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Everything posted by jim

  1. Right you know I think I have that as well I get a strange urge to keep posting on this bloody site at all times No, that's just sad (and that's not an acronym). Jim
  2. jim

    Chrome Grill

    You'll need a hairdryer to warm the stuff up to get it nice and flexible. Also may be handy to have some superglue. Some members have had it lift off in the corners where it bends at quite an acute angle. Little dab of superglue and it will sort it aswell as sticking your hand to the grill Mike, when you fitted yours did you find you got enough surface area on the leading edges of the grill bars to get the chrome strip to stick? I have bought the 7mm stuff from Halfords, but have been wary about trying to fit it for that reason. At 7 mm it is certainly wider than the thickness of the grill bars. Jim Jim are you using flat section chrome strip or the U section strip?? I have the flat section strip. Like you, I wondered if there was a U - shaped version. Reassured by Mike's later post. Jim
  3. jim

    Chrome Grill

    You'll need a hairdryer to warm the stuff up to get it nice and flexible. Also may be handy to have some superglue. Some members have had it lift off in the corners where it bends at quite an acute angle. Little dab of superglue and it will sort it aswell as sticking your hand to the grill Mike, when you fitted yours did you find you got enough surface area on the leading edges of the grill bars to get the chrome strip to stick? I have bought the 7mm stuff from Halfords, but have been wary about trying to fit it for that reason. At 7 mm it is certainly wider than the thickness of the grill bars. Jim
  4. Entering St. Enoch's car park in Glasgow yesterday afternoon. Anybody on here?
  5. That can't be bad! I take it you are talking about the Toyos? Jim
  6. I've just used the Comma air con cleaner. It worked just as described and the car now smells much fresher. Only time will tell if it has a lasting effect. I'll let you know. Jim
  7. Hi. Anybody tried these? http://www.astrodoneps.eu Jim
  8. Posted too quickly there - tried again and it seems to be working now. Not sure what I did but Jim
  9. Couldn't find a cookie with that name, thoughthere were hundreds and I may have missed it. I cleared all files from the Temp Internet folder and started again as you advised. Still no cookie of that name, just GIF images, a couple of icons and templates. Still having to log in each time. Jim
  10. It's set to medium. While I was in there, I put this site into the "always allow" list, in case that helps. Jim
  11. Thanks Neil, I know what you mean about clearing the cookies etc., except I haven't done that for a while. Even so, I would have thought that by placing a check in the box at login that would trigger the cookie from the site? Maybe one of the moderators can help. Jim
  12. I have allowed pop-ups on the site. Is that what you mean? Jim
  13. Been meaning to raise this for a while - despite many attempts, I don't seem to be able to get the automatic log in to work. Any suggestions? Jim
  14. Sorry guys, I got the conversion wrong. The US capacity of 20 gallons converts to 76 litres. Jim
  15. I have just bought a tin of this cleaner at Halfords in Stirling. I'll let you know how I get on with it. By the way, I think there is more to this than just an odd smell. I noticed an odour during a longish drive on Friday when I used the aircon for a long period really for the first time since I got the car (an import). On Saturday I began to feel unwell and by Sunday had quite bad flu symptoms. It could just be coincidence but I'm going to use the cleaner anyway. Jim
  16. Any JDM owner managed to disable the really annoying beep when you engage reverse gear? Jim
  17. But why not get some 18" whilst your swopping tyres? Chris on here has a set for sale dirt cheap inc tyres? Do the 18" wheels fit directly to the JDM. or do you need spacers? Jim
  18. I'm assuming you guys are all on UK spec wheels. Any body with a JDM with the standard 17" wheels tried the Falkens or the Toyos? I am looking for a better wet weather performer than the Dunlop Direzza DZ101s which are currently fitted to mine. Jim
  19. My JDM came with a double DIN after-market head unit from Clarion (AddZest in Japan). The importer fitted an expander and I get good reception on all the stations I want. I couldn't get a CD for the SatNav and the DVD plays only NTSC discs (not PAL), but the CD player and the MD changer work fine so I'm keeping it in the meantime. The speakers are the standard units as far as I can tell but it sounds good. Jim
  20. Thanks Lew. That's good to know. Jim
  21. None of my fellow Scots picked up on this thread? I'm disappointed. Jim
  22. done it for you mate, have a look into your control panel and see where you were wrong Many thanks. The service on this site is brilliant. Jim
  23. Re. my previous posting - it obviously isn't the way to do it. How do I tag the image URL to make it appear? Jim
  24. I have added the URL (below) of an image which is in my album in the Gallery, in the hope that this will appear as part of my signature. Is this the correct way to do it? Jim http://www.350z-uk.com/gallery/albums/u ... /P4040009_
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