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Everything posted by Nick_MSM

  1. My last car had nearly 200bhp per litre
  2. I have an ST, got xenons, bose, heated/leccy alezan but no cruise/steering controls or brembos Nothing wrong with it mate, just JDM's have different specs. Mines a 53 plate roadster.
  3. No it's hosted by my server, sorted it now the bastard thing Thanks for the help, managed to fix it myself amazingly
  4. 1 positive for me last night:- Joe Cole. Fantastic. Umpteen negatives:- Finally Sven's stupidity of taking 4 strikers, 2 of whom aren't fit, and one who hasn't started a premiership match is going to cost us. I think we'll scrape through the next stage but get knocked out in the 1/4's. Shocking.
  5. Doing my head in... ..Trying to sort out my email address, it currently sends emails fine but won't receive. I'm on BT internet, using outlook express with my own email address (non BT). Have entered the BT email/password etc in accounts but can't sort it, can anyone help?
  6. Thanks a lot for the links/help everyone will give them a good read over GOOD news, bodyshop think bumpers fine, and have quoted me £130 to fix it so it's booked in for next week. Will see what the retail park has to say r.e compensation - Fancy booking a holiday to New York soon so any contribution from them will be gratefully received
  7. Ride quality on my car is fine and it's lowered. Slightly harder ride but nothing too harsh and haven't noticed any effect in performance either (although it's slightly less prone to going sideways now)
  8. Thanks mate. I really think whoever owns it should be liable here, it deff. isn't in a satisfactory condition - There is clear evidence the downramp has been removed at some point, the top of it (bricks) is totally uneven etc. Once I'm in contact with the owner I'll ask for proof of when it has been checked/maintained, and failing that instructing my solicitor to proceed with action. I will take some pics and post here, things like this are a disgrace Have bodyshop coming today to look at car, praying it doesn't need a new bumper and can be repaired in which case *shouldn't* be too expensive. Fingers crossed.
  9. Complete disaster guys. Some of you may have read that I slightly damaged the rear valance on a bump in the road the otherday cracking it through completly just below the left exhaust. Well today something slightly more servere happened. Entering a retail park there is a small 'cattle' style speed hump. Getting over was fine, but on the descent I heard a huge scrape/bang and saw the rear bumper hanging off the driver's side in my rear view mirror After inspecting it has pulled the bumper off the side (poss snapping brackets although this should be fixable) and slightly damaged the already broken bit further (again fixable) although I'm slightly worried it may have rippled the bumper where it joins the wing. Then went to inspect this speed hump, it blatently hasn't been looked after, was bumpy, uneven and shows evidence that the down ramp has in fact been removed in the past culminating in a rather large sheer drop. Went to seek the manager of Sainsburys, complained, filled out a form andf took pics with him - He was in fact very kind and helpful. They are calling me back tomorrow because he isn't 100% sure if it's owned by Sainsburys (in which case he says they will pay) or by the council high ways. Fingers crossed this will be sorted quickly and I don't have to pay etc. Getting bodyshop to look tomorrow. Just gutted now, taken the shine off the car and I'm wondering if I actually want to keep it having to worry about it like this GUTTED.
  10. They can use mine for a large popcorn, tango and a packet of Haribo Don't want tickets, film is probably as good as the other two
  11. They are replacements mate, although mine didn't have any skirts in the first place. Maybe Val can enlighten more as he would have had the standard skirts on his?
  12. Was bored the other night so took these, have been busy polishing lately
  13. Nice bloke too, doesn't get the credit he deserves IMO - He later pulled over on the sea front to talk to people, how many celebs would do that? Was going to ask him to watch my car while I go for a drink - Maybe he'll buy a 350z and join the forum, should have given him a flyer
  14. Driving through Brighton last night, I spotted a huge Hummer with raised suspension etc and the number plate 1 KO - After driving past and around the round about it came flying up behind me and pulled along side. The window winds down and who's staring at me - Chris Eubank ''I like your car mate'' so I replied cheers, fancy a swap? (shame on me I know) to which he replied, '' I would but I have a small Willy and need the Hummer'' Had a quick chat while holding up traffic and off we went! Very amusing
  15. Andy, I did/do import cars too, although not many now as I'm too busy with the furniture + it's too much hassle now for the returns on imports!
  16. You want pic's of Liam naked?! Whatever floats your boat mate
  17. Being nosey here! What does everyone do for a job?? I run my own business selling retro/modernist furniture/abstract art http://www.retrosixty.co.uk and have been doing so for approx a year now. Anyone else run their own business etc? (Shameless plugs )
  18. Looks stunning, another ZR in the club better watch out you boring Coupe boys and girls
  19. You know I'm up for this Val, just bit tight for dollers at the mo but I'm sure me and Holly will be making an appearence shortly She might warm to the idea of me buying a drift car then
  20. I paid £620 for front valance, side skirts and rear valance to be fitted & painted to a good standard. As Val says anywhere between £500-700 is about right for a decent job.
  21. I know - More worried about my langauge when I spotted the damage Don't think the locals found it too clever
  22. Not actually sure, was driving along at about 25 on a bumpyish road and heard a loud scrape, pulled over and found that Not sure if it clipped a hump in the road, or even a rock although I didn't see anything untoward at the time! Will get it repaired, it isn't major just a bit gutting.
  23. Bad news - Managed to snap my rear valance too on the left hand side under the exhaust, really annoyed Can be repaired but really gutted, they are so low if I were to get another kit I'd go for something different IMO I got mine direct from Speed Racing thanks to Val
  24. Afraid not, will play havoc with the traction control I'd imagine. You need staggered wheels, I.E a 235 or 245 on front, and a 275/285 on the back.
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