How much for a 350 in just a standard wrap i.e. solid colour
Still browsing through prices at the moment, dont want to do silly price like some garages. The ones ive been to is about 1,5-2k and their job was absolutely w**k, so i'd be most likely doing the same price for better finish as the customer should be getting.
If people are looking at getting car wrapped, but not by me, PM me and ill let you know the 2 garages that were appauling.
Errr........I was enjoying reading this thread about someone starting up a business from scratch and providing a better service than the supposed pro's.......until I read the above post.
I have no idea how you think you are going to be able to justify charging exactly the same as established business' when you can't even provide your own canopy if you have to go to the customer, irrespective of the quality of your work.
Do you have some kind of professional indemnity insurance? What if you totally destroy someones paint? What if you need to move someones car and crash it whilst doing so?
You may have all of the above sorted but you've not mentioned anything like it in your posts. The big company's may charge £1.5k to £2k but they also need to cover things like insurance, premises, staff, VAT, materials and still try to make a profit. From your posts, it seems like your gonna do it in someones borrowed garage and just wing it. Simply saying you'd refund me wouldn't be enough for me. I'd happily let you do some small interior pieces but not a whole car and certainly not for the same price as a professional.
I personally think that this site also needs to consider it's position in allowing you to trade here knowing that your not even remotely qualified and only vaguely experienced at the moment.
I don't want to rain on your parade intentionally but I don't think that a lot of thought has been put into this you or the people that have ok'd allowing you to offer specialised expert services on this site, that your not qualified to do.