What a FANTASTIC day!!!!! My missus well enjoyed it too which was quite surprising, I didn't even get told off for getting the back end out at every given opportunity, that said I did see her hands tighten on the seat and door handle quite a few times! But fair play, never one moan.
I was absolutely knackered by the time we got back to Chester services, I think at 1 point I lost the ability to speak!!
Thanks to everyone involved for setting this up, organising it, bullying people into attending, getting the pub sorted, keeping us all reasonably together, etc etc etc
It really was an awesome, awesome day and the look on peoples faces as 30 odd Z's went past really was priceless.
Great to meet a lot of new faces, sorry I didn't get chance to say hello to everyone.
I'll post a link to pics as soon as I get chance to upload em, will try to sort today.
In answer to Vals question - I was aiming for a bit more height for the shot, luckily he didn't take it about a second later when I ended up with 1 leg actually in the bin. Ah well........
Fortunately no casualties from the day either (except my brakes, I REALLY need some new pads now)