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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. Yeah PIAA wipers, the only way to go - bleedin brilliant!!! They supposedly last longer than normal rubber ones too so should pay for themselves. Thats the theory anyway, not had em on long enough yet to confirm.
  2. Dorian, generally on things like this its very hard to beat B&Q purely down to economies of scale. Their own brand stuff is pretty good and I'm sure it'd see you through at least a few years.
  3. Mate if you've got an offer for more than you paid for her, take it, thats not going to happen again. As Chesterfield says you could do a lot to a Z for less than £18k. Either that or pick up one already modded again.
  4. P1 regardless of what it has already had. Servicing @ 9k or a year whatever comes first. If its had more than that its only going to be a good thing but get the one that it should have at the correct interval if that makes sense.
  5. I'll send you a text mate (PM me your mobile) cos still not got my internet at home sorted
  6. Sweet, cheers dude Mods: you can lock this if you like, problem solved.
  7. Soz mate the bum one's didn't come out too well, but here's a leg one to give you an idea
  8. Sarnie you're a star mate, can you bring it on Sun? I'll buy ya a pint, in fact 2 - being as how you got em at the last run The black pearl will look luuuuurrrrrvvvvveellyyyy on yours, esp next to your pearl Z too!!
  9. LOL! Mate if I could get women cleaning my car like that every time I don't think I'd ever leave the flat. Well, obviously only to run the car round to the nearest field to get it dirty again!!! Besides which, they did a TERRIBLE job! But the baby oil bum prints on door & bonnet were worth it!
  10. Not for the post office no mate, they don't accept faxed insurance docs even if coming straight from the insurer.
  11. Yeah, the thought did cross my mind, but I kinda like it.
  12. Was round at my mates last week washing the cars, I was finishing off his wheels while he was drying mine off and the daft monkey has managed to snap off half my Z (from the model badge). When all is said and done its really not the end of the world and he has said he'll pay for a replacement (although I believe that when I see it!!) Anyway, has anyone got either the full badge or just the Z that you don't want anymore? Obviously I'm willing to pay. Worse case scenario I guess I can always source from Funky or someone?? tia.
  13. I've not bought brand new so I don't know but am I missing something here? Don't you just need the reg number - give that to your insurance company, ask them to start the cover from Friday. They send out the cover note either to you or directly to the dealership who can then go and tax the car on your behalf?
  14. Wouldn't worry about it mate, I doubt it makes any difference at all. Mine is still sat in the boot of the car as its never been fitted (although I'll get round to doing it at some point) for those prices I'd just leave it off.
  15. I know what you mean mate but I have to say that I think the majority of bikers are more aware of the road and other users than most drivers - they have to be or they're dead. Unfortunately, there are a minority that are complete muppets in much the same way that there are a lot of muppets behind the wheel of a car. But when you do come across them, its always
  16. As has been said before although it's clearly a pi** take I think £145 is a cheap price to get this all done & dusted. And you've done the sensible thing of getting him to sign the disclaimer. At least both yourself and the missus can move on without this hanging over you. U2 - was it a work car park? If so, I'd be inclined to report it to a manager. Oh and have a word with the jumped up little s**t himself - wtf getting his mum to fight his battles for him!!!!!
  17. Shocker that a bit of wind can cause so much damage, sorry to hear it mate. Insurance certainly sounds like the best route. Hope you get her sorted soon.
  18. Can't understand it in the dry unless he hit maybe some oil or possibly fuel? There seems to be a misunderstanding with some owners that this car is some sort of hotrod with 1000bhp+. It isn't going to spin 360 degrees in the dry without you being very, very, very silly. Worry not nixy, methinks there's more to this story than the guy is letting on.
  19. The place is called Fast Tyres in Bolton, 01204 532999. The guy you need to speak to is called Faz (the owner). I'm trying to get through to them at the moment cos I need some rears before the weekend. Let me speak to him first as (if he remembers me) he owes me a favour
  20. How was it fellas? Sorry I missed it, got Valerio's call around 8.30 but I'd literally just walked in @ home and was absolutely knackered!!
  21. Last year when I was looking at this, Kwik Fit on Bury New Road in Broughton would do it. Also ATS just down the road from there (near Strangeways) would also do. I ended up getting mine done by a place in Bolton, can't remember the name off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure I've still got their card in my desk at work - can it wait till Tuesday mate?
  22. Nice work Val, lookin good, be good to see in Wales - be better not in pics I reckon
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