here them?? Yep, his username is 350zDogger
  12. Still waiting.......................
  13. Have you been dogging again? WTF you on about sarnie?? Are you not aware of what dogging is? Ask Stan Collymore No , enlighten me with your indepth knowledge
  14. Not really just rimming And bukarki which is spelt wrong, I know Bukaki is a proper good laugh if you can get a willing/drunk participant
  15. Ok ok. I give in. Still pointless though. Just buy a clipper for 20p
  16. Not really just rimming
  17. Sorry, I don't smoke. Whats wrong with matches?
  18. Have you been dogging again? WTF you on about sarnie?? Are you not aware of what dogging is?
  19. Have you been dogging again?
  20. Not to my taste but hey i've got a yellow car so what do I know?
  21. serious go faster additions, good for another 10-15bhp at the chip shop I like my tat but that is
  22. Is your system DVD based? I have an MY06 with Birdsview and I am fairly certain that it came with a European DVD, not looking to sell but might be able to lend it to you if your disc works in mine so I can keep using it thanks , thats very nice of you, but i would like to buy one, thanks again kev Why don't you borrow it, copy it, give it back
  23. Cheers for the BEFORE pics, where are the AFTER pics?
  24. thats the reason why Custard Boy is so apt then Don't you start, your supposed to be neutral
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