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Everything posted by Nick_MSM

  1. When we talking mate? - Car hasn't been used for a while actually, been thinking of selling recently and getting something with rear seats doh And house is already furnished - I have that covered as it's what I do
  2. Cheers mate have emailed them, one just done road too
  3. Good cheers Andy, going to Holland over the weekend (not for whores sorry) - How's the car coming on? And hello Mike + Sarnie
  4. Need some ace business cards made up pronto (well with me by Thursday if poss!) Cheers
  5. Have no fear Nick is here, I haven't been abducted/sent to prison etc just yet sorry! Just been really busy and not had the chance to come online much Hows everyone doing??
  6. Not yet Steve, will pop over to Goodwood this week and check out local pubs etc - Thinking a Sunday in September maybe before weather gets bad?
  7. Just to clarify mine..9'' front and 10.5'' rear. The offsets are +26 front and +22 rear. No scrubbing lowered on Tein, fills arches nicely too. 245/35/19 and 275/30/19 toyo rubber.
  8. Nick_MSM

    My new Recaro's

    Nice looks good Had almost the same (if not same) seats in my Evo although the yellow was red.
  9. Feel for you, hope it gets sorted soon. Nissan Worthing are just as useless seems most people have problems with their dealers?
  10. I get this too, I've just resorted to getting in/out car jukes of hazzard style although I spent 5 hours in A+E last night with a broken jaw and arm after clipping the door and landing face first on the floor. (please note some of this story is not true )
  11. Nice, congrats & welcome to site
  12. Deff, will talk to him about it. Been tempted for ages, bout time I properly looked into it now and start to save
  13. Ring this place mate and ask how they did it (least your know then) 01903 203080
  14. Looks like an S/C then, don't fancy paying out that much for the T/T. Sorry Val just busy working mate so can't trawl through pages of info What sort of power do the S/C conversions run (bhp and torque) ? Was thinking I'd like around 450hp @ fly and obviously as much torque as poss.
  15. Really can't remember how it was done now but it was a simple job.
  16. I'm running a Bose system with Alpine headunit, works fine. IIRC it was just a normal Nissan loom that the local ICE place used. They are called xtreme and are based in Worthing, West Sussex if you want to give them a bell? Tell them they did the Alpine in the Gold Z roadster he will remember me
  17. As title really. Excluding exhaust, what else do I need apart from the conversion itself? cheers
  18. I haven't organised anything yet mate, I'm a lazy sod But seriously I'll sit down and look @ some dates/venues asap
  19. Nick_MSM


    They look good. Red Zed looks nice too
  20. Leave it with me, will have a look at the diary and see what I can muster up
  21. Off topic I know, but is the term 'how tight is that bird' a little ironic? Chances are she's looser than a snapped cambelt @ 7000 rpm Sorry couldn't resist. Try ebay - Lots of plates on there
  22. Sounds like a total t**t S2K's aren't the easiest of cars to handle on the limit though so sounds like he had a very lucky escape
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