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Everything posted by Sarnie

  1. Very true but for some reason it never adds up like that. If you stuck your stuff on eBay my bet would be that you would get more money separating it all. When people buy a console usually all they want is the console, any games is usually a bonus. I would'nt pay £400 cos I don't particuarly want each and everyone of those games you have. I would be looking at £230 for the console tops and then £20 each for Ridge racer, ghost recon and tiger woods totalling just under £300. The other games, to me, would be worthless. At the end of the day I'm sure there may be someone who wants ALL of those games and is willing to pay the dollar your looking for
  2. Understandable mate but your thinking of the money you paid for it all NEW. Second hand prices are always gonna be around half or less of what you paid unless what your selling is in high demand with limited supply. Unfortunately there are dozens of people undercutting each other on eBay, which is the main place to buy anything like this really Before anyone says why didn't you buy yours off eBay, I just HAD to have mine this weekend and was prepared to pay the extra dollar for it
  3. Thanks for that Sarnie!!! Don't think the boy's noticed that Anytime mate
  4. Consoles are going for about £230 on eBay. Games are going for less than £20 each. What you have to remember is yours is second hand, not brand new. I'd have considered it but for no more than £300.
  5. You have to watch these Italians. Women dig the lingo
  6. Just bought it on eBay for £16 I also have the whole of next week off work
  7. That would depend on how much you want for yours
  8. Obviously you will have one less post to read
  9. this is what was happening before mate... No it didn't
  10. WHERE WAS YOU YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Spent £315 yesterday on a brande new one and PGR3
  11. So does this mean that If I don't log on for a month (as if) when I come back and click view unread posts that potentially I could have 20 pages of unread stuff?Hope so Can I also just remind everybody that this was .....ahem.... MY IDEA!!!! 1 good idea from 1000 posts is not a bad ratio really
  12. Have you played Ghost Recon? Is it any good?
  13. Yeah but it looks purposely blurry. If you know what I mean It actually looks like an effect rather than looking like he was running when taking the photo
  14. Anybody else got one? I bought one yesterday along with PGR3!!! Been out today and bought Tiger Woods as well Anyone play either of these online and fancy a spanking?* *Not literally Lomoto, liam Z or The Minel
  15. What the hell is pearl gold? I think he means Rust
  16. There are always strange happenings around here.....
  17. Is that a grounding kit installed already?
  18. $120 + $35 p+p. No import duty charged wait till the courier sends you the invoice Not had any invoices for anything I have bought from the US in the last two years
  19. Have you got a bigger pic Lomoto?
  20. Why, I gotta have some perks of the job!?
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