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Everything posted by jim

  1. It says they come in 9J and 10J widths.
  2. That's the one! He's a lucky barsteward then.
  3. Thanks, Stew. Looks like this is the one for me then.
  4. BUMP - still can't decide on this - anybody? http://www.screwfix.com/prods/38209/Cle ... 1-7kW-240V
  5. This has been asked before, but I don't think we ever got a positive answer for the JDM models. I thought about getting an RAC one from Argos, when they were on offer last summer, but was put off by the fact that nobody could confirm that it would work.
  6. Good one. I noticed the boys in blue giving it a good look over as they drove past in their Beemer. It was an F430, not sure if it was the Scuderia or not.
  7. No - it was red, parked outside the art store in Queen Street, with a Saltire and an Italian Flag on the number plates (private reg).
  8. A convertible heading west along Cadogan Sreet and a coupe parked up in Queens Street. Around 4.00 - 4.30 pm. Also saw a new Ferrari and a Maserati in the same street. What recession?
  9. jim

    Toyota FT 86

    Thanks, Stew. It's easy when you know how!
  10. Might have been D13vyl - he was out and about at the weekend.
  11. jim

    Toyota FT 86

    I tried and failed. How do you do it?
  12. jim

    Toyota FT 86

    What do you think - are Toyota on to a winner with this?
  13. Check the slideshow - look like radials to me.
  14. My JCB washer packed in at the weekend, so I'm looking to replace it. I mainly use it to snowfoam the car and occasional garden furniture and paving cleans. I was thinking about getting this one, after reading some of your posts recommending the Nilfisk-Alto brand. Any thoughts on this one? http://www.screwfix.com/prods/38209/Cle ... 1-7kW-240V
  15. What a great restoration job. I sometimes wish I had the time, patience, cash, skills and knowledge to do something like that. What a sense of satisfaction it must bring to see the results of all that hard work. Have fun with the car, Tim, but watch it on roundabouts!
  16. It's coming up for 4 years now, and I still smile every time I look out and see it sitting there. I know what you mean about wanting the latest model, but when you've waited as long as I have to own a car like the Zed, which not only looks good, but performs as well as you can normally use on our roads, there comes a point where you decide to hang on to it rather than trade on so soon.
  17. I find it hard to understand why someone would be trading in a car like that after such a short time of ownership. Especially when you consider what they must be losing in depreciation.
  18. Which dealer did you go to? I haven't seen a 370Z around here yet.
  19. in Stirling Road, Larbert. Flashed and waved - you waved back. Car looks great!
  20. +1 Would a smaller variation of the BMW shark fin design not look better?
  21. Or stick a note on his windscreen offering to buy it from him.
  22. Maybe should have added that she was using a private dual carriageway to get home.
  23. What exactly does that mean? And do you have to go to Abbey to get it done?
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