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Everything posted by jim

  1. The main reasopn I did nothing more about this at the time was that I have a JDM which has a reverse gear "beep" already. I couldn't stand the thought of two "beeps" going simultaneously! Anybody know how to disable the reverse "beep"?
  2. This appears to be a similar system to the one that I posted about a few weeks ago, but is a lot cheaper. It was the price of the other system that put me off, but this is maybe worth a try.
  3. Ignore that last post - I remember this being answered before in another thread. I think Spill said that it took about 45 minutes and you could do it yourself easily. The kit costs about £60, I think.
  4. How easy is it to fit? Can you do it yourself, or is it a workshop job?
  5. I thought quite a few members have Tom Toms which sit in the cubby and seem to work fine. I was thinking about getting one myself. Would this unit not work in the same way?
  6. jim

    Tonneau Cover

    I used some thin black material that my wife bought from a fabric shop -she's good at that sort of thing and finished it off for me. I checked out the price of the material for covering speakers etc. in Halfords and decided that was way too expensive. I used mdf to form the shape after cutting a template from cardboard. There is no need for a rubber strip around the edge if the fit is right - it just jams in and stays put. I have one of those non-slip mats on the floor of the boot which helps it to stay in place and also means that most objects don't slide around without the need for the luggage net.
  7. Hhmmm may want some to.. like this on here Sarnie?? http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/ ... 9127-JD35M If you like these you might as well go for the ones that light up with the brake lights! I'm tempted.
  8. jim

    Got the Time

    Not if you have a JDM.
  9. jim

    Tonneau Cover

    It sits in the larger arch towards the rear of the car and rests up against the smaller arch, more or less. I'll try to find the pictures I posted about it before and put them back up. Jim
  10. jim

    Tonneau Cover

    It's easy to make your own. And it does cut down road noise. how did you fasten yours in place Jim? I followed the design illustrated in that American website that featured in a few posts back in May. (www.350zpartitions.com) The result is a snug fit - you simply push it into place from the rear and it stays firmly in place. Mine has stayed put even after the golf clubs have bashed against it a few times! Jim
  11. My cheque arrived today as well. I'm also pleased with the service so far. from Mackay Trading in Edinburgh.
  12. jim

    Tonneau Cover

    It's easy to make your own. And it does cut down road noise.
  13. jim

    auto box oil

    The dipstick is right at the rear of the engine just in front of the bulkhead. Be careful, the stick is about 3 feet long and can be a bit awkward to get back in properly. Jim
  14. Yeh they are cool though, and they don't half know it! I remember a couple of years ago sitting at a cafe on the main square in Sorrento watching as a Fiat Cinquecento stopped right in the middle as it went up in flames. The driver got out, opened the bonnet and a couple of taxi drivers tried to help him douse the flames with bottles of water - totally without effect. Then the local polis arrived and took charge, pushing everybody out of the way and wasting time checking out the situation before one of them ran into our cafe, grabbed a fire extinguisher from the kitchen, ran out again and put out the fire with a dramatic flourish. He then turned round and took a bow as all of the punters at all the cafes and bars around the square applauded! After returning the fire extinguisher, he carefully checked his shirt and tie and his hair before going back to his car. Free entertainment, or what? I love Italy. Jim
  15. jim


    The main thing is to use dental floss or fishing line to slide under the badge after softening the adhesive with the hairdryer. Above all else, be patient or you will scratch the paintwork. It's easily done!
  16. jim

    auto box oil

    I think Stuey's original question was about not being able to find this gauge. I'm still not sure I can find it on mine.
  17. jim

    auto box oil

    That owners manual doesn't answer the question Stuey asked - it simply refers you to the dealer to check the auto transmission levels.
  18. I'll check it out after I get my cheque!
  19. I feel quite lucky by comparison. The importer agreed to order up the spare key from Nissan UK and pay for it and the coding. When the key arrived they passed it to me and arranged for me to take it to a Nissan dealer (Arnold Clark, Livingston) to be coded. They had some difficulty in getting the code, and I had to take it back after they had received the NATS code from Japan. That second visit was only a few minutes, though, and they only charged £63 all in. As arranged, I have passed the invoice to the importer and I am waiting for the reimbursement cheque to arrive.
  20. I can sympathise with this - I find it impossible to rest my elbow on the window sill. Mind you, I am a bit of a short arse so it's hardly surprising. Anybody managed to raise the seats in a Z? Jim
  21. Thanks again, guys. I'll get in touch with Holdcrofts soon. Cheers
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