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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. Where's the big thick glasses smilie???? Reckon Jane's at Betsy was closer tho
  2. Great vid Beavis Look at all those plates on show though (bar one )
  3. We're all bored of that sound now after hearing it all day
  4. UK Nismo? Am i right in saying that the US one also dips slightly in the middle (for improved rear view I guess)? Just noticed slight difference between Liam's & Val's when side by side on the way home yesterday. Either that or someone has sat on your spoiler Val.
  5. Im confused Stuey I think Stuey fancies you Beavis.......
  6. You can't quite make out your big cheesy grin from that one though mate!!!
  7. Billy what you been smoking dude?
  8. Thanks mate. May have to get a couple sorted for a new sig, think its about time I had a bit of a change!
  9. Saw plenty of people filming us on their phones tho!!
  10. Def on for this! 1. M13KYF (5,19) 2. AndyC (5 def, 19 will confirm in next couple of days)
  11. Right, here's mine finally uploaded. Couldn't be bothered to wade through getting rid of rubbish ones so I've just got em all on there, snap happy as ever!! http://s65.photobucket.com/albums/h216/ ... 0Apr%2007/
  12. Nice job Ming makes a change to see one of them that doesn't look a complete dog
  13. Gutted for you mate, that sounds like an absolute nightmare day!
  14. Chris, you've got too much time on your hands!!
  15. What a FANTASTIC day!!!!! My missus well enjoyed it too which was quite surprising, I didn't even get told off for getting the back end out at every given opportunity, that said I did see her hands tighten on the seat and door handle quite a few times! But fair play, never one moan. I was absolutely knackered by the time we got back to Chester services, I think at 1 point I lost the ability to speak!! Thanks to everyone involved for setting this up, organising it, bullying people into attending, getting the pub sorted, keeping us all reasonably together, etc etc etc It really was an awesome, awesome day and the look on peoples faces as 30 odd Z's went past really was priceless. Great to meet a lot of new faces, sorry I didn't get chance to say hello to everyone. I'll post a link to pics as soon as I get chance to upload em, will try to sort today. In answer to Vals question - I was aiming for a bit more height for the shot, luckily he didn't take it about a second later when I ended up with 1 leg actually in the bin. Ah well........ Fortunately no casualties from the day either (except my brakes, I REALLY need some new pads now)
  16. Declare them without a doubt, as said before for wheels it will make little or no difference. Especially in this day & age when insurers are getting more and more advanced with all the insurance fraud that is around I wouldn't risk it.
  17. Yeah and if you switched 2 of them to fuel economy rather than performance you'd probably get around 100mpg too and a top end of 200mph++
  18. Rob thats a fantastic job you've made of the box, looks very professional and compliments perfectly . Reckon thats a bargain for someone. Unfortunately not me though, I'm potless!!!!
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