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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. well done Awwwww, I like the warm with a sense of fun bit
  2. Yep, its a good deal If your suppliers manage to get any more stock in let me know
  3. Good link, Valerio, cheers dude there's an absolute raft of info on there - will need to have an hour or so to wade through I reckon
  4. Thanks Max, sounds like a decent price
  5. Good advice mate, I understand your point on the other non HD stuff - freeview though I'm not bothered about, I'll never use it. Sky is horrendous through anything unless its their HD stuff imo (yeah, like they aren't sending out a crap service to make people buy their HD box that bit sooner). Isn't it amazing how Sky always used to look pretty spot on till they got close to bringing out their HD offering?
  6. Thats really useful Louis, the problem in the shops is that they can't show you the difference cos they've got nothing that really makes full use of it. The PS3 will change that and I'm told if I go in the Sony shop next week they'll have it running through their splitter and I can see side by side - should be interesting. My main concern is paying a big chunk for something I'm not even going to tell but if you say that its a noticeable difference then its probably worth plumping for the p now?
  7. Thanks for the replies guys, but I'm not much clearer. Is the p a big song & dance about nothing really? The more I think about it, its really just a way for the manufacturers to milk a load of wedge (take Sony for example, was in there today and the difference is £600 on a 40in! ok it may do other things too but come on) out of people for a technology that isn't going to be fully realised for what - 5/10years by which time I will have replaced the thing anyway? Or am I talking b*****ks?
  8. Ok, as anyone who's recently been into an electrical shop will know all too well all this HD stuff is very confusing and I could really do with some help, please I'm getting a PS3 on Friday and I'd like to get full use from it so I need (apparently) full HD which is 1080p (as opposed to 1080i). The main difference as I understand it (other than the techy stuff) is that the picture on the p refreshes much quicker and is therefore much better suited for sports & games. Nobody can really tell you though what the actual tangible difference is, ie whether you can even really tell, so: (1) Do I really need to spend a decent chunk more wedge for this p business? (2) Can you tell any difference at all with it? (3) Does anyone have any recommendations of what is a decent buy (and I don't want to spend brewsters; £1500 absolute max but the lower the better, 37/40in, I don't need a receipt either ) If anyone can just sort out my very confused head (yeah, yeah I know thats normal anyway) I'd really appreciate it
  9. AndyC

    gadgets etc

    You need a light for that????? What you smokin dude?
  10. The simple answer is you don't mate. I'd say, and I'm by no means knowledgeable: (1) its not (or not as far as I know) all I know is it comes in the same box and its quieter. Have been told by people that have used it that you wouldn't want to watch a movie on the Xbox unit as its just too noisy, which makes it useless in my opinion. (2) your guess is as good as mine, I'm inclined to agree with Louis on the naming war thing, but on the flipside maybe blu ray will win for the same reasons - can people get their head round dvd/hd-dvd???
  11. No probs mate will do, I'll have plenty of experience of it by the end of this weekend Cables provided by manufacturers are always crap, far better off spending as much as you can afford on some quality stuff. Monster is generally pretty decent but you can get better - like I say get the best you can afford.
  12. Complete pain in the ass all that Sarge, hope its soon sorted for ya. Great letter btw
  13. My fitter managed to do them without scratching, I think it just takes some care & a fair bit of time - iirc was in there for about 3 hours
  14. Ah sod it, it looks like its just you & me Sinbad. Finally bit the bullet and ordered it last night, as I said to the missus when I got back in the car - that'll teach her for sending me in the video shop on my own Got plenty of mates with the Xbox but I'm with Sinbad, I'm also gonna be using it as a Blu Ray player etc. The HD add on for the Xbox is not only bulky but noisy and the overall cost of the 2 combined isn't far off the price of the PS3. The choice of games is a little limited, but the thing hasn't even launced yet, give it a month or two and they'll be tons out for it. Plus you're not gonna play/own them all straight away anyway so, for me, the limited choice of games at the moment isn't an issue. Also I've got a PS2 to trade in with a stack of games so its gonna work out just a little over half price. ROLL ON FRIDAY!!!!
  15. Alreet Jacko!! Good to see you around fella, look forward to seeing you on the drive..........
  16. It was mate but cos it was dark you couldn't see him through the rear window, hence I took the photo before i shut him in again. Drove 5 miles like that. I was obviously dead comfy, don't think Daz was tho, strangely he's not keen to do it again!!!
  17. £1250, 30 (at last renewal), 8yrs NCD, no points, garaged, no mods. Oh.............and a Salford postcode
  18. Thats good to know that the magic 25 brings it down a fair bit! Unfortunately not these days mate, it only really drops by a decent chunk at age 30. I'd say the biggest factor on that drop was the 0 no claims to 1yr.
  19. I win - 6ft 5in 15st!!!!
  20. BaT very good quality days and the cars are usually superb.
  21. Thanks mate......doesn't surprise me they aint cheap!!!
  22. I was described as a bapman so the scoring system is clearly right (although bums are VERY good too!!)
  23. John Dalton St Manchester, yesterday: 1 silver - about 3.30pm gave a nod but no response. 1 gm - just a bit further back in the queue at the lights, gave a little wave but didn't see any response. 1 azure (jdm) just pulling out from near Pizza Express around 5pm gave a flash, again didn't see any response. Either I'm going blinder or theres a fair few ignorant Z owners out there!!
  24. Ross, if you find a cheap one give me a shout - I need one too!! Have seen lomoto's in the flesh - looks very good against the sunset mate. Also Valerio now has an azure one that looks cool.
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