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Everything posted by scoobylawGT4

  1. 47mph in a 40! can you believe it. Not just any old 40 it's big dual carraige way Slightly pi55ed off by it. can you tell!
  2. Nowt wrong with Flagging our own wheels up Cant belive you put them on a few hrs after mine, of all the luck! goodluck.
  3. very observant. But i aint got any of those badges for sale and i need to sell these wheels, so i'll leave it as it is.
  4. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-GT4-A ... dZViewItem
  5. All you need to have a hands free system. Nokia 6310 phone and Cradle, just fit sim a forget about it. Cradle cost £100 and phone cost similer back in 1909! £50 for both
  6. As with all Nissans you'll need to prepare for the worst. I struggled with mine, mint with under 9k onclock £22k
  7. Right, reading all the above has lead me to believe your all lieing just to make me jealous so i put it to Jacko to organise a repeat of this day (sun included) so i am forced to BELIEVE!!!! Very sorry i could not make it. Glad all went well and i hope to make the next one
  8. Cheers dude, will do when i get time. Only thing with ebay is all the bloody foreigners who email you offering to pay over odds if you send them watch to far off land, and their great weston union money is guaranteed!!!!!!!!!
  9. Are we of a group now that would welcome non Z drivers?
  10. "thanks for the heads up, but our drives are always within the speed limits" i know but i'd hate for some one to creep upto 45 in a 40 without realising!
  11. Cheers Digsy. Each to their own on watch choice. As it is with cars! that why people bought Vauxhall Tigras. Seriously only kidding, cool selection
  12. No problem guys PM me next time you run something similer. I'm away 3rd till 8th hence the no can do. Be carefull with writing the route as certain peeps who read this might have the the power that goes straight to head! and be waiting for 10+ cars to fly by and recieve 3points a piece. Have fun
  13. How much do refils cost, and what would that translate too per go/shot or what ever it is you call it when the magic switch is flicked!
  14. Cant do 7th, but should be ok for the 28th, No Z gt4, but will have something worth a drive though!!!
  15. http://www.goldsmiths.co.uk/bin/venda?e ... goldsmiths The above watch is sadley for sale. Never worn, still requires the links taking out to fit most people. 100% Genuine, has all cards, wallets and boxes. The watch costs £1575 in Jewellers. I'm open to sensible offers. As you know i've had to sell my car and these other luxerys have to go, not even had chance to wear this watch.
  16. Silver Disk holder, with Z etchin on back. Bought for £14.99 acept £12.50 inc postage... Brand New never used. Had to sell car before i fitted it!
  17. As above, £50 inc the phone (if i find it)
  18. Exchange your windscreen for a big magnifying glass, then you'll cross the finish line sooner (I think!!!!!!)
  19. My bike fitted straight in the passenger seat, no problem at all! Well i say no problem, she wasn't keen on the Yellow Paint at first but she grew to love it. Then i struggled to get her out. Now the cars gone the bike doesn't get out much, sometimes she'll walk to the shops but mainly stays in the kitchen or bedroom.
  20. Sorry mate, it went today at 3pm. I now have for sale the following: Full set GT4 wheels and brand new tyres Full set of locking nuts for above Floor mats (Genuine 350Z) with 350z logo (used for 8k) Phonr cradle to work with 6310 (and a old nokia 6310 to go with it) open to offers on above email me at scoobylaw@aol.com
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