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Everything posted by jim

  1. I'm just learning to use photoshop at the moment, and I'm interested in how you did that. Did you use the clone stamp tool to remove the figure?
  2. It is a fact that blokes put weight on too when their partners are pregnant, and quitting smoking doesnt help either Oh well.... im on my computer in the hall and theres a fly that keeps flying at full pelt from the lounge then above my head and hitting the mirror above me repeatedly...can't believe its not knocked itself out??!! I guess what im saying is im better off putting on a few pounds then being the fly... I need to to bed soon im talking rubbish I'll have a pint of whatever he was drinking, please.
  3. Reminds me of the story from my home town (Dundee). Overheard when a bloke is ordering a couple of meat pies, who then remembers his pal likes onions in his, so added, "An' an ingin 'in an a'..."
  4. Likewise - seen some of them before but not the complete set.
  5. Just out of interest - how much to supply a K2?
  6. Was it Stainless Creations in Falkirk that you used? If so, they do very good exhaust work and can be recommended for a variety of other work, too.
  7. Not at all - the stickers make no difference to the operation of the vents.
  8. I already have a permanent install of an older sat-nav in the cubby, and it works well. It's a Mio - made in Belgium. However, I am thinking of upgrading to something with widescreen that will fill the cubby better and have a more up-to-date interface. Like you I don't need traffic updates etc., just a basic unit for occasional use. I have been considering this unit - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Navman-S100-Sat ... 909&sr=8-4 It looks good and has very clear maps. I haven't heard the sound output, though, so can't comment on volume, clarity etc.
  9. I am looking to purchase a 1Tb hard drive for my iMac, mainly for Time Machine backups to store a large collection of photos and music. I have considered the Apple Time capsule, but at £230 it's a bit steep, considering I don't think I need the other facilities it offers such as wi-fi networking, server-type storage etc. Having said that, we also use a Macbook, and I can see that there might be advantages in terms of file transfer between the two computers, even though the Bluetooth system seems to work quite well for that. I have looked at a couple of others, such as the LaCie Poulton 1Tb (£110 from the Apple Store, but £72 from Amazon and others), the Freecom Classic 1Tb (approx. £100), the Iomega Minimax at £120, the Iomega Ultramax at £130 and Western Digital My Book at £130. All of these get a mixture of very good reviews and the occasional howler, making it very difficult to judge what are the most reliable products. Do any of you have any experience of these drives, and can you advise me of any to avoid altogether? Thanks in anticipation.
  10. Another great write-up, Colin. Some great photos, too, especially the ones of Eilean Donan and Glencoe.
  11. What a great trip, and a really enjoyable write-up. Well done to you both!
  12. That's a very charitable view to take. I'm afraid I'm more cynical than you!
  13. I've been wondering about trying that for about 6 months now, but hadn't got up the courage to try in case I made a mess of it. I'll be interested to see how you get on.
  14. What an absolute tosser!! These people really drive me wild, and I always check very carefully before driving off to see if there are any marks on my car. Luckily you got away with it this time.
  15. jim

    This is stunning!

    Good for you, Jay. I really like that colour so I'll look forward to seeing it in a few months time. When are you off to Oz?
  16. jim

    This is stunning!

    Seriously, Jay? Have you picked the colour you're getting? Is it Candy Apple Red?
  17. jim

    Desktop Wallpapers

    Haven't seen those wheels before, and they appear to be 18" at the front and 19" at the rear?
  18. jim

    Michelin Tweels

    Anybody else seen these?
  19. Well done, Stew, for organising what was clearly another very successful weekend, despite the weather. Only wish I could have joined you. Maybe next year.
  20. Wonder how the weather is for them - it's not great here in the central belt at the moment.
  21. Back on topic - it sounds from your original rant that this is not just about cars and the Z. It's also about general attitudes and about what things are important to you in life. In fact, it sounds as if you are growing up and your mates are not, and it might be a good time to seek other friends who share your enthusiasms and don't need to be going back to the same pub all the time in order to have a "good time". Just my tuppence worth - feel free to ignore an old man.
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