Complete disaster guys. Some of you may have read that I slightly damaged the rear valance on a bump in the road the otherday cracking it through completly just below the left exhaust.
Well today something slightly more servere happened. Entering a retail park there is a small 'cattle' style speed hump. Getting over was fine, but on the descent I heard a huge scrape/bang and saw the rear bumper hanging off the driver's side in my rear view mirror
After inspecting it has pulled the bumper off the side (poss snapping brackets although this should be fixable) and slightly damaged the already broken bit further (again fixable) although I'm slightly worried it may have rippled the bumper where it joins the wing.
Then went to inspect this speed hump, it blatently hasn't been looked after, was bumpy, uneven and shows evidence that the down ramp has in fact been removed in the past culminating in a rather large sheer drop.
Went to seek the manager of Sainsburys, complained, filled out a form andf took pics with him - He was in fact very kind and helpful. They are calling me back tomorrow because he isn't 100% sure if it's owned by Sainsburys (in which case he says they will pay) or by the council high ways.
Fingers crossed this will be sorted quickly and I don't have to pay etc. Getting bodyshop to look tomorrow. Just gutted now, taken the shine off the car and I'm wondering if I actually want to keep it having to worry about it like this