no .., a bit flippant my last reply... because every winter I really need a four wheel drive, I have quite a steep drive to my house and most normal cars wouldnt make it, if there was snow or ice on it plus the fact its a gravelled drive doesnt help. Also I do a bit of shooting so need something to go off road thats not too expensive so I dont ming rattling a gate post or two with it and having wet dogs etc messing up the interior.. and a cheap Ford Explorer fits the bill this season.. With the heater working . Last season it was a Jeep Grand Cherokee, season before a Range Rover...
That was the answer I was after. Just a reason why thats all. No need for the prior answer IMO.
IMO theres no need for 90% of your answers to posts or are you trying to draw me ?
Why do you then Usually 10 secs afterwards!!!
I may have a yellow car but I like girls unfortunately
You sure
Yep. I think........